Ordinance - Ward BoundariesAN ORDINKNCE O AMXKD SECTIONS TWO, THREE AND YOUR OY AR- TICLE ICLE RR, CHAPTER ONE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF IS99, RELATING G $BARDS . BE IT ORDAIXED BY THE CITY-COUNMI-OF THE CITY OP HALISPE, ontana, That Sections 11,111 and ILA of Article I, Chapter I of the Revised Ordinances of 1899, relating to wards, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2. All that territory within the corporate limits of Kalispell, north of a straight lire commencing at the east boundary of said corporate limits, and thence raynin.g west through the center of Second Street to the west boundary lane of said corporate limits, shall be embraced in and compose a.rd Number I. Section 3. All that territory within the corporate limits of the City of Kalispell, lying south of the south boundary of Ward No. T and east of the center of Main Street, shall be e "or4cEd In and cow.. pose Wares. Nudber I I . Section 4. All these portions of the City of Kalispell not included in `bards I and II, as described in the foregoing sections, shall be Ward Number III. Passed and approved this day of Nkyor. . Attest, W.B. Phon es, City ter.