Resolution - SID 58A RFSOTLUT10771 TO ESTABLISH SPFXIAT� DISTRICT NO. 58. BE IT REFOLVXD BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TAM CITY OF KAWSPELL: That it is the intention of saiNity Council to create a no w Special Improvement District to Wknown as Special Im- provement District No. 58, for the purpose W constructing cement sidewalks on nach side of the Avenue therein, the bound- aries of whiGh said Special Improvement District are to be as follows, to -Wit: - Beginning at a point whe-e the center of Sixth Street is intersected by the center line of the alley b6tween Fourth and Fifth Avenues East; thence South along the center of said alley to the center of Twelfth Street; thence west through thhe center of Twelfth Street to a point where the same intersects the center line of the alley btween Third and Rdurth Wenues East; thence north through the center of 5aid alley to the center of Sixth Street; thence east throught the center of Sixth Stret te the place of beginning. Said District to embrace all the lots in the 04st half of Blocks 100 - 120 - 121 - 137 - and 13Y and the west half of Blocks 99 - 102 - 119 - 122 - 136 - and 159. Said Special Improvement District herein above describdd to be improved as follows:- By constructing cement sliewalks six feet in width on said Fourth Avenue within the above de- scribed limits accordire to the specifkations; for cement side- walks as set forth in Section 2 of Article Il of Chapter XII of the Revised Ordinances of 1899, as amended by Ordinance No. 197, passed and approved July 20th, 1908. The approxinate cost of said improvements is the sum of $7200.00 ana the same shall be paid by special assessnants upon all of the assessable proVert7 within said Special improvement District, encIrsive of streets, alleys and public places, and each piece or parcel of land within said district shall pay that proportion of cost of said improvements as the area thereof., beans to the area of the entire d1strict exclusive of streets, alleys and public places. Be it further resclved that notice be published in the Kalispell Jonrnal for at least one issue for the full time re- quired by law the-efor, said Kalispell journal being a newspaper of general circulation in sid City of Kalispell, Antana, giving notice of the intention on the rart of said City Council to make sat, improvenents notifying all owners or agerts of the property within said Special Improvement District No..58, to be affedted or benefitted the"eby, that said Citr Council of the City of Kalispell, will meet on thn 15th d4r of June, 1909, at 8 O'clock P.K., in the Council Chambers at the C07 EAII� Kalispelljontan4, to consider any objections to the final estab- lishment of said Special Improvement District, which said ob- jections mist be writtena nd filed with the City Clerk on or I M. befo-e said dalle. . It is fl.,rt-her Ordered by thle, Cit'.,K,r Colinc JU t1ha- "' all assess- lne-flts levied agai--rst said %,rit'hin -,aid Special -m- 1 '58 s'hall be m�,id in --ic-ht eq"Ilai provement ijistrict o, a - ch , ti e n t s o ii, ,�rm P, n t s , th e f i r s t o f �,v !1 - s ha I I b a i d i n the -rear 1909, and all deferred pa�ryaents to bear ilnterest at t'he rate of Six per cent per ammm, payable annurally. Attest: Passed and approlied +1'11is 7t-�i da- of june., 1909. -A. KeTld4l -- -C _RT, -', I e r k B. Joyies, Mayor.