Tim -at it is t.heintentlin of said city- coiincil to create
a nr��fv Special I=, roverient, District to be known as Special I.m-
Provement District for t-�ie pizrpose of improvii,�
-L _, the street
therein, to estalblish grades and cl,-,rbs and macadamize, -the street
threin, the bonndaries o.-,P which said specdal i2pprovelfient district
are to be as follows, to -wit:
Co=iencing at a point vihere the center line of Po7irth
Street intersects the center line of' the alley between 11�ain
Street and Pirst Avenue Fast, thqnce south alrone- the center line
of said alley between jMA'air, Street andl Pirst Avenue East: to its
intersection with th�-,, center line of Eighth Street; tApnce -,,vest al(V
the center 'tine of 'Fighth Street to its intersection with the
e KY,
CPPMen M !�A and Frst Avenue
"14 al, _U �"Geen 47,aip
Y1 W -1 1AJ
center line of Pourth Street to tiv3 place
ki, iinriay-ies to include the Fast -half of Blocks
75,86p95, and 106, and thr�., 17 B.'Iccks 76, 85, 96, and
105, of the oriFinal townsite of Kalispell,114"Ontana.
Said Special Imrrovement District ho-rein above described
to be improved as follows: ay establishing a grade upon "Miain
Street within the limits above described, constriietina cijrbs with-
in said boundaries on both sides of said 1ilain Street, graveling,
grading and rtriacadarfiizing said "Main Street between said rnirbs, which
ciirbs, ELallbe ten feet the property line, and also be esta�b-
lishing and puttine in crossir.Fs wherever the sam may be nec-
e s s ary
The approximate cost of said in.provx�ments is the sum of
$6600.00 and the same shall bd`11rfd-1d,b-,1r spr,�cial assessments 11pon
all of the assessable
property ,,ithin said Special Lnprove-
ment District No. exclusive of streets, alleys and public
places� a-Tyl dach -,iece or parcel of land within said district
shall paY that proportion of the cost of said iniprovements
as the area thereof bears to the area of the ent-ire district ex-
c1iisive of streets, alleys and public places.
Be it fnrt'qer resolved that notice bepublished in the
Kalis-pell Joi.irnal for at least one issiie for the full tine requir-
ed b�r law t"Irrefor, saiO, Kalispell Joi-irnal being a newspaper of
general circl.�lation said Citr of Kalispell, Montana, giving
-notice or the intention on the part of said cit�), council .�t67create
said Special Improvement District for the purpose of making s-id
improvements above described, rotifying all owners or agents of
property -,,vithln said Special Improvement -District No. t 01-, e
affedted or bebefitted threby, that said City Council, 17il meet
o n t he 5 t h d wv of No v emb e r 1 �,` 08 a t . e ight o. I c 1 o c k P . 1,�. in t he
Council Chamber at the (,i4t-,,, to consider
any object -ions to the final estlablishement of s-aid Special Lrip-
rovement District N12o , which objections ma-,., be in writing
and filed with the �71777 Clerk or or before s'aid date, or may be
ra de in person. or bill attorney at the time and place above
It is further ordered by thB City Council t?nt all assess-
ments levied against said property within said Special Improve-
ment District No. shall be paid in three equal dnnual install-
ments or pa7menti,-The fiat of whih sball be paid in the year
1209 and all deferred payaments to bear interest at tin rate
of six per cent per annum, payable annually.
Passed and approved this 5th da- of October, 1908.
H. A. Kendall
C, IT _C le r k
James Wbert, ____