Resolution - Annexation - Addn 4:7
U, - 42
P-F,T,T4 SO AS '20 TTIAT, CERTAIN PLA"'TED r-"RAC1r ()R 'DAR`F 4' 7�
,,) I
C 0 7 T i G Co T. ff S 'Ir,) T -, V C I 'f,' 0,
Y-1,01T�,N AS PIJOC.IKS 221, 222 Vi
OP T'��Pt- KALI�IPRMT, T010TSITE C`01`7,A� S A-IM)PTION, ',"40 4 TO r.'FER, CI-91Y OF
T , 1
wl-e�reas , the C ity Coi�nc 11 of Tie C it- Of Kal iopel I
T h-a t I ') - I I -
at a E, 1-1 irg t h ere of he, ICE (-j ol' 111ay, 1909 , jj,3ssed
a r e s o lu t io n de Cla r -1 yle t ln,� j -ri-"on of the C i C o n, c, il a f i, he
j4- Kal Sjj e 11 tay- 0 e xt (3 -n, d t rije b (-) I ndar e s 0 f hP
J. id
C itV 0 � Kal isr ell So as t r,,. "I d e t �,-n t r- ee.-,-tai ni -) lat t, ed ty-act or
Pa-"cP,T of land cont-1�g�-,,ous to the �of Kiiispell knovin as
Blocks 22, 222 and 224 o1' +ap, Kalispe-11 Townsite Cwa-panyl s
Add -Lt or- No - 4, of C it-v o f Kal 11spell Vlh-i s Ta
arf,�02-lg ot-r-ler Cl-lrect-d the Cit- (I'lerk o' t he s a d C it v o f
Ka I s, Y) el I -I, o -rj,, x 1-1 c h Y-! o ", i c e one e a yipek fo. -1-,VT -- s - cce�-,s ive week�
.41n 'he Kalispell ivi-,,F,- noto 1ce t o all -"s idento -C*-e,�,-
holders 11-he lim it, s, said, certai-n platted tract or parQel
olt-'Land, th-iat 11-h.e Citl-u, Co-uncll had declared t-f,-ir
passi-ng a resoit7tion as af-oresaid, tl-iat all freeholders
--,iP,-J,t exyjresi� t-.�eir &.T)T.roTP,1 or disa-rjproval of said ext.—isLon Gf
S a, id in
A�:d it P,.T�--earinr, tr.) Cit- Co,incil b-%r -QhP'aA-f- avit, 0.�
t---,e (,-It�, Clerk aod o-C 1; nager O-f e XalisT)eil
said rensolu� -LoTi been d,,,,1-v r,,,,blished in t.h-�� K�.-,.lispell ic-ilrr-al
for two successive -weeks as re qu, JJL'red by, lam u-In, Ine r) -r o v i s n;�
,�f sai(I -1-hat al! r e s, z it free-riniders of F�aid p3x,,,,1tPd
-act or of landi had notice of riglhit t, exAlress
proval oa-r-qproval- (if t-q ed xt e �1 s o-n of C 0 rp or ��4
1', i s 0 f t"fie- Of Kal Lsrell sat forth i7,, said resoli?t-tonn.
at ,'-Is tilme t "119 t e - 0, U, e ef
r�lso L! ar `- - C C o z -n o f h
be',--,. by o Kal 11,
IF.ifj over fo- fi.�ti3re cons.idp-ra�k� ion at a, i, e e, It o f i " I C it,77
J, hql�', o n t h e, da,-,- o july , 104 00, ) it app e4r ing -,1,ia0,,-
f disapprovril a�ainqt tA.e
-��a s S a-� of sa id e so, lu t irn, b,,- r.:--- s ident f r-- 0,11 old P, r s o f
0 a 1,� (jescrDed truct or p4rcel o-�' 'L-aml, or at all.
11"'1 01, cit-�, K.alis-r)ell be. carld ex-t,-T-,d d a�,,d the
are��by altered, a-rvl, �x�en�ded 90 as to in-clude t�u�Lt oertaj-n
Uf t_E
plzat,ted tract or parcel of Land t�o-,,t i_ 1--lo Cltv of Kulispell
. -I-- I - Town--ite
kno-�!-,m as Blocks 221, 222 and 224 o i"De
Add it n 14- t,,) -th-le Cit�,- of Kal is-pell , acco', dling to a -m a p -,, r
p � -ord in the Office of
pleat ��aid Addiidon on file f,nd OL e-
he o i n rk -. 1 -1 R e c cr rd. e� r f) +7 ear" c) t 'n 0 1,
And the onter line of the :3 treats and avenues boundinE
said above described Blocks, as the same appears on an ap-
proved plat thereof, shall hernafter be R part of the boundary
lines of the City of Kalispell, except the portion tin-eof co-
Arminus with the. present boundar- lines of tQ City of Kalispell.
That all persons, pronert7, streets, alleys and public
places within the limits ol said above Aescribed tracts o" parcels
of land shall hereafter be within the municipal government of the
City of KalispdLl, and all ordinances, resulutions and acts of Whe
City Connoil W-etofa-e passedor which ma7 hereafter be passed,
shall q: ply to thq territory annexed by the terms of this
resolution in the same nanner as to all other parts of the city
of KalispdLl, Montana.
Passed and approved this 2nd dq7 of August, 1909,
H. A, X10 al I')
C ity Cla-k.
B. jogylo