Ordinance 195 - Defines Inner Fire LimitsM O�RDITITIANTC>,, -N-0. 195. ANI ORDIj-,_4JTCR 777INING THE INTV FIRE LIMITS OF THE, CIT't�' OF KALISATLI MONTAITAj. AND REPEALIUG ORDWANCH NTPMBFMD 114 and 128, BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE CI7Y COUNCIL OF T09 CITY OF KALISPELLo MONTANA. Section 1. That Ordinances numbered 148 and 114 of the ordinance of the Citjof Kalispell as passed and approved on the 9th da7 of September 1903,and the 8th dal of April 1901, respectively+ be, and the same are hereby repealed, Section 2. That the boundaries of the Inner Fire limits of the City of Kalispell, as defined and set forth in ordinance number- ed 110, approved March 4th, 1901 which ordinance amended Section two of Article one of Chapter IX, of the Revised Ordinances of the City ,of Kalispellv shall hereafter be thy bounouries. of the inner -fire limits of the Cit y of Kalispell, Montana, ths.same being as follows,, to-Ait: Convencing at the Great northern Railwayts right of way in the alley of Block No i thence south in said alley to Fourth Street; thenqe gyres in said Fourth Street to the alley in Block No, 67, thence north in said .alley to said Railway right of wag; thence east along the south boundary of said Railway right of way to' the place of beeinning, Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflice with this Ora inaice are here by rep4aled. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect ire-ciedi�-'teiy upon its passage and arproval. Passed and approved the Qay of 1908. James Ehrjert, Mayor, Attest: H.-A! Kendall, City Clerk.