Mission Street Vacation Public Hearing Notice Affidavit of PublicationNo.23447 NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the City Of Kalispell has received a Petition in Writing from Immanuel Lutheran Corporation, the owner of record, of properties. at Block STATE OF MONTANA 23 - Highland Park, Kali -spell, Flathead County,., Montana, to abandon, a portion of Mission. Street"- -a roadway,described, to FLATHEAD COUNTY wit: A TRACTOF LANDAFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ' , SITUATED, LYING AND BEING IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE I RICHELLE ROONEY BEING DULY NORTHWEST- -QUARTER OF ! Ij SWORN DEPOSES AND SAYS: THAT SHE IS THE LEGAL SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP: 28 1 NORTH, ",RANGE, 21 WEST, CLERK OF THE DAILY INTER LAKE A DAILY P�.M.J,M., FLATHEAD: COUNTY-M, MONTANA AND ORE NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION, PRINTED AND PARTICULARLY , 'DESCRIBED', AS FOLLOWS TO'WIT': PUBLISHED IN THE CITY OF KALISPELL, IN THE COUNTY OF FLATHEAD, STATE OF MONTANA, AND BEGINNING at a found -iron pin, being the -Southwest of Lot 14, THAT NO. 23447 Block.'2. of' the plat lat of Highlafid Park, � (records Of Flathead County,. Montana), which is, on i the northerly - R/W of a 60 foot I City street known as Crestline i Avenue',-.,,T, hence -along, said R/W S_59056'1XW 34.68- feet to a LEGAL ADVERTISMENT WAS PRINTED AND point'on the-.,easterIy,.R/W­of U.S.' PUBLISHED IN THE REGULAR AND ENTIRE ISSUE OF Highway N 6. 93, w hi h c is on a 1352-50- radiuCurve SAID PAPER, AND IN EACH AND EVERY COPY THEREOF concave northeasterl', radial ON THE DATES Of March 13 20 2016. bearing -N41033'21 Thence northwesterly' along said highway R/W on a curve to thel right, through a central angle of 03039!36, for -an arc length of 86.39 -feet- to a, -found '- C AND THE RATE CHARGED FOR THE ABOVE R/W Mo0urnent;_-Th6ric6� Ieaving PRINTING DOES NOT EXCEED THE MINIMUM said _R/W N401018'42"E30.14 feet to a- found concrete R/W� GOING RATE CHARGED TO ANY OTHER monument-­'o n- � the easterly R/W I of Mission Street,'�which Js�on al ADVERTISER FOR THE SAME PUBLICATION, 1322.48' foot radius .. Curve', SET IN THE SAME SIZE TYPE AND PUBLISHED concave- northeasterly. (radial bearing N45019'38"E); Thence� FOR THE SAME NUMBER OF INSERTIONS. southeasterly , along said R/W' the following, two courses: on a curve to th6 left, through -a central 'angle of 01 olvi 9", for an ------------------------- ----------- ------ arc length of -30.18 feet to a ----------------------- ------ arc pin, and S47025'39"El 56-91 . feet to the point of Jeginning, containing 2,753 Subscribed and sworn to square feet. Before me this March 21 2016 40y Pubilc utility, easements are 'eserved:�by the Cit ity:of Kalispeu,_ '4otice is hereby giveh-that -at the ,egularly scheduled City Council Ain 21 , ttfeI. G cross ; Doroth 'i eetI g on Marc-,h .Oty council will y'ar ' 2016 proponents-1, end - o i . pponents;.. on,, - the ibandonment , and act upon � the )etition in a manner which Notary Public for the State of Montana serves the public interest. , Residing in Kalispell )ate'd this 7th 'day of March' My commission expires 9/11/2017 !016. s/ Aimee Brunckhors kimee Brunckhorst, CMC -4 1. GQ DOROTHY L (3L_r::NCR0SS "3ity Clerk s BAN,NOTARY PUBLIC ior the C) State of %,Jonl'ana March 13, 20,2016 SEAS Montana Residing at Kali-S-Pell, My CDmmission Expires 4NAXLP 110) September 11, 2017