07-15-15 Parking Advisory Board MinutesCITY OF KALISPELL PARKING
Date: July 15, 2015
Location: KPC Conference Room
In attendance:
Mark Pirrie, Janet Clark, Bill Goodman
Captain Wade Rademacher and Doug Russell
Minutes recorded by: Karen Durado
1. Call to Order:
Called to Order at 7:35 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie
2. Approval of the Agenda:
Moved by Janet, second by Bill.
3. Approval of June 11 Board Meeting:
Moved by Janet, second by Mark.
4. Hearing of the Public:
5. Approval of Financial Statements of June:
Moved by Janet, as presented, second Bill. Janet requested a copy of the final year end numbers.
6. Updates from City Parking:
7. Unfinished Business:
Central School Museum — Gil Jordan (Executive Director), Richard Siderius (Director), Jim Hullensteiner
(Director) Laurie Happ (President), Margaret Lekander, Sally Hash and Mark Hensley (Board Members)
attended the meeting.
Mark stated the purpose of converting the metered parking in front of the Museum at Central School is to
better utilize the available downtown parking. Based on revenue generated, the metered spaces are being
used approximately 4.2% of the time. One possible option is to convert the 10 metered spaces to permit
parking. Mark also stated that the permits are not just for the KM building, but are available to all on a
first come first serve basis.
Gil stated that there were 19,000 visitors to the museum in 2014 and that 4.2% does not reflect the usage
of the meters because only a small percentage of the people using the meters actually feed them. He has
observed this usage from his office. Gil suggested that the Skyline Lot be utilized for employee parking.
Mark responded that the Skyline Lot was a permitted employee lot in the past and was not used as such.
It is now free parking to encourage employees to park off the street and is now being better utilized.
Lori stated that parking is an issue for the elderly volunteers and that the non-profit organizations utilize
the metered parking. The museum has regular meetings that have 40-50 people in attendance.
Janet stated the meters were installed approximately 8 years ago at the request of the museum, to provide
long term parking for events during the day at the museum. Gil said he has been at the museum for 11
years and he did not request the meters. Janet also stated that the museum has been issued 4 volunteer
permits along the alley. Neither the Hockaday Museum nor the library receives free permits.
Gil said that if the goal is to utilize downtown parking he wants to make sure the Skyline Lot is brought to
the attention of Council. Gil recommended putting bags over the meters and having 2 hour parking. Gil
requested advice on how to handle vehicles that are parked in the volunteer spaces in the alley.
The next meeting will be Thursday, August 13th 2015 to discuss permit parking in front of the museum.
Adjourned at 8:15 a.m.
Approved by the Board on: August 13th, 2015
Respectfully submitted:
Karen Durado