Ordinance 174 - Manner in Which Ordinances will be PassedORDWAY= NO AIT ()T1)1j!AjTQ7 PR3SCR1BI1TG T777 TI�ArZUPR IN WVCH ORDINANCES OF T10 CITY 07 7A517?7U, AQIITTA',-A, P-T�ATT, It PASSED AND TAKE WFECT, Bp IT 07VAIN7D BY 0-HiF CITY COUIYCIT, OF CITY OF KA11=10 Section 1. The style of the ordirarres of the City of ValiAte„ - poll ohs!! be: "3e it Ordhined by the City Cbwnwil of the City of Xnlisveil;".vnd all ordinances siall be oigned by the Ni ter or yre- Vding officer of the Council and toe My Clerk of 2aid City,"nd m,,L st be ptzb1i5bed by posting or jubliphing in some newspaper as heretofore designated; "nd before the same are caused to,be posted or published by the City ,Work, he shall attach thereto his certif- icatel certifying that the same is ,full, true and correct acpy of an Ordinance passed and arproved by,nnid City Council of the City of Kalispell "nd the date of the p4ssage and approval thereof,which said certificate shall be substanti,12y in the following form, to- Wi t: State of Montana; ) ss. County& Fluthoad. ) I; -- City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, do herety certify thil-10-Yoregoirg is �. fall, true and exact copy of an Ord iriice passed and v1proved by, the City Council of the. City of K"Hsrell, Montana, on the _day of i9—. Clerk. Section 2A All ordinances hereafter passed by �he-,City- Coumcil of the City of sholl be recorded in " book kept for thut pirose wi d -ovm s the Book of Drdinnne es of the Cil y of 77!is- peill by the Clerk of the City of, yujisDi1j. The original ordip,rce shall he Ailed in the City Clerk's office of said City. , Ordinances inposing any role penalty or forfeiture, tax or bond irdebtedness, must be published by publication thereof one time in one legal newspAyer pub lisbed witiin the City limits of said City of Kalispell and having a general circulation witAin such limits; und all other ordinances moot be published by publication in such news - raper and in the manner as aforesaid, or by posting; end if the same be published by posting, written copies thereof shall be posted in not less than three canspicuous places within ne limits of A City, including Qe of such copies to be posted in said City Clert's office, and tnjt,njd copies eta!! rema.0 so posted for toe fjaj. per i o d a f f to 1.41ays 'exc Ws ive of t he day of p o st in g th e r eof . Pr ao- v±ded f,.;,rth-hr, that the City Clerk shall attach at the expiration of' the term of ub lishi E or posting and at the end of the Ordinance as r°ecorsed,, in the Book of ordinances, his certif irate as to the fart of publishing a 7,d Ordinarces4 and that the same h"7w not been c arFed or altered since the passage, approval,po5tinZ or pub? ica- '' p '"AW"A voonrAins t ereof as hereinbefore urovid"ed, w hic certifi- cate shall be in substantially the following Norm, to -wit: State of Montana, County of Flathead, ss. City of Molispell. _City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Morrtar�, do �er� � cert��� ti t on the day of 90—) 1 o"nsed the fcre.gpir� Ordinance to be pub1is d r ted, s the case may be, i %he manner hereinbefore rc`3vi d ! and that there :was been no change or vNeratiore made therein Circe the pnBsage and "Iprpval thereof by said City C cunc i1, nor in the recording therec . hecord.ed herein and this certificate made tUsIANY of ,190 . City OUR. Section A All Ordinaneez.hereafter passed ahal be numbered i the ardArof their passage and, sba-1 be desig, ,;nated as OrdinanveMo. P 'ovi.d d, that a mere emission to car ly with this Action shall not ii.t e ay crd inac e. Section 4. All ordinances, Re olutiona or other,c, of the Pity Council of the Cate of Kalispell, hereafter to be rassed, adopted or doe,, whoreby special privileges or immunities shall be granted to or c f e rr ed upon ,,_ y pqrson or peTsons or c orp or tion , or c or_ tracts ade with theme, unless the contrary be expresped can the face thereof , be subject to "men me t or repeal at al i ; and "I such grants, unless tie c cntrary be exprossed..sball be t Zen to be $de and accepted with reference to these previs_ n.s and :�11 ri --ts h!ph it declares "nd reserves to the City of olispel . Section Hereafter no Ordinance shall be gassed or taassessed ar. .levi p Without the ecneent of a majority of the whole og j40 Cite Counc i ; and na ord inunce shallbe p moped oxcept at a rep q;y or adj orrr ed in!--eting,, or The city o u c i, �= t w -Viir of. the whole of suchn0ouncil vote in famor thereof. NoO stall ry 41 a c'e te passed at the Me meeting at whQh it is introduced unless tw Airds pf the men bers present vote, at such meetihg, in Mar of .h fassageof the same; aid in all cases the questionof the wassage of r- Ordinance shall be taken by the Yeas and Nays and entered ;upon theperyanent records or minutes of t e proceedings of said City Section 6. All ordinances hereafter rased by the Cite Council SwI144yely title indicative of the n t re and subs ect thereof. sectionT4 Any ordinanc.es vetoedy the lair r y by: passed over vich veto b7 � t_.vio-thirds -vote of t,-'-ie w-hole n- 'xmber of it's council- men of said 'it-, Council ,�.nd stall -oereuT)on t4ke effect notwit-n-- stE,ndin- t?le Fetc ; �Lnd should t�e T--!aror neglect or ref,,ze to sign &mv Ordinance or return, -he sa e wit -,I his obi ection in writin- at t-he next regular neeting of tie Coun(,ii, the same shy l take eft' Pect wit'hout his sig. ature. Section 8. !Rher�ever and Ordir;&nce, or part of an Ordir-emee, s-nal., be repealed or modified 1h,'r a subsequent ordinance, the Ordinance or p"A,rt of an Ordira_yice thus repIed or modified Rhall continue in f orce unt- ii t_qe r ev, eal in!7 Ordinance sh4ll o into ef f ect or unj il such t ime may be spec i,-:0Lly designuted in said repealinr ordinane e. Section 9. That all 0-rdinances bnd perts of Ordin�6.rces iii con- 7 flict herewith are he-Yeb, r ep ea. le d. Section 10. This Ordinance shali be in full force and effect 1, rom .mod after it's passage ;;ind approval and ptcblic"tion as Obove provided tjerejn. PAD X,-T) APPRO JA Y 0-711 Clerk. of -�! n'---Lrla� C"Irit-Ir of, _71athruld3 R�i-,oude�-i� Cit.— C' -k of thie of on. t_-.e 7th wAl�of -T -9 0 5- T "'ne 1, 0 e j�r r) i n - r. e N �� On _31CA.-K, + 0 o at e i o v, e �r -Ib er n a.. -n t 'qe 7-,J t cOf IrZa- I e U ri A fie d �B t e d r v & o s J c2--n s c c h e n n �7, l z�� es o r mt, ons rtC-� h, e e- 9 aE- J a C-7 /0 c r n z. -a a r -e C:!: 0, -d e In e Ir ein S f ic t e e s d�74 -7 o Wr v at! er 9 0 7)