Resolution - SID 74M A RHSOLUTION, A RESOLUTION TO ESTAFLIKH SPEC!nL iMPROVEMENT DIST& V0,74. Ed 17 RESOLVE5 BY TRE C177 00UM-1-1 - __1 �"!_ C,11"'Y 01F K,"'�LIKBELL- That it is the lKention of said City Caun-11 to create a Tow 5feCIA improvaMCM District to be known as Speoial Improvement DisLviut Na,74 fpr the purpose of constructing cenent side-walka an such side of th-�,�,, avenue Hict-4n; the boundarins of xhich sAid S 11 eoiaj. improvcment EMMA are to be us follows, to -wit: Baginning at the point oF inLorso�,�tion of tlne con7Ler 11-ine of eighth utreet with the Mter line of the alley between serond and tjrd avenues west; thence snuth along 0o cenlar line of said alley to the center of Eleventh Street; Monce west through tho cent- er line of Eleventh Street to the intwrsection of �he contcr line of said Street with %he the canter line of the alley betwesn Third and Vur t Avenuas West; Lhence north along the center line of said alley io Eighth Street; thence East along he center ii�a of suid Righth Stpeet to place of beginning. Said Specin! improvement ViMrict he -win above describs-�' to h lmp�oved as follows; by 2onstructing cemont side -walks on said Third Avenue Zest and oighth stroat within thn above described 1MV2 acco d!nF to the spenifications for cement side -walks as set forth fr; Section 2 of ArVole !I of Mapter X11 as amunded by Ordin&nce Ho.107 passed and approved Tuly 20th 1908. The approximate cost of said improvements is the oum of 61.20 por Tront foot and the same shall be paid hy special as5essmonts upon all of thu assessable property within said Special improvemBnt Distpict, exclusive of stree4a, alloys an, put2c 13�3as, and each niece or pancel of land within said MtPidt Mail paN that prdp6rtior of-costnf'sald imprbvementw as the-arua, thereof bears to tho area of the entire district exclusive of streets alloys and public places. Be it further resolved that notlue be published in the Kul- ispall Bee Mr at least one issue for the foil time required by law tharefor, said Kalispell Bee buing a newzpaper of general Arculation in said City of Kaiispqii, Montana, giHng notice of the intention on the part of said City Council to make said improvements, notify - ME all owners or agents cf the property within said special improve- ment Vint-ict No.741 to be affected or bene fited thereby, that said, City CounAl of the My of Kalispell will meet on the Fifth day of April 1910 nt 8 O'Clock P. M.'in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Kalispell, Montana, to consider any objections to the final establish ent of said Special improvemont District, Mch said object- ion must be nrMen und filed with the City Clerk on or ME= sald date. It is hereby ordered by the Cloy Council that nil assessmants. leviad against the property w0hin sa�d Special improvezent Dintrict Ho.74 shall be paid in five equal inataliments. or poyments the M5 of which shall be puid in the yvar 1910, ann all deferred paymerts to boar interost at ohe Peat of six per cent per annam, payab3e an- nually, Passed and approved this 12th day of March, 1910, State of Yantana, Attest; H,A,Kondaii, Mcneml County of Flathead. ss. City cicrk. Mayor. City Pf Falispall, !, H, A, Kendull, My Clork of the City of Kaiispol!�, Montana, do he eby certiFy that on the of­_1910, T cau,:,zed f c r- n r e o o n laA +o be post��d a-,� rcquira, lin T M, post,-,d fo--r ,;,, pericd ;s, i s o -o N 17 -ms mi, Jc- an'--i th-at ��t a n no- clia-7c5 o r a -I r t u h y C I t u r un,,.� o v b n in;[� t h� t j f 1 t -2 1 _;�da t"- 'I s Crdi-n �-,,,nu- c o v 'e e "n c p dalf i City Clerk.