Resolution - SID 72447 SPEC IAL A RESOLUTIOU TO ASTABLTSH IMPROVEMUT DISTRICT NO. 72. 1 006" BE IT RASOLV3D BY THE CITY COUNC''IL GF THE CITY OF XMISPELL: That it is the intention of said My Council to create a new special improvement district to be known as Special I,,prove- ment DistiQtNo. 72, for.the purpose of constructing cement siddwalks one ach side of the Avenue thorein, the bounnaries of which said Special I provement District a re to be as follows, to -wit: - Shall include all the lots in the west half of Block 119 of the Original T"wnsite of Kalispell,Montana. Said Special I nrovement District herein Move described to be improved as folAws: By const-wating cement sidewalks five feet side on said Third Avenue East within the above described limits according the specifications for cement sidewalks as set fortH in SectLon 2 of Article II of Chapter XII of the Revised Ordinances of 1899, as amended by Ordinance No. 197, passed and approved July 20, 1908. The approximate cost of s aid improvements is tle sum of Twenty cents (20/) per square foot, and the same shall be paid by special assassments upon all of the assessable propeoty within said Special Iprovement District, exclusive or streets, alleys abd publ ic places , a nd e ash p ie ce or parc el of land within sa id dist ict shall pay that proportion of cost of saW improvements as the area thereof beers to the area of the entire district ex- clusive of streets, alloys and publia placps. Ba It further resolved that notice be published in the Kalispell J"urnal for at least one issue for the full time re- quired by law therefor, said Kalispell Journal being a newspaper of g neral circulmion in said City of Kali5pell, Montsn%, givi-sv� notice of the intention on the part of saW City Counnil, to make said improvements notifying all owners or agents of the property within said special 1"'provement District No. 722 to be affected a- benafitted thereby, that sail Citv Council of the City of Kalispell will meet on the 13th d4� of October, 1909, at R o'clock P. M4/1 in the Coancil Chambers at the Cit� AA112 Xalis- pell,Montana, to consider any, obj ctions to the final establish- ment of said Special Q�roviznnt Dist-ict, which said objectdons must be written and filed with the CitV Clerk on or before t"id date. It 1S fnrth-'�,- olrlen-d by tAn City Council thAt all assessments Avied agninat saW property within said Special Improvement District No.72 shall be paid in five equal install- ments or payments, the first of which shall be paid in thn ye"r 1910 and all deferred payments to bear interest at the rate of sdx per ceA; per annum, payMle annually. Passed and approved this 4th day of October, 1909. Attest: H. A. Ken6all, Clt7 Mor& Ones, Nkyor. City Clerk.