Resolution 228 - SID 46A RRSOLUTI 0311 TO ESTABLISH SPECIAL IILPROIRUP,1717' DIST:I.ICT '140. 46/ r BE IT ORDAIITF-D JfY THP� COT)IMT7, ()F T.'rT, II F KAT,-��P�,,TLL: TV 0 T T'hat it is the intention of said Cit-v Council to create n as Special Im- a new Special Improvement D]st-ict to be know provenent Distriet No. 4167 Arjr k1he purpose of i�v.proving ti,-,e ave- nues 1-1herein, to establ-I.sh grades, curbs and construct grass plats sow grass seeds and plant trees th?�rein and to grade the avenues t h e i � e in , t 'he b o i i n 6 a, r ie s o C hic, h .9 a i d S �p e c i al I rtapp r o v e r ie r- t D i s - trict, are t10 be.as followsi-to-vit:- Beginning at a point where the center line of Eighth Street intersects the ceiii"er line of the alley 'betweer, Second and Third Avenues East') thence sout'h ��jlong the center line of said alley to a point where the sa-,rLp, intersects the center line of Twelfth Streetj thence West through the center of Twelfth Street to a point where the same intersects the center line of the al1w between -P-i-rst and Second Avenues East; thence north throl��gh t.?e cnn't'er of szaid alley to a poInt where the center line thereof intersects the center o� sid Righth Street; thence R-ast to the place o-�' bel-4 U, co ., LrIn Inn, mrisina +he West half of Blockaj, 116$1261 1.35 and 140 and the :Fast half of T31ocks 117� 24, 134 and 141 of the oriCinal town5ite of Xalispell,,Kontana. Said Special I�mprovem.ent District herein above described. to beiraproved as follows: - By est-ct lishing a grade, upon sdid Second Avenue Fast within the limits ab:ove described, constructing curbs within said boundari-,s on both sides of said Avenue, gravel- ing,, grading and boulevarding t3he same, sowine grass seeds and planting trees in the. Erass plats, gi-ading up the center of sA d Avenue betwe-ii said curbs which said curbs shall be eig-hteen feet f from the propertv lines, bringing the A venue to grade a-,�id placing gravel thereon, giving it a rwnded and smooth ajj-,,iearance and surface and also by establishing and p-tittlng in crossings wherever the same may be necessary. Theapproximate cost of sa-id iraprovement's is the sium of t2995.00 and the same shall be paid by special asses s3l"Lents upon all of the assessable property within said 41 mpro ', c'al I . verient District, exclusive of s treets, alleys and pu.blic places, "nd each piice or parcel of land within said district sball pay that proportion of the cost of said improvements as t1h-e area t12 reof bears to the area of the entire district, exclusIve of streets, alleys and public plF. ces. Be it further resolved that notice be published , in the Kalispell Journal fpr at- least"' one issue for the, full time reqi,-zted by h w threfor, said Kalispell Joiirnal being a newspaper of gen- erall ciralat.-Ion in said Citv of Kalis-oell, 24ontan-al giving notice of the intentlion on the part of said City Coiincil to make said im- provements notifying all o,.,n-2rs or agents of the property -within said Special Improvement DLitrict 71'o. 46, to be affected or bene- fitted t'�rreb-v that said City Council ot" the Cit- of Kalispell will meet on t-he 25th day o 'I' Ilay, 1909, at 8 o'clodc P.M. in the 4j* 3 OM Council Chambers at the Citv Hall, Kal _J spell ,Hontana to consider any objections to the final e s t,:- blishunent of said Special Lai- provement Dist-ict, which said object-'ons ninst be written and filed wit'h the Citk,,- Clerk on or before said &�Ae. It is further ordered by theCity Council th'at all assess- nme�-,,ts L p Dist rict sball be paid i'n three eq-qal installmenl;ls or f h shall 1909, P.-nd paynuel'P.S, llql� tirst of hid lb�� paid in th � a' all deferred payri.ents to bear interest at the rate of six per cent. per anniuu, pkvable annually. Passed ai�xl approved this 3-,-d da7! of Ilay, 19()9. B. Jor; es Ma :�ro r Attest: H. A. KerislallA, City Clerk. 60 �0,, 2- Te, A RFSOT,-TT I 0�,,T MO EST Ali TJS H 974',C IA7, ISTR I CT 110 . 46 BF, IT 'RESOTYTTUT) BY 7"-77, CITY Or 'IT r r"7 0 P J JTT_, 017 M ' I ALT, T 0 IT I - K, _L V!nt it is the intention of said City, Co-i-mil to create a new Spedial Improve.,fient 'District- to be known. ad Special Improve -merit District Tlo. 46, for the, purpose of improving the aveniips to establishgradps, curbs and cons truct g-ass plats, sovi grass seeds and plant trees thereiln and to grade the avermes the -e in , 11�he bountll a r 'Les of ,V-q ic -h sa ld SP ec i a I Imnroverient, District arp. to be as follows, to-,,vit:- BettinninP at a point where t-he center line of Right Street intersects the cent�er- line of the alley between Second -hence sontqalo-ng th-� centev- line of s,�dd and Third A -enti-es East; t. alley to a point ,-ihere the same int ersects the center line of �7-,Twelfth Street thenc,,�,� Wpst t-hrou t��h the center of T-,xiplfth StreA C. to a Point the s,=P, in-Lersects the center line of the allev bet-,,veen First and 11.3econd Avenu.es east; thence north through the center of said to �,w Point oi�rre Vhe� center line thereof intersects c-�nter of said Eighth Streetj thence east to t1je place of beginninl--:�, con.priiing t-he Wast half of Blocks 118,123, I :L f f� 135 and 140 and `.he East 11a I f Block 117, 124, 134 and 141 of origi nal tovyns ite o:' Kal ispal 1,;Kontara/ Sa id S-pec ial Lmproveme�.,at D istr ict 'ne re in above de scribed to be iMproved as -follows: By establis.hinm a gr�tde, upon said Secondt Avenue Fast wit'hin, the Itmits above described, constri.ictirr c-,jrbs wit'lain said boundaries on both si , of s id ave-nue, gr_av,�1- de a inc --ading and boiilevarding VIrv,, same, sowing gr��ss seeds and pl��. in,r trees ir. th�, _Prass plats, grad Ing up the center of said Avenne bet Per, said cur�s w'hicq said curbs srall be eighteen feet from the property brin.wing the -Avenue to grade and pl�r�oilnf.,7 6- ra v �,� I -trt,, r e o n , g i v in a i t a - oti n d e d and smooth appgarance an,-7, sv,r-ni�oe n-nd -tlf3c) b­- Ps-l"abl1s,1 ��n,,l Iritting in crossings w3re rever the �-riair be re cessar,70 The cost of sairl improvements Ls the siiri of "hP r $2995.00 and sam--� shall bp paid bt special assesszllerts np-on ro eirle, all of the assessable -oropertl �iithin said Special 1,,p v nt Dis-111-rict, excliivive of streets, and p�iblic places, and each piece Or parcel of land vithin said district shall pay It' -hat proportion of ihpr cost (,;:f sal,-T im.rove,­Mts as arga thn-rof 1�01111 bears to thn a -ea oP the entire dist-ict, exclusive of streets, alleys and public placis. Be it further resolved that notice be publishod in thf_�,� Kalispell ionrnal for at least one issqe for the full time required b7 Ow tho-eCor, said KalispdLliournal beinF a newspaper of general cirwilation in said 000 of Kalispell&Ontana, giving notice Of tlae ii-tention on theipa'rt of said City Council to make said im- provements notifyinE all o,.-niers or aEents of the p-opert! within said Special Improvement D)istrict No 46, to be affected or benefittead thereby, that said City Council of thp City of Kalispell will meet on the 15th JAy o! May, 1909, at 8 o'clock P.M., in the Coqncil Chambers at th, City W13 Kaiispell,Moniana, to consYer any ob- jections to the final establishment of siAd Spedial InTravement District, which said o6j,',,ctions mi.ist be writtnn and filed with the City Clerk on or before said late. It is further ordered by the City Council, that all assessments Ivied aFainst said propert7 within said Special Im- provement District No. 46 shallbe paid in thren equal installments or payments, the first of which shallbe paid in thn vear 1909, and all deferred pa7ments to bear i0erest at thrrate of six percent. per "nnum, payable annyally. It was thereupon moved by Alderman Rionz and seconaed by Alderman that said resolution be passed and the Clerk be directed to advertise the same as reqiired b7 lawd The notion was carrieJ by the following vote; Buckinghan, hienz, Child Chester, hand Shaffroth, Aye; No Noes. Alderman Wickintg-nam moved the CY7 Engineer# be in- strvcted to prepare an estimate for onlarging and lowering thip, sewer in Second Street. Motion seconded by Alderman Hanq wn,3 carried