Ordinance 197 - Sidewalks & Crossings6 SPSCIFICATIONO cement sidewalks, oronswalks, ourbs and gutters, yy.rw-------rr----wr-oww-re--er-a+g.- 6 �. OP PROPOMIONs: Oarw,",4vh .tU4 mortar ill xP111 all WhA voidal and 11 StO4t whan x: place . ftoo xortar Will: u ere -van w o depoaitad a$ above aball tbon be rnit In"'ve,blowto N, arrlroxlmat sly twerrAy-fourera _fin . . ... look: pared by the zmlkneftrol The concrete shall be six inches_ in thickness with a wearing surface laid thereon one (1) inch in thickness, of the same b-pyp rt.ions respectively, as specified for sidewalks, All steel and iron shall be furnished by the Contractor* GRATINGS AND COA1 MES: All gratings, coal holes and other openings shall have the proper and approved iron frames embedded in the caacrete of tip walks while the sane are being built, said castings to be furnished by the property owners. Driveways crossing the sidewalk shall be cons ructed in the same manner as sidewalks, except that the concrete shall be five (5) inches and the wearing surface on and one-half ( l 1/0 inches in thickness, SATE I ,Sr BROKEY POCK: All broken rock or gravel used in this varstruction shall be clean, free from dust and dirt, and, for concrete work, of such size that tie largest fragment will pass in any directiop through a circular ring t -(2) inches in diameter* 'or the sub -foundation the material shall be approved by the ANgineer and must not cant. 1.in large boulders, A natural mixture of sand and gravel, may be used if found in the pro-== er proportions and is approved by the City Eng inee . c -D, All sand shall be blean, coarse, sbar°p. sand, free from dirt and coan and acceptable to the Engineer. If necessary, all ,sand shall be screened. All: cement shall, be of an acceptable quality of best American Portland Cement, equal to " Ideal Portland Cement" each.barrel or package bearing the siamp and name of the manufactu.raer, All cement shall be fresh, Free From all defects, and shall atand whatever tests the City Engineer may deem best in order to dete rmire its fitness for the ,a or! at hand, qnd the Cynt,ractor shall furnish to the City Engineur the ce nent company's test Beet for each car- load of cement delivered on the wort'. FINENESS OF CEMENT: The cement shall be so finely ground that after bedng thor- oughly dried by heating, ninety-four percent (91) shall pass thr- ough. a Vol 100 standard ,sieve, woven from No, 40 :PStubb's wire gauge* ACTIVITY OF C MEN'T: Initial sib; shall not occur in less than thirty (30) minutes nor more than six hours. The time of setting shall be determined of C' i1m.ore's wire or Vicatt s needle, TENSILE STRENGTH OF CEMENT: The standard section of briguegte, shall be used. The neat cement final . be mixed into a rather . dry, st.°ilf baste by the addition of fry 17 to 2q% of its weight of water, In a mortar of sand and c:e gent t �.e amo� nt of ;�ra.ter used shall be Oka 13 of their