Ordinance - Automobiles0_RTDUTVffrF TRIRGTJU -AT ING THF RINXING1 DRIVING1 PROPEIIIXC--� UF AUT:0740$_RILINO A2,_,'D 11MT177, POINER VTjT,11(,'jLFS; THE 01TWOF XALISPRII� MONTARAS AD PROVIDIS A WFALTY POOR-;, U VIOLAIPIOIT 711ERZOF. BE A ORDAMD BY THR CM117CIL 0F.TQC1TW_ OFTALISPRIL: Sect" halxilrc- r"M r ojprppel qp.. Fo pergon or perpone wha l d automobile or oxhinvehipja driven by,motive power, op.Qq public stues or Sh reet venyr pyb;ic jAdequ,of slid Qjj;,qf jAppelli at a gre4 ter rya to of pe a d than e i gh t, (1) mi I ea. arx Section 2. Ujon x1proaching any, cropsyng af,iutarsecmin g streets, Won= or alleys M64 ;X=1;!tF;averj3ine__ or Inte sectign of ary stch strue to, M;qnuea yr Qlay,of "nd within.:taxe said 31hy,of Kalippell, thy, person,oryars eny, in, :cantrql or dr:Lyir. any,autamobiles, or othermotar vQ01es , all r tp,;&,at a rute of speed less than that f it t a tave A TF Qn,reaggiblo prqp qq;f I ed, and rot Glenter than is rcusonably plyroperl nr,� r:f"j_arCT:+'O traffic and the use of such intedepting strept SAMO!"K, Ulley's any such crogsiney. Se at KnA pqrm or persona shall race anu autabob."le or other vehicle driven,by motive power, upy any public etko"t, ave- Bus; '11sy or other pblic place qf qpd,ldthip sajot 04, qf pjjq,�_ Pill® 4; unlyful Xy any person pr persons to ride, drive, run pr propel any a Womobile or, pj4pr 7ehipye MVer bU motive jpq--i Vil.hin said City of ispell,.to Wh or ii.q: ra Are not a ttachad; "nd before ranching Onj Otreati amnue or Mey crossing every person or perscns riding, driving or propelling ony nutonobile or other vehicle driven Ty notici Awer, nru,st the bell at leaet thirty (50) feet Alstbnt b6hre reaching such crosning; and it be -u-�Inwfui for "ny person or pereonn to drive, ride or propel any automobile or otter motor vehicle after dark without a ligM Section 5. Eve rperson or persons having control or charge of, drivinE or oropellinp any automobile upon uny public street, avenue, alley or other fiabi ?e place wiini saidC� �3.z � WienaDproac e m y horseor mule poil which any person .s riding, and control such automobile or rV other otor vehicle in such , marner as toexercise every reasanuble precaution to prevent the frightening of an7 such horse, hule, horses or males, and toinsure doe safety and prot n ion of an person riding or driving the same. e. Ar d if horse, mule, e , o rs e or mules appear f igb t en ed s the ) e rs Q-, or persons ?`ns in control of such automobiler other er motor or vehicle shall reduce s speed, "" ; it requested b,r ? or otherwise by the driver of ouchhuren, mule, horses or n yens, ,� 7 i s,?o`g" proceed e� $"� �_M =',m - _ia... � "` sib k. � ;%� e r ayoid scot e k or in uY7,, Or u- s i i -s :_ o ni.f ;b? or "nWIB appear o be under ,> e control of its or their driver. Section 6. Every personor pirsons riding, driv W" or _➢rogelling any natungbile or other vehicle propelled by n�-Ave q-hall ride, ,d Ve or Propel `''.the i. ,�� cn thetight 00. -fie wets.,, of uQy street � ;1 '' ,� ak afgnue of the Haid city'ST-AWSPeI13 and on meetinr other riders or drivers of horzes, nutumobiles, vehicles; shall turn to the rioit of the center of any such street or 'v4 `i ,_ ...4 <.,, = a Rec iyp"Motor p� ate s fs p The "� - •5 ��Yo.<o td�Yim.�cl'e or a$Mo Sro .t`i'i' e " in j x shall include l vehicles propelled barV power other t1jurl ymuscular power, excepting ru 3..i,'ro d and railway care and motor vehicles running only „ly upon pJ: rails or tracks. Section B. Anypersan or persons violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall punished for such offense by a fine not Mrm not to e sixty 0) tays, br b�,�` both. such Fine and p- n erase Section 9. This ordinance shall take eff e t and be in force from and after its pr v , passare and publication. c€ rding.to P gar 7, 0',)"d e, 8