Resolution - Assessment - SID 31A R 9 0 0 1 T) T 1 0 3 A nSOVITION LXVYIX0 0�0319539= UPON CERTAIN PROT%RTY IN SPIRCIAT, IXPR,0VNXVTT DISTRICT 140. 31 FOR TTY, PURPOS X 07 D31- I%A YrW THE COST 07 CONSTRUCTIM CIMM �Sl) 3WALX3 WITHU SAID DISTRICT: --------- 000 ------- WwwAst, The City Council of the City of Kalispell �as here.- tofor-O passed a resolution by the 'terms of w-hich Special Improvement District 'No. $1 was created for the purpose of oon- structiiW cement sl4evalle along cortain portions of the street# and avenues within said district, and provisions vaAo theroin for the payment of the cost of aa14 work- by levying .against the propert�, In said Special Improvment District Nos 31, BX IT ?URT�M'RESOLVMD, That a levy be made against all the assessable property within tho limits of Specioa Improve- m6nt District No. 31, as follows -A - Property. Amount, Owner. Block No. 52. Lot 7. $170-18 qeo/ rirk, a 49.43 0 0 9. 49.43 Geo,?. SlAter 10i 49.43 11. 49.43 Alfred 19. Bono it 12. 49.43 Pannis 3. O'Brien Black No. 69. Lot 7. WA3 Prederio Ferguson 49.43 Kal.:Bldg & Loan 49,43 James Coulon 49.43 J-W.Rsynolds 49.43 12. 170.18 W. L. Thoirweolhtei Blook No. 51. Lot 1. 49.43 jobn 0. Hogan 21 49.43 Tbon Ill" ff 3. 49.43 Kal Bldg & Loan 0 4. 49.43 Vigo & Lewis T Klinke 51 49,43 Mrs. 39liza, Graves 61 49.43 Amelia Brinkman Block No. 70. Zot 1. 449.43 3dw. McConville. W 2. 49.43 Mary A. Swaney V 3. 49,43 Prod & tsabello Forgiison 4. 49,43 Stacy & Carrie Scott 5. 49.44 x1nnie X. sralth 4 49.43 Chas B. Retzor Block No. 71. Lot 1. 49.43 C.R.Miller & L.A.Adams 2. 49.43 ImIllie Phoenix 3. 49-43 Robt Clausen 4, 49.43 5. 49.43 Addle SmIth 6. 49.43 a W