Resolution - Water Main Extension - Main StA RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION ORDERING THR EXTENSION OF THE WATER MAINS OF THE NORTHERN !TAH0 AND MONTANA POWER CO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL: That the Northern Who and Huntana Power Co. be required and is heTeby required in accordance with the provisions of Or- dihance Na.21.heretafore passed, to extend its water mains as followa: Beginning at the end of the present water rain an Main Street,at the Fifth Street intersection, and ruiming thence south along the west side of said Main 5treet to Sth street,the same to be a twelve inch main of the same material an construction as provided for in Ordinance NMI. BegiWng at the intersection of Woodlawn Avenue with the Great Northern Railway Company's right-of-way, and running thence south to eighth street, the same to be a sixteen inch continuous stave wooden pipe wrapped with wire, Permission is hereby Eiven to said Norther'n Idaho and Yont- ana Po wer Company to lay a sixtoon inch wooden main on eiFhth stroot from Toodlawn Avenuo to sixth avenue east, and a twelve inch wooden main from sixth avenue East to first avenue West, en said eighth street, it being undorstood that the�City of Kali5peli shall not at any time he liable for the paymont of any rontal whatsoever for said water main to be laid on said eighth street,or any part thereof, or for any other charges on account of the lay- ing,of said water main, but that the City of Kalispell shall have tho nse of the same in so far az it may be neces3ary for fire protection, in like manner as all other water mains in said City of Kalispell. Said Northern A= and Montana Power Company, in consid- eration of the Ordering in of said mains an Maing Atreet and Wood - lawn Avenue agrce to replace the present water main on Main Street with Oelve inch iron water main, from the Railroua RiZht-of-way to Fifth Street. 4100 That all Rosolutions in conflict with this resolution, are hereby repealed and superseeded by the Lerms of this resKution. Passed and approved this Ninth day of December, 1909. B, joneo, Attest: H,A.KeWaill. City Clerk. Mayor.