Resolution - SID 57IM
70. 57.
That it is the intention of the said City Council to create
a new Special improvement District to be known as Special improve-
ment Distriut N0.57 for the purpose of improving.the avenue there-
in, to establish grades, curbs and construct grass platt, sow
grass soads and plant trees therein and to grade the avenues theve-
in, the boundaries of which said Special improvemant District are
to be as follows, to -wit:
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the
alleys between fourth and fifth avenues cost with the center iin��-
of Seventh Streot, from thence South to the center of 13th struet,
thence west through the center of said 13th street to its inter-
section with the center line of the Vlay between Third and
Fourth Avenues East.thence North.through the center of said alley
to the center of Seventh Street; then thence east through the
center of Seventh Street to place of bnglnnin,�-
Said Special improvoment District heroin above described
to be improved as follows; by establishing a grade upon Fourth
ANnue East within the limits above described, constructing,
graveling, grading and boulavarding both sides, sowing grass
seeds and planting trees in ths grass plats, grading up the cent-
er of said avenue between said curbs, which curbs shall be eight-
een feet from the property line, bringing the avenue to grade
and placing SrLvel Lhereon, giving it a rounded and smooth appekr-
ance and surface and also be entablinhing and putting in cross-
ings wherever the same may be necessary. The City Council will
also order the construction of cement sidewalks where the same
may be necessary in said distrint and same shall bo aosessed to
the abutting property unless constructed under private contract -
by property owners.
Be it further resolvod that no�ice be publinhed in the
Kalispell Bec for at loast ono issue for the full time required
by law therefor, said Kalispell Bee being a newspaper of general
circulation in said City of Kalispell, giving notice of the in,--
tention on the part of said City Wholl. to make said improve-
ments notifying all owners or agonts of the property within said
Special improvament District No,57 to be affecWd or benifited
thereby, that the said City "ouncil will meet on the 5th day of
April 1010 at the aounVi chanbers in tho City Hall, Kalispell, consider any objections to the final actablishment
of said Special improvement District, which said objections must
be ir tritin&Wd filed with the City Clerk on or before said
qate or made in person or by attorney at said time an! place�
7he approxim�te cost of said inprovements is the sam of
e4500.00 and the saue shall be paid by opecial assessments upor
all of the assessable property within said special improvement
district, exclusive of streets, alleys and public places, and
each piece or parcel of land within said district shall pay
that ppoportion of the cost of said improvemonts as the area
thereoE bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of
streets, alleys and public places..
it is further.0dered by the City Council that all Assiss-
ments levied against the property within said Special Improve -
Ant District No.57 shall be paid in five equal installments or
payments, the first�af which shall be paid in the youv 191) and
all deferred payments to hear intereat at the rate of six per
oent'Per annum.
Pasoed and appPoved this 5th day of April 1010.
B. lones,
AUest: H.A.Kendailj� Nkyor.
City Clark.
State of Montana,
County of Flathead, SS.
City of Lalispell, j
1, H.A.Kendaii, City Clerk of the City of Kai-
Opell, MontaN, do hereby certify that on the ........ day
1910, i caused the foregoing rozolution to be
d in Ordinance Eo.174 and that said Resolution,
posted as reqvirc
remained posted for a period of five days, and that there have
- been no obanges or alterations made tharviL since the passage
and approval thereof by the City Council, nor in the reccrdinE�
Reoorded herein and this certificate made this _ day
of MO.
---------------- 0117-buerk.