Resolution - SID 60A RISOLUTION TO ESTABLISH SPECIAL INPROVEIENT DISTRICT NO. 60. BE IT RESOL17D By W CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF KALTSPELL: . Mat it Is the intention of said City Council to create. a new Special Inprovement District to be known,as Special Is- ptovenent, District No. 60, for the prupose of constrocting cement sidewalks on each side V the Avenue tharein, the bounda ries of which said Special Improvement District are to be as follows, to -wit: - Beginning at theintersection of the center line of Fifth Street and Fifth Avenue Vast; thence south through the center of Fifth Avenue East to the center of Seventh Street; thencd west through thR center of Seventh Street to a point where the same is M ersected by the center line of alley between Fourth ark Fift& Avenue East; thence north through th* center of said alley to the c enter of Pifth Street; thence east through.the center of Fifth Street to the place of beginninE. Said DiAtrict to include all the lots in the east half of Blocks 81 apd 100. Said Special I-.n .,_rov,e4ment District herein above described to be improved as follOws: B7 constrNcting cement sidewalks six feet in width on the West side of said 7ifth Avenue East within the Above described limits according to the specificatLons for cement sidewalks as set forth in Section 2 of Article T1 of Chacter XTI of the Revised Ordinances of 1899, as amended by Ordinance No. 197, passed and approved July 20th, 1908, The aprroximate cost of said iiaprovemenQ is the sm of $720.00 and the same sball be paid bo special assessments upon all of tho assessable property within said Special Improvement District, exclusive of streets, alloys and public planes and each piece or parcel of land within said district shall pay that proportion of cost of said improvement as the area the-aof bears to the area of the entire didtrict exclusive of streets, alleys and pnblic places. Be it further resolred that notice be published in the Kalispell Journal for at least one issue for the full time re- quired by law therefor, said Kalispall Journal being a newspaper of general circulation in said MtV of Kalisrell, iontana, givin 2 tal notice of the intention of the yart of said City Council to niake said improvements notif in all owners or agents of thn property within said Special VproNement District 7o. 60, to be affected or bunefitted thereby, that said City Council of the City of Kalispall will meet on thn 6th day of July, 1909, at 8 o'clock P.M. in the Councdl Chambers at the City Bill, Kalispell,hontana, to consider any Ajections to ths final establishment of said Special Improvement Distrjet, which said obiRctions must be wtitten. anO filed with ths City Clerk on or before said We. VAN It is further ordered by the City CounGil that all assessments levied again5t said property within said Special Improvement District No. 60, shall be paid in eiEht eqv"! installannts or payments, the first of which shall be paid in the year 1909, and all deferred pa7ments to bear i'nt, e�rpst at the rate of six - rer cent per annnnq p4yabld ann"ally. on all amounts remaining unpaid. Attest: Passed and approved this 7th day of June, 1909. H. A. KendsIll. B. Ones AT Mayor.