Ordinance 170 - Amends Fire Dept OrdM, r ,LT RFMAITNI NT ramDITTAMT! CREATING XF-11), -�R0V__11_D_21_'G _:1W01_1R fxOT77-'71NO 01 THE -,,Z 02 M� CITY OF KAMMIL, MONTANA. B7 M ORDA11TED B`f T�_t'7 01T? MUM= OY SAID CITT: 02" '1;!'A1JSP!Je Sec. 1. Me Fire Depn-tment of tqe City of KalisDeli Mail con- stst of a Are Mrshd!2 who stall be Chief of the Fire Dep"rtment, !�,,,n mnd a Driver, all of who sh"11 be appointed by the City Co"Ulcii of the City of Kalispell; and shch other regul"My em- ployed men an the Tity Oouncil sh"11 from ti-me to time s-ic' voiwnteer compaMea as nay be "uthorized b,-, the City Coul---Cil Also an Asuistant Me who shall be elected by the Volunteer Fire Department. Sec.2. Poch chemical und hose cor%',�xiy sl',­,'w�,11 consist of ten mer. to -wit: A foreman hnd an assistant forem�z,. -,.,.,ho s1b,.�,13, 'be clerzk, '�X'cL eight men. Mch took and ladder co�nu_)ery sh.0.1 consist of fifteein men, to -wit: A f oram"n ard an assistant f orei_-,k4v , 'who s h"11 be clerk, and thi-teen truckmen. it sh"11 be the duty of t-ne chemic! ja sleep in the Fire Station and respond to every fire alarm. Sec.3. The said 71re TL�xs'�k0l! shall be responsible for the divei- pline, good order and proper conduct of the officere and men con- stitutine the Fi-e Mel'.-Artrient, _�,nd for tha condition of all Qrses, hydrants, hose, hose carriaEss and all other app"ratus belaneinE tn, and connected with the Fire Department. He may snapend "ry officer or member for cause, and sh"11 at the first meetlnE thereafter refer the mutter to the City Council for their action. He shall have tAe siperintendence, a-nd iunder the direction of the the : ontrol of tne nome nl otheir 11mises used by the Fi-e Depurtment, of the furniture therein nnd other property arperthininr to the dep"rtmert. See. 4. The Wire 7arshall , or in his n4sences the Assistant Fire '�'_"Ie sole und absolute cantr'01 the otner nankers of the 2ire Deparrnpnt "rd of otherpersons present at fires. The off icar in command of' tre Coriltny which first arrives at 4 fire bte the officer in nomrand until the Fire Mrsh"11 or A�-n,t AM. W,e ?ire 7-,-�jrsQn11 shall krep d roll M the conywaiss a uthortzed by the City Council, specifying the nane, age, occupAtion ,,nd residence of -ach munber and the date of his "Mmission to mem- b<Trs��-Ap md nanh dischvrUe of a momber from the Dep"Mment; 'wnd he sum!! keep 2,, co�n;Aletf, scheduM of all property b-lonring to xte De- partmen t. qe ONM at the close of euch qu�jrteq or oftener if re- quired, n3ke tO the City Council a detailed -eport of the and jtjoy,, of the Fire Departmert, of tAe losses and accidents by fire, rMh dates nnd c"usee thereof, an well as c"n be c,_nd ,,, de- swription of the propertr destroyed or injured, the Qwunts of in- surnneeoir,!rers- 9 Sen. 6, Tie Foreman 4rd Captain- s iz�i, } cares to be kept rolls of oheir reopeGtive conDunies specifying the time of admission and discharge of e4ch medbEr, , and a record of all the City's property entrusted to their owre. Their rolls nnd records ol"11 all times be subj e :t to the inspEction of theit " r nll, and they shall furnish aim with eopieB or abstracts thereof is request. Sec. It shall be the d4ty of the Fire see that ti p: chemical : n and he dr 7 r~ keep the "pparstuB connected with the Yire Departzent and the ;? ing in which the =s is deposited ond. all thing ent ru e to their care, clean and in order for itmed uz : to joss 4nd dry, the hose of the entireFire. DepartDepartnent when re- quested t; to ;ore nor "nd have the management f the _`purses and keep the sidewalks and drive-wqys and houses ehis care or churge, claor 4nd free from snow 4nd other ingumbroac e s - ec.s. No mA3 y shall leavethe City in case of fire in arnther- City or two except by ordier of te Mayor of Acting WyDr jjq,9, No mapber shall be transferred from one an to another i: lout the consent of the 7irf. Yarshal. first being obtained bare .r W � 9 Wo camblar or use of Maxi kting liqLars shalls 1- Ot& in any bl rr y the Fire Department. No Emerson shall. HOW fster fram_ tfw�� � � � � �_ � � �' � or Fire Alkshall ar. show gnu._ hatruzkjjpt1kem au nf the C& fit :bout ths Pat a4zliow W the-UnTor. seava"plo per o � � � member f tFireDepartment, Shull t ?io � -' m o o f`f" off ider in command enter within h SA r Deed -� Are s uk off g er, pt. the Nhy r Police may be �40sign.104 if th e Mayor. be- come cop c '1 ed with the Fire D'-5:?p ure2. t , it stall be the duly f of: rOae c%lptltuting such company ta Irganize by the election 'tea; C-.:� taiC.-n���nn . im "z GApt4in 4na qampoae4 of not more .« htten, _den if a phil4all or �any and not OarOaTe thmn f iftley men hook and:1440moompany, and furnish the Elve hArehall a record �.;�f f«--rae it rganizat ion , e? h€s' wn E `-•h um-0 - r f me 5 y.age s and r i'".B id'nce s, C ut a i nd Assistant Ou" a l which s f$te r. Wall be a -L m, i t : r t the C :q t 'ai C ;:fi t' for th i ra' p p ;a a k' an "ITraved they a l e °B reguldr yalize volunteer fire contpany of the Five p , me te sec o 1 . On she last day of March, June, S ep tm%r and December e f each ye ar , the Clarkof -h �..��1 :ate % � T' � �? � a �� �� �.. full nane, age occupstion an d res idence of every uomler°, of We Com- pany, spea ifying,le o t ne number of t Was the c oq w ny has e en call out t a any f Tre, F,t"rd the 1,-- e r cwc e of eexh menler, and the -faildhe of any to attend, which Mall Te ertifled In. substance as follows, to -wit: "Te, the undersigned,hereby certify, t the ego r going persons are members A Cam y d saidcompany as consisted � ?a �';� e s i �� ��� last three _ on s; th4 A during that time they have performed all the duties incumbent upon them "a firemen and hhve been present at every of t-Inte com - pany been july excused, and are entitled to "I! the privi- a og (ems and pay of f i1"emen , ease ep t as above v note € . " Such e t f t_shall be signed by the Ouptain or Me= and Clark and delivered t-1 the - i r p-... rs ° �c; 1 - h„ Fire 9!" Y., ^9 shall "'� examine 3 report and � ,-ca,= The �- "Si%�_Ze.a_ a�..<.'..w ��.i�..., �im'� a»�.� if found correct shall "jVrove and presenthe s"me to t " di wing committee, nd when y approved the saes shall be paid in heman- ner provided for he payment f other officials, provided that this section shall n o t alply to puid men in fire companies. `-s . 1 . t shall e the duty of the Chemical T"n and Driver and other regplar and constantly employed firemen, to devote their whole Amy. . and attention to the duties s apperthining to the Fire Dep"a t ,ei'.,t and e t all timem in readiness to Z eapo ` at once to ever, of fire sent withlb said City of Kalispell, except as hereinafter See. 15. It sAull bc the du�y of the City Council tu provide 4 a hdopt a system p^zi A signain for ami %. ?"ie ��.yiy�a department and to �'"�,�s the 4'-C�S''�e S.i o be printed ansue. posted in f% conspicuous i§»uoL�.s place t. the hose house, central fire station. and ather stet oa , nd to furnish tech member of the fire departmert with a copy of the some. c. _ , When any !arm of fire shall be sent is from uny district, within amid City, it shall be the Cuty of the Ohen&41 UDnpurV to im- a,,le »€ at a.y respond and be in a vt end"3` €tee "t such fire, and if 1 % Shoji j be deemed nsc es Na it by Me Chief or Fire o: the Fire e 3 e u h--ate: mnnt or other orficer in cormandl to call out any other additional force, such other Volunteer Fire ?a1. d -.;r. as '-a$, he a. g n`A: l e _._ f y, s _ .. d??Yfd., s tely upon such signal being riven resv an€ ,3 .. , Section . The mpens"tio of _i-,e nemilbers of the Fire e Department tmeat follows, Fire -: =:?� � :s � # - r Chief, 810MO per ' ?t .,h 3'-.rd the C".,emicx.syi Moon wN "'3°'iver 075.00 each, per month, n the �'"erh .. h` 7E.% ��ntee'er" .��i�'e G - c�-tc s.°i'z� tl-x` per hour for each fire W7 Pall attend in fart provided, ;f� h ; rn ofL�:; c,� response ch �. � � tendance in , for each cuse of false !arm F0 Sea. e s 1C>', . a. person not "t h o r ,z e d by the „;,e o i , i o n e of this orsi- nance to enter the lines formed by the wire .' h" 1 or Chief or other officer in uring a fire, who soM the Fahn shall , eadjudged guilty ,YoA:a. a misdemeanor b � Mad -� � t less thani 85.00 nor more than 825-00 therefor. See. 19. The ; i rf- 'H�t 3 ram- shall havepower € <_ €..,.A r€ on.? - fire or ;ice i l . the fire department engaEed in puttinE Uu_ ny'` ire to order any or ull s4loons in the � ` t e is l �`,,.,. O f time � they e r. •, r deem ; �; such � � r, and any one refusing A-i�t,,ss, hip `..sa:l €.1 when a^--.ti.�f..Le5 ted oor� c ordered e l ese &SM 0.. 5nor more than $8;.F therefor,- 0 See. 20. All ordirlances or pay as of ordinances in conflict, -witlh ' 1. f - h -a f o re c 0 inj 0 r d Ln, a n o. e , d r e h e r eb�-, ��, r e -p e a I e d �.t t, +1 J-,-- e, +,_; n ime a d dim +1 e o 'finv-1 pass�,-e herp-o-f. Sec. 21. Tliis ordin-axice zhi11 ke effe-et axd be in force. from and aftthe date of its Tpass"g-e and alp-proval. :P��ssed Lx-,d pprovtad this .6th day of X°�rc'-h, .1905. S A jA7 -g -,P- T �yor At t es t Fho"dpz Y C 11 erI-,