Resolution - SID 41A RW,,SOLTJTIO.N TO FSTAYLISH SPECIAL II;T-ROV7 T DISTRICT NO. 41. B7 IT RESOL�rx-'D 3Y T19, CITY COMMIL 011 T11-17 CIT7 OF KALISPELL: That it is the intention of gaid City Coixncil to create a new Special Imj-')rovement District to be known as Special lnqprovement -alks Dist*ict '11o4l, t'-r the purpose OIL' cons,,. acting c ,ent sidew on each side of the Avenue therein, the Bolumdaries of vi'hich said Special Improvement District ��re'to be as fol-lows, to -wit: Beginning- at a -point where the West line of the Alley be-'Clween Fourth and Yifth A -venues W1-4st, inter�Bec-L;s the center line of Second street; thence East through fhe center o-f Second street -Lo,its in- tersection with the center line of Fiftlz Avente Fast, thence South alonE the center line of Fifth Avenue Rla.��t to its intersection with Third Street; thence 'West throiagh the centee of Third Street to its in'tersection with the west line off" the Alley betgeen Fourth &.nd Fifth Arenms 7hst; thence Nor-Ith almnF slaid Test line oJ". said A11gy to the place of begirming, said district to include the lots in the Rust half of Blook 41, exceptim-- lot s niza'bered four �-tnd -five, all in the orig4nal toymnsite of Ka ispellY311on'tp-na. Said Special Improvenent District, hereinallbove described- to 'I.-.,e j ' U -deiiaiks five feet in impr oved a s f o 3. 1 ows; By c on s -. rue 4. ng- c emen -V� s.L width on sdd Fifth Avenue Fast within the "bove deslbri'�ed limits, according to the sre ci-fications f or c ement sidewalks as set fort`rx in Section2 Of- Ar"Cicle II of[* Chapter XII of t1he Revised Ordinances Of, 1899 as amended by Ordinance No. 197; pasqed and e�.pproved July 20th) 1908. T-he "-proxim"te cosl- of said im- 14 prover ents is the sm o-f-' $400., and the same slh�ll be paid by sjpec1zo-;;.l ass esmr,,)1ent, a upon �411 of- the assessable -- s I ic V ex- �L) -o -Y) e r t Y,, I t1h i n sa id Sp ec i a 1 Iimp r ov e-r—e r! t D i t r + alleys and public places, and each plece or na�r- 0 as;2i'7e Of stree-1-5; nel of land v7ithln said district s1full Pay thalle- proportion of cost o-f ;75aid- iriprovenents �s t.hp. sxea thereof bears to the area. of the entire district exclusive of streets, alleys and public p"a es. C _BR T T FTR T =F RE'SOLVED t1hat no t ic e be sh ed in e Kal isp e, p Ub 1 i th T ,ournal -�*or at least one issue for the full time rea uired b­' law therefor, said Kalispell Journal "being a news,,aP�er of -r-Pemeral circu- lat ion in said City o-f Kalispell,Montama, giving notice of t5he in- tention mn ".*he pz�.rt of said 'City Co,,Ancil to rAke said improvemenl,-,s, rotifying all ovpners or ��gents oll' the property wi,',h_in said Sp ecial Iniorovement Dist-ric", ITo .41 tm be af f ect, ed o.- benef it-t ed -thereb,Y, t-hat' said City Council cf the City of 'Kalispell willmeet on the 71-1h day of October, 1908, at 8 o'clock P.1­11- in the counci-2. chwToers of u� Me Ci"r 'Ka isp, ell .12.1-oritana, to consider any objections to the fir -al establishnent of said special iy*rovement of said Special 1-m- Provenent Dis-'Sr i c t j whAch said objections mist 'be lvwrittlen wnd filed with the City Clerk on or 'nefore said date. Tt is fLrtherordered by the Cit-y Comicil that all assess-.ents, 4 .Led aC"inst said property within said Special Improvement District No.41 shall be poid In eig-1-4t equal in5t�,Alments or payment's, the -first of" vdilch snal-11. be --,)&,id in the year 1909, and all deferred, Z' pay-ments o bear interest at the rate of �3ix percent. perannum,-J)",y- able �),nnu�jlly. Passed and appro-Ted -151iiz 30thdwyr of Septoe-mber, 3,908. Jame s rb ert $ IF 77 I -A, or Attes�t , Tr