Resolution - Water Mains - Woodland AveA JR1111,S01-YTTION ORDERMUTG TTF, EXTENSION OF THR ' `AT-E`R 34AIIIS OF TiM KALISTKT,L 'vVATIP�R AND RL-ROT77111, C,,`;--vT-PAM'. BE T RNS17,7RD BY �!177, PT`&",, COUNCIT-1 07 T,-7-7F, CI-TY OF KATLISP-14,11TI: That t-he Xalispell Water &- Electric Coscipcinay be reqizned, and is hel-eby reqizired, in accordance -,7eith tI�- provisions of Ordinanance �To. 21 h��-eto:-Core passe(I to extend its water ivains as follows * - BeeinninE at tlip, and oft -he present water main at the intersection of Toodlemid. 21.veme and illb-p Great Northern Riglht-of- way, and m nning thence in a 501I.Ita-B rly C. irect ion along the west side,, o-k" stadd Woodland Avenup. I;o Second 1,13treet, a distance of two blocks. And perriiission is here -by given the Kalispell Water &, Elecll,-ria Company to use wooden pipe Y-,rrap '�'r 0 L 11 �ped with ire and f 'he saine (-,orjstn�ction, etc. as hereztofore iised in the ex-te--fision of mdains in the Citir of Kalispell. Be il; further resolved t-hat the Cit-v MIerk be directed I to serve �L �,,c�plr of this resol,itui�on together wit'--- an,order re-q-,.iir- inE the extension ol- said 31RIns as above riet forth imon the Kalispell Water & Ellectric Co�rurjany. Attest: Passed and approved -11-his lay 1909. H. A. Kend all, Clt-v Clerk. :11,�,,, or