Resolution - Assessment - SID 60A R X 0 0 7, U T 1 0 X. Im A R-94MUT TON LAVYING AN ASSR53VINT, UPON ORRTAVU PRONW-F XN MYXCI,A X., 1VP0V)VXM DTrTRX(T NO, 60 70A THR PURPO-11 U DR- ".AYINO TTM COST.07 CORSTRUCTIM MWIT SIDIMAXAS WITM SAID DISTRICT: RX M ?TJRT;M-R RIMOLM, That a the assaaamble, property wltUln the ment District No. 50, as follows*. - levy be made ag'aLnxt all 11mits of Speolal Improve- Prope rty. Mount, Block No. 81,, Lot 1. O's"O'l 3. 73.07 �31 7 �51 W 4, 713,07 Moak -1111;0. 100T, 2. 3. 73.97 4. 74�R7 bi.77 (M-351) 22,19 (9-151) 'Block No. 101. Owner. Sarah B. Price H Harry D11da M. Swetland R11& D. Barbart Rerbart V* Alward Herbert V. Alward Roderick Houston Rodorlck ��uston M. D. ftldwln The aforesaid slum -a to be paid in eight, equal annual r a -me n t a wit'n Interest on doferrs4 payments at the rate of rix ',,rier cont per annum. The said paymeatro to be m"o on or before U-A, 30th day of November of each and every yomr, the f1rot of Which paymento aball be nade in the YeAr 1909. It Is further ordored that the city Clerxnstall publish notice of the passage of %)%is resolution f1ve dazfs prior to tjv day of October, 1909,, at which time the CitY Colmoij w,,, meet to conalder objeotions to the speoial asalsoment as herein. laa4e. Cj 6L�',,j;r()Ved t,iLS J, c- A- i I- s 09 A !Zwv 0 A, e rk