Resolution - Water Mains - 1st Ave WA RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION ORDETIMG THE EKTENSION 02 THE �aTER OAIV_'� ON THE NORTHERY WHO ArD MONTANA P007A COMP;7Y, AS HERETK SET 207H. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OR THE CITY OF KALISPELL. That the Northern idabc and Montuna Fooer Co, be requiped and said company is hereby required in accordance with the provision of ordinance No.21 heretofore passbd to extenaits water mains as fal- lots: Beginning at the present waLur main on the corner cf Soc- ond Avenue Test and Montana Strael und -unning from thence Nortil niong the wnst side of 0rot Avenue Te2t to VashinSton Streat, Beginning at the sorter oT Firat Avnn�o West wrAnontana. Street and rurning thelice Vnt along the wost Ade of said Antana, Weet to Main Street, thence North Kiang the test side of Main Street to idaho Street. Sdid water nains to be of continuous stave wacdun pipa of the same material and construction as in wooden pipes haretofor& used in the City of Aliopoll. And it is ordered that the City Clerk serve a napy of this Resolution together qith an orier undcr the sea! of thu City of Kalis- pell, Mcntana, rcquiring s00 anter-inns to bn 7ade no hernir set Wrth. Passed and approved this lith day of April, 1910. kttent: H00endall, B, Jones. city clurk. y C' r