Resolution - Assessment - SID 32 (2)4% "'�OW'Uuw AUX 397 .A RIMUTE ON =W, ITA AW ASIMXMT UPON CARTAIN PROPQRTY TV IMPROMSYT D13TRICT NQ 32 79R TAX PURPOUR Of DAVRAYING THS COIT OF CONSTA90TTIG CXVX"T RTMALKS WITH0 TEA LIMITS 07 SAID DISTRICT. . WARRMAS, The City Hunr,,il of tho WtY OZ Kalispell ba$ ba-Wolor* pw5yod a resaIntion by tbo terms of whtolh Speoial NsIrAnt No, 52 was orentod for ths purpose ol oon- WWI= Went sidewalks along vartain portion of thA strests and avenuct within sald WW03 and provision made t0rein Wr tbo payment ot the cost of eald Wnit by lovying against tbo pro- porty in sald $pIvial T4provtment Plstrlot M& 49. NN IT VURTnT'SR that a lavy be made agAlrat all the mosessabli propirty within tha 11AW of Speolal Improvement Distr1of aa tollown- Property. Amount. Owner, Block No, 02. lot I $53xe Julla A. Doyle 5 5 � 461 lao� AGPer 55-46 V% McKinley 44 55-46 V t 55.46 Anna C. Rose 7, 1. $55.46 Will> PbPanix 35,46 P. J. Flume 55.46 Joseph A. Vchlrloy 4. 5 5 � 4 6, W. A. Kim 51 55.46 0. R. 00yordale 61 $5,46 411115= MOW knor%a Tom aforesaid Rome to be puid 0,a t�'-Wea Oq'�441 WilMei, P&Y- monts nt t?p rato of 46,934 annually Wr eauL and tvt& WtY- foot-lot WithIn SW Wwric! WW4 del�4rrad p4ywonts at the rate of six per cent per arson. T&A oaid pajn=s ;0 be We On or WOW thO 30th IN Of X0V1WbMr Of Mch and evOrY yoar, the first of wtieh paysinta s3z711 be made in thn year 1909. Q to furthsr order -id, the City CVrk shn'll rlblIsh notloo of the passage of thka rasolutltn five 6ars prior to Whe, djj of Ortobjr; !Poij at ihich time the City Nounoll wilti MOOT to 00nalder 04jectionn to QA special Annearmels a beriQ made. Passed and approved t0s 21ta dq- of August, 19g9. Attest: H. A. X--�,�2dail r�' it- Clark