Resolution 226 - SID 53, T _P 53
That it is t,ip intent ion o 'J sa id City Council to create
a new Special Improveiaent District to be, known as Special Plprove-
ment District No 53. for the purpose of improveing the aveyraes
therein, to establish grades, curbs, and construot -grass plats,
sow grass see-tls ��nd plant trees 1,`!ierein and to grade the aveniles
�,herein, the b0iindaries of vr-Aich said, Special I",,rove.ment DistrIct
are to be as 1^01lows, to--,�Iit:-
Beginning at the in tersection of the center line of
Fifth Streat, with the alley betwp��n. First ayA Second Avenue -Nast;
thence south along the center of said alley to its intersectinn
with Twelfth Street an(i from thence viest in Mhe center of Tvielft.h
Street to the intersection of its center -line with the center line
of the allety Vetween Mialin Sltreet and ?irst. Avenue Bastji thence
north through the center of said alley to "he center of Fifth
Street, thence east th-ough the center of Fifth Street to the
place of beginning.
Said .13-pecial Tmprovenent Dist.-ict herein abcve de-
scribed to beiraproved as follows: By establishing a grade upon
said F Irs ". Avenue East aithin thiel tmits ��'bove,, (11 oscr Ube�l � (:,,)n-
s t ru c 11,ing curbs with in said boundaries on both sides of said
Avenue, graveling, gradinC an�d boulevarding- the same and con-
structing ceinent sJdewalks five feet in ividth in the center of t.-he
boulevard, sowing, grass seeds and plan-t,inL trePs in tilie �Zras,,31"',Sj
,o-,-�v,ttns up) the GpInter of said avonue bat,,�ieen said curbs -,ahich said
curbs aliall be eighteen feet fro m the property lines, bringing t'�,Ie
avenue to grade and placing gravel thereon, giving it a rounded aA1
smooth appearance k-md s-cirface and also by establishing and PlItting
in crossincs wherever the sQ-,ie may be necessar
T'he approximate cost of said improvements is the stim of
$11,103.00 and the same shall be paid by special assessrient upon
all of the assessable property wit'hin said Special Improvelaent
District, exclusive of streets, alleys and public places,, and
e ach T
riec;� ov- -parn_el of Lil ui'lin said district shall pay that
proportion of the cost cf sdd improvement as the area tle reof
bears to th- area of the ontilre dis-.'rict, exclusive of streets,
allp,ys an(I public places.
Be it furt-'ner resolved t.rk:t+ notice be 18A,91(3
"I publ,
s 1) T Jo -i z r nal 4' o r a t I e a s t o ne i r, s u P_ f o r t he C 7 111 t i "ri- re q 1 i ir e d
by I ww t he re -fo r I s a id Ka 1 isp P.11 �Tournal being a rei�,ispa-,per of gen-
eral circulation in said City of Kalispell,y_,ontana, giving notice
of trie intention on the part of said Cit-y Coundil to imake said
improve,r,!ients i-lotif-ying all owners or aEents of th. property -ofithin
said Spec ia!:LI,.,prove�ctent District Yo. 537 to lbe affected cr bebe-
fitted the��by, that said City Coimcil of t.'n- Cit-Y of Kalispell will
meet on the 25th day of I -Ay, 1909, at 8 o'clock P.14.1 in th;
Council Chiur-bers at the Hall, KalispelL.Kontana, to consider
any objections to tqe final of sai,,i Special Im-
Proveitient District, which saidobjections must be written. and filed
with the City Clerk on or before said date.
It is Orther ordered by the City Council, that all
assessments levied.agninst saij propepty within said Special
Improvement District No. 53, shall be paid Q eight equal install-
ments or pa7ments, the first of which shall be paid in thp year
1909, and all deferred payments to bear interest at the rate of
six per cent per annum, payable annually.
Psased and approM thi8-3rd- day of May, 1909.
H. A. Kondall
WO;_ dl Ok
2 k2c., 10
S R"!�C JATi
1"j,�Tp -,�IJ7?IT
_,Q7il, T
"To 15� V
D I S TIR I nk, T 3.
07' T_Tf�' -'-IT-,'
T.ha It, is is thp intent ion o-f sa IAI c it, r council to c r9ate
a r.,�vi Special Improvement Distrllct to be knoym as Special Linprove-
ruent District No. 5.3 for the purpose of ir,.proving the avenues
the -rein, 41'o establish E.r.:-Ades, v2rlbs, and =-ist-Uct r-,rass plats,
sow Erass seeds ayff plant trees therein and to -x 'Pae the avenues
therein, the boundaries olf v,(hich said Special ImT;rovei_.qent District
are 1-10 be as folAcws,.4 to-vvit:- Beg inning at the intersect lion of
the cente- line of Fifth St-reet with t_�e alley between First and
Seomi Aven,Mes East; thence south the rBnter of said alley
to ..t s interse-�tion with Twelfth Street and f--miu, thence west ir. `1-hp
center of Twelfth Street to the intersection of its center line
the cente2r 1,4 e of t-1 L
n je alley betueen 11L-,ir. Street and FJ rst Avenue
Fast: the n ce no -th thrmuch the cent P. r o f sa id alley to the Cent er of
Fifth Street, thence east throligh the center of 'Fifth Street to
place of becinning.
Said Special 1-yriprovement District, he-ein above. descrilmd
to be il:,nrroved ,as follows: By est-abli-shing a grade upon gaid
First Avenne Rast wit'hin the limits above describect, const ucting
curbs within said bound'aries on bot"h sides ol' sdd Avveniie, graveliTIE
grading and boulevarding the same ar4,i cons". r,,i ct ing cement Sidewalks
five feet ir. wicith Inthe cen�ter of the boulevard, soviing grass se6ds�
and ,-,lanting trees in the grassplats, -�ading up the center of
saidavenei; between said ciirbs which said curbs shall be eighteen f.eqt
from the property lines, brineing the avenue to grade and placing -
gravel thereon, giviiig it F, rounded. and smooth appearance and suf f i-ice
an(I also by establishing and pu,'Elting I'M crossings ,,,ilherever the. sarae
may be necessary,
The, ap]�roxirnate cost of said L-_qprovemerits is the
s-,ani of $11,103.00 and the s ame shall be paid by special assess-
ments upon all of the assessable property within said Special lm',-
prove.ment Distric'&;, exclusive of streell-s, alleys and pitblic places,
and each piece or parcel olf' 1F.nd within said dist-i-ct shall pay
th-at proportion of tYz cost of said brprovenent as 11-'he area therof
pn4- 4
L k, 7 .1L P f streets,
bears to the area of the re district , excli,-ts I v, o
a�..Ieys aft
Be it further resolved that not 'Lee be Pliblis'ned in the
Kalispell Journal for at least one issite for the, fiAl time req-ti4red
by law thore-lCor, said Kalispell.Journal being a mwspaper o-'L' general
'L kj
circulation in said Cit�r of ntana, f-diving no"ice of
the intant'Lon on the part of said City Council to make said improv�-,.-,,
ments notifying allcwners or aFent of the property within said
pec-al Improvement District No. -3, to be affected or benefitted
thereby, that' said City Coiincil oil the Cit,"? off Kalispdl -will niett
on the 25th da-v of 11,Aay, 1909, at 6 ol clock P.M. , in the Counc il
Chambers a"" the City Hall,, Xallsp&1,21,onteaia, to consider an-y ob-
ect lons to the f inal e st;��Ibl iFlzment of sit id Special Improvement
District, which said objections myst be written and `L"iled with
the City Clerk on or before said date.
It is further oddered by the City Council, I',- �
V .,a, z.1
assessments levied against said property -within said Special
Improvement District No. 53 shall be paid in eig).at equtal in-
stallments or the f i�st ol-' vihich shall be -raid in
the year 1909, and all deferred payments to bear int-erest at the
rate of six per cent per a-,rmum, pavable annually.
On motion of Alderman Bienz and seconded by Alderman
Buck Jingham said resolution was passed by thie following vote .
Buck inghw.,i, Bienz, Child Hand and Shaffrot'n , Aye. Wo TJoes.
The Clerk -was directed to publish notice of the
same as reqiiired by law.
A t th i s t JIM el a r e t it 1 o n J' o r t _iie c on s t r u. c t i o n o f
ce,ment sidewalks On Fifth Aveniie West be"Dween Second and Third
Streets was presented, an(j in accordance therewith t_hte followling
resolution 'was read: