Resolution - SID 77A RE30LU710U. - A RRSOLU710N TO ESTABLISH SPECIAL 1UPROVEMENT DISTRICT R0, 77. BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNC17 OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA. That it is the intention of said City Council to create a new Special Improvemen� District Wo,77, for !he purpose Of consLauctinE cement side -walks in said district, ths boundaries of which said Special improvement Diot"Ut are as follows, to -wit: To include lots one and twolve in Block 39; Lots ove and twelve in Plock 3W Lots one an! Gighteen in Block 37; lots one and twenty-four in Birck 36. Said Special improvumenL DiGtrict herein above Cescpibw to be imuraved as follows; by cchstructing cemer sidewalks on said Railroad Street,within hhe above described limits a7cordine to the specifications for com ent sidewalks as sel forth in Section 11 of Article 11 of Chapter Kil of the Revised Ordinances of 1899, as amend- ed by Ordinance No.197, passed azd approved july 20th, 1008. The approximate cost of said irprovemonts is the �um of 20 cents per nquare foot, and the same shall be paid by special as& ass�ents upon all assessable propepty wiLhin said Special improvemaht District , exclusive of treets , alleys, and public places, and each piece or parcel of land within -aid jistrict shall pay that proportion of most of said improvements as the arna thereof bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of Street, alleys, and ptolic planes, Be it further resolved that notice be published in the Kal- ispell Bee for at least one innue fnr the full time required by law L Werefor, W! Kalispell Bee being a newupaper of Eeneral cipsalation in said City of Kajilpell, Montana, giving notice of the intenZon on_� the part of saU C,ty Council, to mnW said improvements, notifying all property owners or agens of Lhe property within said Speoial imp- rovvment District No.77 to be affected or benefited theroby, that said City WWI of the City of Halispell,will mnet on the 2nd dwy of May, 1910, at 8 O'Clcck F. M, in the 7-unoil Chambers of the City Hall, Kal- ispell, Montana, to consider any objections to ne final establishment of said Special improvement District, which said objections must be written and filed with the City Clerk on or before said date. I it is furthor ordered by thu City C uncil, that all assesE_ I ments levied againsi said property within said Special jmpnovemon� Dist - riot No.77 shali be paid in eight equal installments or payments, the first & thish shall be paid in the year 1910, and all deferred pay- ments to bear interest at.the rate of six per cent per annum, payable Annually. Passed and approved this . 3th day of npril, 1910. Attest: H. A, Kendall, Clerk. R.Jonew, State of Montana, County of ?Iathead, A. 91ty of Kalispell, I, H. A. Kendall, City Cierk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do hopeby certify that on day of 119io' i caused the foregoing rosolution, to be pw7AQ as required in Ordinance No.174 and hat said Resolution remained pasLud for a period of five days, am th-t thcre have been no changes or altorations maue therein since the passage and approval thereof by the Cily Council, nor in the recording thereof, ?ecorded herein and this cortificate made day o f 00. Ciny Clerk,