Ordinance 196 - BicyclesD C i AR`I I I0 SECTS N 0? i�tRT IC�� C CH T � , IS CIF T` R`v ISED ORDI AI` C S OF 1899 t ��A`'I � TO BIC -C. BY 1T ORD I77D 13Y THR CITY COUITCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPEttv. MONTANA. Section 1. That Section 2, of Art isle IV, of Chapter XV, of t� r ed `ordinances of 1899, be and the same ishereby amended to read as follows: lows It hall be uhlawful. for any person or persons riding a bicycle, to ride the same along and upon the sides,ial. s .of Main street to Fourth Street, First Avenue East, First Avenue West, Firs; Street,. second Street$ Third Street between Second Avenue East and Second Avenue Wiest, and upon second A.venue 7East between ra i gray right of tray and Secoa-id Street, and any other strut and avenue in the city of Kalispell, wbi.ch ?has been gravelled and graded. Section 2. A-11 Ordinances and parts of ord Trance s in conflict with the provisions of th::s ordinance are hereby rep algid* Section 3. This ordinance sha�_l take effect on the 15th day of July, 1908. Pissed and &pprovedthis day of 1908. James Harbert, Mayor. H. A. Kendall, City Clerk.