Resolution - SID 59A RMUT107 TO ESTABLISH 9PECTA7, DISTRICT NO. 59. A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BE 17 RESOWD BY THP9 CITY C01331XIL OF TV CITT OF KALISPELL: That it is the intention of said City Council to create a new Special Improvement District to be known as Special Im- provement Distvict No. 39, for the parpose of constructing cement sidewalks on each side of the Avenue the -min, the bound- aries of which said Special Improvement District are to be as follows, to-wit:- BeginninS at a point where the center line of the alley between Second and Third Avenues East intersects Third Street thence sonth through the center of said alley to the center of Sixth Street; thence west through the center of Sixth.Street ot itsiiY,ersectLon with the center line of the alley between Fiost and Second Avenue East; thence north through the center of said alley to the center of Third Street; thence nast through th-16 center of Third Street to the place of beginning. Said District to include all the iol',s in the :�abt balf of Bloks 77 - 64 - 97 and 104 and the west half of Block 63 - 78 83 - 98 - and 103. Said Special Improvement District herninabove described to be improved as folloqs:- By constrroting cement sidewalks five feet in width on said avenue within the above described limits according to the specifications for cement siaewalks as .set forth in Section 2 of Article IT of Chapter XII of the Re- vised Ord-'�_nances of 1899, as aNdnded by Ordinance To. 197, passed a 6 qpproved July 20th, 1908. -tr iprove-ments is the sum of The � proxii.qate cost of said ii� $6500.00 and the same shall be paid by special all of the assessable property within said Special Inprovement District, exclusive of streets, alleys and public places, and each piece or parcel of land within said distKct shallpay that proportion of cost of said impro7ements as the area theraof bears to the area of the entire district exclusive of s treets, alleys and public places. Be it further resolved that notice be published in the Kalispell jo"rnal for at leastone issue for the full time re- qu ired by law therefor, said Kalispell Journal being a newspaper :of general circulation in said City of Xalispell,Lont ana, giving notice of the intention on the wart of said City Council to make said improvement notifying all Uners or aEents of the property within said Special ly%provement District No. 59, to be affected or benefitted thereby, that said City Council of the City of Kal- ispell will meet on the 15th da- of June, 1909, at 8 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers at the City hall, Kalispeil,Eont- ana, to consWer any objections to the final establishnent of sadd Special Improve�_,_ent District, which said objections must be written and fild with the City Clerk on or'beforessid Cate. WA It is further ordered by the Cit7 Council, that all assessments 1; vied against said property within said Special Improvement District 7o. 59, shalibe paid in eight equal install- ments or payments, the first of which shall be paid in the year 1909, ard all deferred payments to bear interest at the rate of six per cent. parannum, payable annually, on all amounts re- maininE unpaid. Attest: Passed and approved this 15tMdqT of June, 1909. H. A. Kendall Aones,­- Wyor.