Ordinance 215 - Bonfires, Fireworks ProhibitedORDINACE XO, 215. UK AN ORDIVAICE 10 AMU SECTIOU 13 OF kaTICIAS 11 OF CHUTER V! CF THE REVISED ORDIKANC 5 OF THE CITY OF KITISFELL! RE- L17ING TO 7HE BUILDIEG OF BOUPIEZ51 �ND THE SHOOTING OF FIREARM,3 AND KINWORKS 1N THA CWT OF KALISPELL. BE !T ORDAILED BY THE CITY WYNCIL 02 THE WY OF KALISPELL, M07ANA, Section 1, That Section 13 of Article !I of Chapter VI of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Kalispell, Mortana, is heruby amendes so as to read as follows: Section 13. it ohall be uniaoful for any person to build bon- fires in any public strent, alicy, square, park or public place with- in thu City A HU!Wpeil WithOUt Spe&Q PeVVit in ritiany frcm the Chief of FoAce, nor without like popmit for a.y to-ch light process- ion to pEradc tho streets; and it shall be unlawful for any pnr�v­'' to discharge firearms, pistols, explosive cancs, set AP firecratkers, rackcts, torpedoes, or other explosives or fireworks within tho cor- porate limits of the City of Kalispell, Uontana. Section 0, ThA Rny peyson vloWting the provisions of Soo- , 4 , Win 1 of thle ordinance shall upon conviction thor�of be fink in any sum not exceoding 1­iuu,di.ed daila-,-s. Sention 3. ThiF ordinance sh&11 Qka effect and be in farce thirty days after its pa7sage and anproval. Pnusw and approvo: this 17th day of May,1910. AttesLae ,A,KenGall, W.C.Ihipps, City Clerk. Mayor. State of Mont,. na, County of Qathead, sn' City OF Kalispell, 11 H. 1, Kendnil, City Clerk of the City of Kalis- pell, Montana, do hereby nertify th&t an We day 19101 1 eaused the ICJ repoing ordinance to be published az rcquiryd in Ordinance No.174, in the Kalispell a newspaper of general circulation within the City of R11110111;-having being put- lished and having a gcneral circulation within 2aid city, and thot Lhere have beer no changes or alterntions made Wroin slice the pus - sage and approval thereof by the salu City Council, nor in the re- copaing tnervoi, Recordad herein and this certificate made W5 aay - . .. .. .. .. 19io. City Clerk.