Resolution - Assessment - SID 39A.�R'P,1%QVJTT0X UVYZW AX AssissmT w.'". MTATX rRonny NCTAL UPROV-74MM DVITRICT X0, 39 70R T-9-3 PURPOSI 07 DIC. F?AY,WG - 1"W, CIMT 17 -00WIT-RXICTIMN' CVx-WT 'Rn�W-AUS nll) DISTRICT. BPI IT PURITTM-R R3-ft0TVM,, That a lovy be made agAinst all tbA %asessa ' ble proporty Within the IlMits of $'peeial Improve- ment Dlstr-1'et Wo.. 391 an followav,1- Amount . Owner. Bloat No. 55. Lot 1 07..13 77.13 771rat Nat I I Sank 4, 3tenor A. X%ugon ftdolph 3,chimel p Thos W im Is 63 Allota, D, Conrad 012 13 James ftrriean, 091.14 Xudson %awyer, P12 .13 McIntosh Daw 00, 11look 'No, 36. 19: C. -4, ar )9. A 'T. 0. C zmd 14, IR5 19 0. 1. Conrad W & F, S. Proneh 16. john A. t1stlo 65.jbv Rector Noble & A,D' , Strong 815.1V TV. Cf. Conrad 05,19 Kal., 20 65.19 P. 24'. Jotwi: A. Fakright Slook No, 0, tw5, 19 Alice A. Adams 65,19 Ora 3. Rannett 24. 65.19 9190 No. 46. $5,19 Kal. Townsite Co. F$5. 10 Hannah Marsden. "T'whe 0oresaid aujus to be paid in eight equal annual pkv- =*nts at the rate of stx per oent per annnam on defel-red r4yma-n to - The said pkft6nts 'to be imde on or before the 30th da:! of NoVember Of *&,Ch and every yar, the first of whiobL shall bo,� made In the year 1909. It In further orderod that tho CitY Clerk ahall pubjIsh notioe of tby, passage of this roholut ion f I- e days prior to the — day d7 October, 1909, at which time the City Council w ill neet to consider objections to the special a ssessment as herein Imma d e Passed and approved this 7th daY of Septenber, 1909 B. Nhyor. Attest:N H. A.Kendall, City Clerk.