Resolution - SID 61A PP�SOLUIL'ION TO ESTADDISH IMPROVANAM DISTRICT rQ. 61. BM IT RMSOLAD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TRM CITY OP KALISPYSL: That it is thie intention of said City Coancil to create a new Special improvement District to be known as Special Im- provement District No. 61, f0 the purpose of constructing side- walks on each side of tke Avanue therein the bo"ndaries of which are to be as follows, to-wit:- T at the intersection of the south boundary line of the Great Northenr Railway Co's right-of-way with the center line of First Avenue West; thence south along the center of said First Avenue West to the center of Fifth Street; thence west thronh the center of 7ifth Strent to ths intersection with the center line of the alley between First and Second Avenues Westi thence north alone tia center line of said alley to the south boynOary line of said Railwa7 Co's right-of-way; thence east on said sovth line of said right-cf-way to the place of beEinning. Said Special Improvement Dip trict herein above described to be improved as follows:- By constructing cement sidewalks and curbs on the West side of First Avenue West with in the above d escribed limits accarding to. the specifications for cement side- walks as set Qrth In Section-2 of Article IT of Chapter X11 of the Revised OrdiAnces of 1899, as amended by Ordinance No. 197, passed and aTT oved July 20th, 1908, The width of said walk to be as follows: Along Blocks 34 - 47 and 54 ten feet in width,,alonE Block 67 eigit feet in width, along Block 74 five feet in width, Trip, ayppruxi.�mate cost of sz7-.id improvements ig4the num of Twenty-four cents (24/) per square foot for business wulks and Twenty cents (204 for residence walks and the,same sball be paid .by special assess,_,_,�ents upon all,of the assessable property within said Special Improvement District, exclusive of streets, alle7s and pnblic places, and eadh Diece or parcel of land within said district ahallpay th"t proportion of cost of said iiuprave- Ments as the area thereof bears to the area of tho entire dis- trict exclusive of streets, alleys and public places. Be it further resolved that notice be published in the Xalispell Vurnal for at least one issue for the full time re- quired by 1w tborefor, said Nalispelli"urnal,being a nwsraper of general ciralation in said City of Kalispell,Montana, Eiv- ingnotice of the intertLon on the part of said M7 Council to make said improvement; notifying all wners or aEents of the proper within said, Special 1-provement District No. 61, to be affected or benefitted thereby, that said City Council of the Cit- of Kalis- pell will meet on the 6th da7 of july, 1909, at 8 o'clock P.M. i-Y-) the COIMCil ChPMberS Of the Ci"- Tlallj T,alispell�`oyitana, to co,-.sider anly object i-ons t- o h-� f inal e s 11 ab I is -'VLn -1 nt o t, S a i d 'Mich said (.-)bject I o n s yxu s t I, e t 1)4str-ct 'd ('ate. �writlten an�. -.!.I—pd the CJ.I-,17 Cl-,j-k o n. or b ef a r e s ial i Tt is o,-dered b,,, th.e ri+,r Cwzncil, tIAt a I I lev�7edl REains' Said �I,SSes vvi�h�-, said Specl.l im- provement Dist-iot ':,To, �3 I shail b,�, paid ineight em.l.al instz6ll- -it -'rst w.' �h�cn slaall be fz�id ir, the _-�ar r r - V Me.n s o pavrum th� �L 1909, and all deferred payrients to b -ar interest zat th,,- �r[-,�te of s i), per cent. Per annun2 payable anniiall��u on all amoiznts r e rria in ing 11 np a i d . Attest: Passed and approved th.is—_ day, o f __ 1909. H. A. Kendall� erk. B. J`2,10S . di.- �70 r.