Ordinance 218 - Regulates Pool HallsIMUM131 onnirwas ro, 21S. AE OP77NAKOF -mac 71TIED AN CR5TKAW7 70 =U!TR 2=04�� 04 rC0L,H=5$ TEN-PTY A=YG I =7701 QLIERIK I 0HSTS 2 CIRCUPW TURATRICAL F Ac7iyc PI37URE AKW31 FlAy AGWA01 C2 CIE SALOCKS OR VARTE7Y HAILS, ANn TO VQUTP7 At! SUCH CC VE VOW, OF SYK- DAY A�? RETZWK THh Y00% 01; 7z?TVE &WOP VIDPI107 = SIX NOTWIF W, OF �LT TELK KYTO W T5 PR071E7 P77=1V 7DH THE WKTIGN TITREGA BE V ORBAINED BY THE OTTY COWIL nX THE C17Y AF KaLISPLIX, V=VA. Section 1, Every parBon whc on Sunduy M (on zy On) bet,c-n 0C hcqrs of twcivc o'clock TldnighL and six o'clock I 'T Mseps open or nuinKins, o7 aias in G,nlnS or maintaining aEy JaGO in hich Wlinr�s or pool is Diaged, Tcn-&n Alleya, 5horting Oallerluo, Sho WSJ WrCUSS& Thcatr0ni Nuv&E Picture Shows, PiDy Honnes, Corcert Saloon or Wricty Eall, shnil bc punished by a fine not'' excleding 1366.00 or by imprisonmert in tho City W! no� exceedln,�-�, Men (90) days, or by mth fine nnA ism_ risonTent. Section 5, K! Ordinnnces and parts of Cr0nan,on Q conflint horew!'h aru hereby ropea!PO. Section 7. "tic Crdl=ce yj 11 twhe effect and ba in fall force an... aff,gin t thirty lays after its'pAEsage anV approval, Puzzat n7d =-o7nj thlu Ath Agy of junn, 191C. At�est: H.A.Knn&411) City C!Qnk� Statc of Montano, dF Ccnrty Cf 31abhoad, city ou haliopoll, A H. �. Kandnil, city 71erk nf Cityti Q11spull, Hontnnzo uo hereby cortlTy Wt on the- i 0, ba publisted as 1 cau6ud ths foragoing _e.jQ1rn0 in Ordin- Annu 174, in the Knit: ll QV`fQ n newspaper of gurstal vlrculatio- :- within the My of --ispov-15 having bninE published ano havK7 � gen- erni circulaticn wittin said City, an! that thcre have boon no pnanf�,,� cr italatinns mule th5pnin nlTca the p�ysuge and upopnvQ Wraof sula Cify Council, nor K the racorting thoreof. I 11 71 ccordel havoin and 'his cortificato 2udc thio day of_ lull' y