Resolution - SID 57A RESOMUTION TO ESTABUSH NPECTAL IMPROVEMENT DISTPICT NO. 57. BE IT FASOURD BY TEE CITY COWIL 07 TER CITY OF KAVIRPRIT: That it is the intention of said City Council to create a new Special Improvement District to be known as Special Im- provement District No,/ 57, for the purpose of improving the avenue therein, to establish grades, curbs and conttruct grass plats, sow Crass seeds and plant trees therein and to grade the avenues therein, thegoundaried of which said Special improvement District are to be as follows, to -wit: - Beginning at a point where the center of Seventh Street is intersected by the center line of the alley between Fourth and Fifth A vennes East; thence south along the center of said alley to the center of Twelfth Street; tthence west throogh the center of Twelfth Street to a point where the same is intersected by the center line of the alley between Third and Foi7xth Avenues East; thence north along the center of 6aid alley to the center of Seventh Street; thence east through the center of Seventh Street to the place of WFinniqT/ Said District to inolnde all the Lots in the east half of Blocks 102 119 122 136 - and 139 and the west half of Blocks 100 - 101 120 121 127 and 138. Said Special InDravement District he rein above described to be improved as follows: By establishing a grade, upon Fourth Avenue East within.the limits above Moribna, constructing curbs within said boundaries on.both st! es of said Avenue, gravel- ing, grading, and boulevarding the same, sowing grass seeds and planting trees in the grass plats, grading up the center of said Avenue between said curbs which said curbs shall to eighteen feet from the property lines, bringi-r4:�, the Avenue to grade and placing gravel thereon, giving it a rounded and smooth appearance and wrfnce and also by establishing and putting in crossings witerever the same ma7 be necessary. The approxiNate cost ofsaid improvements is the sur, O-P and the sans shall be paid by special assessments upon-7all-of the assessable property within said Special im- provement District, excl"sive ofstreets, alleys and public places, and each piece or parcel of land within said district shallpay that proportion of the cost of said improvements as thle area thereof bears to the area of the entire district, ex- clusive of styeets, alleys and public rincez. Be it further resolv6d that notice be published ig the Kalispell Journal for at I;ast one issue for the f011 time re- quired by law tberefor, said Kalispell Journal being a news- paper of Eeneral circulation in said City of Xallspell,Yontana, Eiving notice of the intention on the prt of said City Council to make said im.provements notifying all onners or agents of the P"roperty within said Special Improvement Dis trict Yo. 57, to be affected or benefitted thereby, that said City Council of the Cittly of Kalispell will meet on the da7 of July, 1909, at 8 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamberi W the City W1, Kalispell hontana, to cons id er any obje ct ions to the f inal estab I ishment of sa id Special Improvement District, wnich said objectians must be w r --A t en and f ile d w i t h t be C i t-'1'r 0 le rk on o r 1�e f o r e s a id d at e It is f urtle r o r-dered by the 0 it�r Counc il, t-hat all assessnents levied aEainst said property said Special Improvement District -ro/ 57 &,all be, paid in three equal instal I- ments or paymLents, the first of which s�all he paid ir. tYie lrewr 1909, and all defe-red pqVments to bear in-11-erest at the rate of six percent per armum, payable annually/ Passed and approved tr.,is 7t-h day of June, l9n9. B. Jones Attest: H. A. Kendall TT-5�7- —C1 �-r —k.