Ordinance 175 - Authorizes Issuance of Bonds11
0:RDD1!A'YCR �TQ. 175 .,
A23 f)7-,__D1NA2TCR- A1TTH0R1Z11TG AN!-) TH7. ISSUANC-R,11
2 <O�T�71' N 1TE27�'"TA1AA 0_301UDIA101IT TMN-1HOM7-DOL_
70-T,i, PUR-X)SE 09R=R11sV13A IKT 3�()TPT FTST1DUNG11Y S9 1�YD_T3 A.T,
T 1,31-' T " -\T .
rl - - PAj:
BON"DS 07 x�A!T) Cj`,77T 07 77AT,1-7711, ��Y 1) C, T
11 'ALL
B-F IT' 0T1,_DArTr,) n'T TT�lm "I'l-7 COTID71"I'- OF 'THE CITY OP 'KA_TIQPR
sect -ion 1. T"In at the 'illayor Gann Cit�_!, '."'Jlerk of ,-he kC it .T of Y_1is-
Pell, Vontan-_i, are -.,---eb,,, �.,_thorized and directed to issue, sign and
e .-e nthe seal of 5aid CitjrI "Refundinr, %'J"it- n Bods" of seid
C U4 �Lder
City of 77alisp ell, in -t-he manner and Tfonm as hereim-41-ter provided
end set forth, �nd t-hat t-he said City of Kali6peU, throu,gh it' s
City Cocil and of -fivers, is herer, and e YA poweired o sell
authorized aT
or disnoos- of the same for the purpose of raking up, reflanding and
r -. t i rd. a like "momt, of oA5tcaiding bonds of said City of X"Iis-
e_, and t']-mot mid "Refundinr, Cit v Band " shall be iFsued and all
of the proct�edims t:Lken in connection therewith, and Ordinance,
'der -z;4nd in purusance o.f the provisions of an Act of the Might-h
Levjisl�tive Assemllblv of the S`t 3.te ol' 'Montan", entit ied, "An Act
C71-vinS Authoriti, to he or 'L"own Council of anir Citv or `_17`own, to
Bond;, under cer-
isstie upon t-"fie �,'_'redit of said C_'ity or ',�.'own 0oupon
-Troved !&�.rch 7th, 1903, whicAct took e
t a in c or. d i tio n s a 'n f"
s id d-,tte� arid twat the sane is nowin f-ull force and: effect as
p-L-Issed ird �pprovtd.
ection 2. 'Said "Refundin - C]it,,yr Bonds" sh4ll be d: ted the is da.-
oear an at the rhte of f our perce�nt. per
of !!Ltrch, 1906 and
amrizq lmtil jx,id, int-erest se raj ann iully on the Ist attar of
Sej,t�-_nlber z,nd lst day cif Ta�.mh of eadhL y�xir "I"te-r 'he issue, of 84id
nd with coixpon notes for e"clq
e fund in 0 i :ion d s
in 3 ta lime,_. -1' 5 of such interest at -,,-ached to each of said Vonds, "nd
b,onds Sn"U ",,,,e of the deno.6,in,-itdon off' Five _71.1mdred -Doll,%rs e"ch, _--nd
�nd -0-e -edeer"ble "nd On the Ist d"y of Oct,)beri915,
end rx- nlzqbe�-ed Pram to ZA,,ec ius4ve, and design,,,ted E;Ls
Series 11D§1, ;_�Lll of t.qe same am-
-,re,rr ains-, s -m of Twent-Y Thoud
J.)oIL.A.rs, being 1s,3ued t )
up or refund a certuinoutstL-ziding
o,- therw
e r, f Bon ds e I h t it ne Lcorued interest thereor, of said
C i t of K" I i .9 p e 11 e. �, j7 r e E,-, � t i n. e a "-T,) un t a"-�ed October IST.,
said 1,ist mentioned series being for ,the s-m of Twenty Yhousand
'Do" I- is cA.-d he-retofore issued by sa id City of under au-
o r i t v J. �.nd i n c oml) 11 ;�ri c e �-i it h S Q ct i on 480 0 ",_r u' o t-11e r e ot i on s o f
ie o 11 t i c a 1 ;ode (Laws) o f the S t e of H-On 8 9 3 2 amd Ordj-,-
1,70.66 of sub �.d of p"'d i--4nd "pproved by the
J.A - �,Jtv of 7'"'ispejj o r, he 7th di;�y of October
,Lmj�v Cao�zlcil of s"id JJL I - I IL
1 3 enting hie ol' se. -Id outst,-"ridirir- series of 3,onds of
93), dL
Said ci,_Iy of K�Iispelll.
Section 3. That tAe said Bonds and the interest therson, on thhe
proper present" tion thereof "nd the interest coupons att"ohed, whM
they shall aeverally become due "nd p"y"ble, "re pay"We at the of-
fice of t%e Wity Treazurer of o"id City of K"Aspell$ hontans;which
coupons must show the ni0xits due and the of such lbonds tto
which thqj sever4ily belong; or, in case the �?urcIiaser of -said bonds
Sives notice i4 writing that he wishes the bondz so held by him and
t'.hte jnterthereon, to be paid in New 7orl City, New York; then-
Aneh,behd .�ak d7: cipU-shall::Ty P"y1big in:X'e�rYark G ity, New York,
1ac'h:,:b6,nds � she copponaWyaldmust be re
jeeting, and must be - rned 'I" M
immediately canoe llid by said City Clark.
Section-4. Wid bonds, when offered for sale, shall be aemertised
for sale in not lose than one newspaper of general circulution, pub-
lished.Wthe State oontans, for a period of not less than four
we Weeding the date fixed for the sale of said bonds, and said
Bonds may in the discretled of.said.0ity Council be advertised in a
fWancishnewspaper publishad in the said City of 'Neia York; Of
eracirouNtion- said advertisement shall briefly describe the
Bands, stating the time when due and the pl-ixe where &jA Ie sih�,-,.!
take plade, promided that said Bands shall not be so;d at less than
par vI u W and accrued An ere res t , 'and sa id 0 i t y 0 a lux,, c ii i s a tit h o r iz ed
to rejeclany bids any.bids made and sell said Bonds at private sale
or exchange them for outstanding Bonds, if they- deem it for thz beat
interest of said Aty of Kalispell to do so, at or after the adver-
tised date of sale, at their face value with accrued interest added.
sectian 5. Wh of said Bonds so issued ;�hail be registered ty
the Cite Werk in a Bond ReZi ster Book pr ovide d f or tha t pur2nse 1,
ienumnhch hvishow the dat, ber, temand agount of each of haid
TonW; and the persan or perscns to wh= the said bonds ire issued nd
and SOW; the Oute cf maturity of the princip"! ant d inerest and
There paynble.
Section 6. All noneys "rising from the sale of said bonds mu
be paid into the City Trea6vry of the City of y'alislell, and "ppiiad
only to the purpose of redeening said nutstandUng Bonds and interget
Section 7. A tax to be fizBd by Ordinance sha
11 he levied sam
Aeur for t-hie puri-,�o2e of paying interest un the 3ondh nantion ed,
and to create a sinking f ixid for their redamptUn At maturity.
Section 8. That said Bonds shall be ae nearly as moU be in the
TT 17 1 91 it 1) S T A T R S 0 F A1,1FRICA
S t wt- e o f I �'o BE. t na
MY Of Tilisp all. "Re fun din g C ity Bon do I Se A es W .
717:TO�IV ATL I, N BY T`17-f-,R :PRF,F7YTj, ThIt the City of H"Hopell, in
the County of Flathead; State of Hontann, is: legally inidbted to "nd
promises to pay to the 7enrer, for 7alne the ;sum a'f 7ive
'7,,Lrdred_ -)oilars, t0n s bob payable in lhwful noney of tha United
States of America, on the Ist day of October, 1915, together witih
interest thereon froia the ist day of 3,"rehi 1906, pC-ynbie in like
mony, at the rate of four p ercent, per annun, --'Anti 1 p i-uyalale
semi.annually an thE first day of September "nd the first day of
ARM in each and every year thereafter; uccro,.-dinr7 to the tenor
effect of the interTs't co,.jpons' hereto attached; and that the princi-
pal and interest on the proper presentation of this bond hnd the
in t ere S t C 0 "_V'�Ons z4t t acbe d j whe n th e san e sh a 11 -o e clon, e d ue ar- d p "-y-
able, ara.paynlae at the off ice of the esid City Treasurer of said
City of 711 ispell; at 741ispell; or if the holder thereof
shall give notice in writing to the said GO) Treasurer of the City
of Malispell that he wishes this bonV and th.e ir_-�ereiqt' tlriere= to
be paid in the City of New YorRo then at the City of New York, in
ve State of New York, at such bank "s mhy be dneignabod, by said
City -Treasurer.
- This bond is one of a series issued for the yurjuse K tuking
uD or refunding outstanding Bonded indebtedness with interest t?iere--�
on, amounting in the aggregate to thie szzrk of Twenty Thousurd Dol-
lars, and that this bond is one of Series " D " , anountter. g in the ag-
gregate sum of Twenty_Tho-usEtDiu Dollars; each of like tenor and We
hereof, issued by the said City af KalisDe!12 by virtue and in foal
czfformity vbnd cam pliance with the aumhority conferred by the ;rcu_
visions of an Act of the 7Qhth LeZislative Asse_mbi�,,, of -whe Stute. of
Montannow entitled, "An Act Giv inc Authority to the Oily or Town Coun-
cil of any City -or Town; to issue upon the credit of the said Cit,,
or Town, Coupon Bonds under cetai c.d.6.4ions," approved March
7thi 1903; �.-nd the ',rovisians and the requirnaints of the Constitutia-,
of the State of EMMA LOM Of said Act "nd Ordinance Yo.174 of sM,
�.IjSpejj passe ��mv-d d approed by said City Council on the
Eth lay of 1905, provhdin,7, tlie Y�-a,,nner of passage "nd pub-
lication of Ordinances and Acts, precedert to the lawful issue of
tqe bond, having been in all respects fully nd completely comIdied
with and performed,
is hereby certified and recited that an etqi:L:L of the
banded indeltedness refunded by the issue of this bond Sias sioult.-
neously with the issue of this Geri es of Bonds called in, refundedi,
�.nd retired by said City of Kalispell, and that the tots!
Bonded indebtedness and ull bonded indebtedneas including the isnue
of these Bonds, "does not exceed the stututary and constitutional,
limilation for said City -of Kalispell; that the Eqld City of Kalis-
pell h9reby eAp-esly reservesrred
sthe ight to eem this bona d t
time after the ist day of nctaber, A.D., 1915�
1,7 �'_UT7117!:S'.'",7H77-1:0F the said City' of FolisDall hoo cuused this
bond and the coupons "ttached thereto to be sirsn,'E�d b,- ilus 771e�yor "r_d
:mat teuted by it's City Clerk an6 the corporate semi of said City of
Wispell to be Mixed thereto, in said City of Kai KIM Manton U$
this 25th Q7 of januaxy,
70 17 0 1 fu- 1C �
Section 9. That the Coupon att"ahed to said Bonds shy2 be --z
11 sarly js LI b e in t-he f oil m4lng -f brr4- t o. wit:
slippell, Faytaga, March Is,,j9pfj,:.
$40 0. 00 5n
On Septembw let,
thy said My
of Knlispeii,
in the CounQ,
of Flwthradj StatwvSI40ntea,,b,,
will pay at, the City
0:- the City of New
Sty te of New,Yark,
4n, or es_w� on Refunding
Bold Nov! of
Se S"D"
e a
City oaf
suite Ci
Y07r -
City C'Ierk-
Seetton 10. All b4din-41ce-q �6nd Wrth of ordinuncei in conflict
herewith or ny of the provisjopq hereof, are.
Sectdon M, Thmt this ardinagee QUI be in full force
feet from undlufter-it's panaage and _gip prof al and publication.
PlesFed &VAPPAWNY said City Council this 25th day of
jnu�7,ry, ..19069 and the corpormy; seal. of said City ofj&liepell.
aff MY hire t o
;AxITS�;ILDURV,, v �
'. ? ' : Thydr .
State,ofJontanq " j
C 0 imit Y Ofth" : j la
'RII-I fe: 4:4- Sj City 01610 Of �he C71ty of Malippells
X UWARMY 07001m, -
TLItdWrld ng nde therKA&SKOVaeil-S-0-ce
thenasume and approval thereofOy said Tity qouncil&orih the
T'bcordi HE hereof 4
7ecorded hgrnin and this cervif icme m"de this;md�z of 4%5-
Ansq, 1906
Stir clerk.