Resolution - Assessment - SID 67------------ 000 ------- Lot 7. T. D. Duman Rloek No. 7. $57440 D.R.MoOinnis 57.40 0 The aforesaid sows to be paid In eight equal annual- Paymenti.41th irtirist on deforred payments at the Mte of vix.pr" cent per annumv The amid payme.nts to be rAde on or bot-ore the 30th dw of November of *aah and every yeat, tb* jl�j..,-rst of which payraents aball be xM-0 in thO YIar 1909, It to further ordered, tbat the CItY CIOrk S)*11 Pabligh notlof of the paosagq of thJ8 resolution fire days prior to the day of Ootobor, 1909, at wblob tim* tb* MY C*OnOil vill "soot to considor objeotions to tho OFOOW 403068mlnt as .heroin made. Passed and- atproved this 7th day of Se- pteriber, 1909. .B. Attest'. Mayor. H. A. Xendall) y C 1 e rk -