Resolution - SID 78A 7' F'T - -,:' '�' - -1 -, ' I— - —, , 7� m —, j-. , , -, , - " - S f K," BIE, ' I �"," -n I '- Ol -'T- �- .1 1 —,'� - -,�- �- �. t 0- �.� -L,D Tha' is th- 'in-,�.,�,nticjn of to c,,Oou�ll F� 0- VC, n s ��n, n,:� a ov e ��a r re- spe-1;— a 1 rc, Cl; 0 Pl S Dl rl c t 7 7) fc)- 'f! e p Li c, s e, o, C, ,o) '53 o I ZI C, v n, L in, t-h b r 'I C L U 2 Lc - 'Und 7S n lo,:� Lo t s I a i', b'I o c, k I nd in 'o "Dir 0 2 2: o al.11, in C, F,p P� - e,�; o a�,, r7 1 n e, t t h I c c r Z!, i'D �h- --s c-, -n c r T T T f C� 7 V� - C, L -J. .01 ED' The approximate cost of said imppove=ents is tho sum of $141 per lot and the same shall be paid by snecial assessments upon all of the assessable proporty within said Special Improvemem Dist- rict, excivolve of otraWs, a3leys and public placis, and Enca piece parcel of land wiLhin said district shall pay that proportion of ocst a" said improvements as the area thereof bears to the arca cf the ent:re district esclusive of streets, alleys, and public placos, Bu it further resolved that :otice be published in W� Kalispe23 Rae for at least one issue for the fall time required by law theruCor, said Kalispell Bee being a newspaper of general cir- culation in said Wj A Kalispell, Montana, giving notice of the in - on the part of the said City Caunnil to make said improvementa, naii- fying ali evners or ageot. of property within saiq Special improve- ment DiBtrict WAS to be affec ted or bonefited thereby, that said City Council will mcet on the Oth day of line 1010 at 8 O'Clack KO in the Cnunfil at thu City hall, Kali pall, Wntann, to non- sider ary ap3ectlars W the N-al establishment of said SpRial Im- provement District, which obioctions must be written and filed with the City Clark on or before said date. it is furthar ordered by the City Council that all assessments levied against said proparty nilhin said Special improve- ment District No.78 shall he paid in five equal avrual installments or payments, the first o ' f shish shall bo pAd in the year 1910 and all deferred paymoUs to bear interest at th rate of Ax per ce-,_ per asnum, payable annNally. Passed and approved this 17th day of May, -1.910. WeA: H,Wendall, City Clark. T. C. W OPP, STATE of Montana. , I ) Mayor. County of Plathead, City of Kaliape2l, it H. A. Kendall, City Clark of th City U Kai- isnoll, Montuna, 6o heveby certify that on of i?iof i causad the fppegving reno!Vion to be pooted an reauTTTOGI OrdirnnQo Tio.174 ant thut said Posolution remained posted for a per- iod nf Fivo days, and that thcre have bocn no changes at aiterattonE� made therein ince We passage and approval thuroof by the CVy Our- wil nor in the recording t4annof. Recorded herein and this cornificate mado thi, --d.-Y of 1910. City Clerk.