Resolution - Changes Classification - 3rd Class to 2nd Class CityA RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION CHANGING TEE CLASSIFICATION OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL FROM A THIRD CLASS CITY TO a Clr�',Tf 09 THE SECOND Cj.,`�3):S. BE !T RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUUCIL OF THh CITY OF KALISPELL: WREAS,it manifestly appears to the City Council of the City of Kalispell from a census taken under the auLhaviLy and by the direction of the said City Council in the Month of Dec- ember 1908, that the population of the CiLy of Kalispell exceeds five thousand inhabitants and thavefore has tho requisite popu- lation to entitle it to be classiCied as a City of the Second Class under the provisions of Section 3447 and 344B of the Re- vised Codes of Montana(1007), BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED:that the City of Kalispell be ad- vanced and the same is hereby advanced from a city of the third class to a City of the Second Class, And it in furthur 6rdered that all officers of said City shnil hold their offices until the successors are elected and qualified, and that all ordinances, by-laws and resolutions adopted oy the Ci ty of Kalispell as a city of the third class shall remain in fopce until repaalcd, unless the same ape not consistent with the provisions of the Statutes of the State of Montana, governing cities of the second class. And it is further ardered that a certified copy of this resolution be filed with %he County Clerk of the County of Fiathoudp the same being the County in which the CiLy of Kal- ispell is situated, and that a certified copy be filed wWn the Secretary of State. That this resolution shall ta�e affect thirty days after its passage abd approval. Passed and approved this 7th day of March, 1910. B. jones, Attest: H.A.Hendalip mayor. City Clerk. State of Montana, County of Flathead, ss. City of Kalispell, 1, &A.Kendall, City Clerk of the City of Kal- ispell, Montana, do hereby certify that on __ day of - __1910 I caused the foregoing resolution to be posted as required in Ordinanae No.74 and that said Resolution remained posted for a period of five days, and that there have been no changna or alterations made therein since the passage and apppov- al thopeof by the City Council, nor in the recordinE thereof. Recorded herein ana this certificate made this -----day of___-1900. City Clerk.