Resolution 239 - SID 55M A R7SOlUTf0h TO ASTABLIST SPACIA1 IMPROVRARUT DISTRICT 70. 55. BE IF &SOLVAU) BY TTV;j CIT',r COUNCTL OF THE CITY OP KALISPELL: That it is the intention of said Cit7 Council to create a new Special Improvement District to be known as Special Im- provement District No. 55, for the purpose of constructine cement sidewalks on each side of the Avenue therein� the bound- aries of which said Special Improvement District are to'be as follows, to -wit: - Beginning It the i0tsention with the center 11ne of Second Street and lain Street, thence South through the center of hain Street to the center of Fourth St; thence West along the center line oC Pourth St. to a point where the sal.,,ie intersects the center line of alley between Main Street and Pirst Avenue West; thence Abst along thB center line of sald alley to a point ahere the same intersects the ceytter line of Second Street; theze east through the center of Second Street to the place of beginning; it includes the east half of Blocks 55 and 66 of the original townsite of Kam spell'Kontank. Said Special Improvement Dist ict horein above de- scribed to be improved as follows:- By constructine cement site walks 12 feet in Wil th and curbs on west side of Main St. within the above described limits according to the specifiations for cement silewalks as set forth in Section 2 of Article Il of Chapter X11 of the Revised Ordinances of 1899, as amended by Ordinance No. 197, passed and approved July 20, 1906. The approximate cost of said improvements is the sum of $3200.00 and the sann shall be paid by special assessments upon all of tne assessable property 4ithin said Special Im- piovement District, exclusive of streets, alleys and public places, and eachpiece or parcel of land within said district shall pay that proportion of cost of said improvaments as 0he area thereof bears to the area af tba entire district exclusive of straits, alleys and public places. It Is further resolved that notice be published in the Kalspell Journal for at lost one issue for the full time requ* ed by law therefor, said Xalispell Journal being a rewspaper of general circl4ation in said City of Kalispell Mont ana, giving nVics of the intention on the part of said City Council to vak,� sa.id i�,-,iprovamentk: notifying.,11 owners or agents of t#e property within said. Special Improve"T'-t Dist -ict NQ 55, to be af f ected or benef itted thereby, that"faid City Council of the City of Kal- ispell will meet on the lbth da 7 of June, 1909, at 8 ol clok P.M. in the KAM Chambers at the C07 Hall, Kalispell,hontana, to consIds? any objections to the final establishmant of said Special Isprovement District, Ahich 50 d obi ect ions wtist be written and f iled with the C it 7 Clerk on, or ba f o restid date. It is further WHO by th; City Council, that all assessments levind against said properQ within said Special 1"'prove-rtaent District Nov 55 shall be, paid in eight eqaal install ments or payments, the first of which shall be paid in the year 1909t and all deferred payments to bear interest at thD rate of six per cent. per annum, payaM annually, on all amounts rem maining unpaid. Passed and approved this 25th dar of hay, 1909. May r Attest: M A. Ken= - - - Rfjhlerk. 'rAad' � 0 Thf:� reupon t-he -.Fol I owirLp- re so I ii t ic n 7,v a s A RjiIS'0LI'TPXTI TO T,STAIJ3TjISH SPECTAL !ITR0V74,-7vIR"'-I S�F, IC "i"I NO. 55. T Al XA .37, 1""' RT',S0T,'T-PP, BY TL-'T, CIT"y' COTIETC11, OF T-v7 �117. U jj- I �i'p T-71TI: That it is the intention of n Pew Spec ia I I �mrrove�-,,-Len t D i stt ict to District No . 55, I'or t.he purpose c f on, each slide of Avenue t1herein, Special Improver-�ient Dis"ct are Io said Caziniil to C:eeate a be known as Special Improve-,.�eit, co-n.str-cting sidwialks the bomidari-Les ol" ,v],iieh said be as follo-vils, to -wit: Beginnine �,t -11-hp intersect-icn wit-h t,fiLp cei-I I 'er -Tine of Second Street and I'via-M Streetl -�IeTlce Sotth throus,�',-h the center of 'it. to the center of 7oitrt-h., St; thence West 41ong tke cente�r line- of 7o,.zrth St. to a T)cint where t-�-Ie intele-sects the c enter line of alle-v betvieen ]Kain a,-i3 :-?t:- st, Ave-mi-, 17,�st; tl,he line of said all,-�77 I-Io a point ---!here the same int':""rsef-ts the center lin,� of Secoye 13treet; thencp east throiigh the center of Seconu St. to the -place of begin�-Ang; it inc!.'�Ides t'!-IP, east 'hulf of Blocks 5b and 66 of oric,�Lnal town - Said Special Irurrovement' District herein abve described to be ir—roved as -"ollo-,vs, By cans4-r-cting cemient side-,.valks 12 feet .1 1. �4 � in .,7idth and c�iy'bs on west side �-,'L j-ilain St. within the above r��C 4 f jeat 4 described limits acoording luo the s — 'Lon-, for sid-ea". walks as set forth in S,��c`Gion 2 of �,rticle Il of Charter X11 of the Rev.ised Ordinances Of 1899, as a­,enfled b- y OrCiinance "lo. 197 passed and apProved July 20, 1906. The apj,-,roxi1-.riatje cost of sw ' id irq)rogements is the s,_,ml of $3200.00 and thie sajup sluillbe yjaid by special asses si;ients iipon all r ,. � . IL i of the -:)ropert7. said S-pecial Leal)rove-upent DIs- A. �.rict, exclnsive of stre-ts, a-rld public plac'�S, and each 4 . I S;-t i d jStr�et Sna 1-t ce or pxarcel of lan(I with. pay triat -pro- 4- portion or cost of sddd im-prove,!denls as the area t'?iereof bears d is str4C-1 totlLe area of +'ae ontire excli,,sive of streets, al le ys and Public places. It is flirther �,hat notice be -f�mlblished in the Kalispell Journal :for at 1.-aslt. one issiie for the ,011 ti.me requ ired b7r law tre, -e f o r , sa id Kal isr, P, 11 joiz rnal b e* ing a 3B r o f gene r,, circl.,Ia tion in said Cit�­ of Kalispel1,,TVTon+arF,, givi-ng not lee of the- intention on the part of said City Ccnntil to ��iake said i",L provelaa�.,As noti�fying all owners or age..nts o 4' t_'n,� p-roj;,�.rty i'lithin d -0 '55 , S, ecial Improve_,me-1,_�t D'strict 711o. to be, affected or bebe- fit-ted the�-eb­, th-at said Cit- Coi7ncil of `11'h-� Ci-1,11 of Kalispell will Ineet on 1"he X 15th. da�, of June, 1909, all. 8 O'clock in the CouTac il Cha­ibe-s at the Cit-,r Malispell,_-­�'Ontana, to con- sider an�, obj,-,ctions to th.- final Pst'ablislhumvsnt Of said S-pecial InT�rovenient District, 1.,ihich said Object ions mnst be oirit-'Gen and fiied -,�vitn `[,he C.it,,, on or before s aid date. It is further ordered b�r the Cit,j Cou.n,�Aly that all asse.sa- �;ithin said Srecial Injprove- 11V�M s levied a�ainst aaid propert, ment District 'TTo. "55 shallbe paid in eight eqizal installments or 1) -L" r m "T, a t 3 � t !'I e 17 -11- s t, 0 f W 1.11 i c h slrz_a llbe paAC� i­� '"ae -ear 1909, -,.nd all defer -red paynents to 'iear interest at the rate of six -r�ercent. per an-.,."un, payabl,� annually, on all anoiint's On i,;ol'-, ion o:E' Alcler--iian Beinz and seco-nded '11"y Aldermaii. Shaffroth ,�aid retsoln tlion -Ii,,s S�zlid :,Uiotion was carried by the follo,,,iing vote" 13iieking-T),am,13einz� Child-, Hand, amt Sluiffroth, kye. !To 'Y'loes,