Resolution - SID 76A REBOLUTION, A RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH SPECIAL IMTROVEMENT DIST00T NO, 76. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF -EE CITY OF KALISPEIL. That it is the intention of said City Council to create a new special improvement district to bo known as Special improve- Ment DiAtrict No.76, for the purpose of improving the avenues there- in, to establish gvades, curbs and construct grass plats, sow grass seeds and plant thees therein and to grade,the avenues therein.,and construct cement side7alks, the boundaries of which said Special improvement District are to be as follows, to-witz Beginning at t he intersection of the center line of Eleventh Street Mh the center line of the alley between First and Apond Avenues East, running from thence South to the center of 12th Shree Q thence Wost through tho center of Twelfth Street to a. point where the same is intersected by the center line of the alley between Main Street and.First Avenue East; thence North through the can ter of said last named alley to the center of Eleventh Struet; thence East through ths center of Eleventh Strcet to place of begin- ning. Said District to include all lots in the East half of Block 142, and the West hair of Block 141. Said Snecial Imarovement District herein above descrit ed to be improved as follows; by establishing a grade upon First Avenue East within the limits above described, constructing cur0s, within said boundaries on both sides of the avenue, graveling, grading and boulavarding the same, sawing grass seeds ard planting trues in the grass plats, grading up the centeh of said avenue between said curbs, bringing the avenue to grade, and placing gravel there on, giving 1L a rounded and smooth appearance and surfacei and also by establishing and putting in crossings there ever the same may be necessury, and consLructing cemenL aidewalks according to the spec UAW= heretofore adcpted by Lte City Council of the City of Kal- ispell. u The approximate cost of said improvements is the sum of 00160.00, and the same shall be paid by special assessme nts upon all of tho asaussabic property within said Special improvement District, exclusive of Weets, alleys and public placus, and each piece or par ce! of land within suid District shall Tay that proportion of the cost of Said lmprcvemento as the area thereof Fears to the area of the en - Ore districts exclustue of str etG, a loys and public places. Be it further resolved thAt notice be publj2hed in the Ral- Oopell Bee for At least one issue for thaTull time requircd by law theiefor, said Kalispell Bee WnE a newspaper of general elrcuiatio,�� in saW City of K21ispall, Montana, giving notice of ths intertion on the part of the said City Cminell to mate oai? improvements, notifyin,­ all owners or agents of the property within said Special imprnve�vnt District No.76; to be affected or benefited thereby, that Wd City Council of the City of Kalispell will muct on the 2nd day of May,1910, at WO'Clock P. M., in Ne C-unall Chambers in the City Hall, Falis- pell, Montana, lo cohAder any objections to the final establishment of said Spe-lal 07rovement Wtrict, whi-h said objections most be written an! Mcd OU the City Olark on or before said date,' it 'is further ordered by the City Councih that ali,ass- ensments levied against said proporty within said Special improvement District Yo,76 shall be paid in eight equal installments or pny�cnts' the first of which shall be paid in the juar 1910, and all dcfcrred nayments to beap interest V the rate of six per cent,per qnnur,pay- able annually. Nosed and approved this 5 th day of April,19W. AtteS%H,A'KendaII,City Oirrk� R. Joncq State of Rontana Mayor. County of 71athead, 5S. City of Kalispoll, 1, H. A. Kendall, My Clerk of We City of Kulispell, Yoptara, o bercby cerUfy that an UY of 1 cauped tke fcroSAnn Rby1ttIDE G-R-UsTed as required in Ordinance No,174 Lod that 5aid Rosbln tits vomainod posted for a period of fivc days, and that there have uzon no changes or alterations made therein since the passage and apDroval thereof by the City Council, nor in the recolding thpreef. Recorded heroin and this certificate made f City ClerR.