Resolution - SID 3890
T h4t It is the intention of sald City Council to oreate a
new Special Improvement Distrid; to be known as SpeciQ Improvement
05trict No.38, for the purpose of canstructingve-nent sid ewal k,7-, o r-
each sideof the Avenue -therein, the boundaries of skiah said SpeciM.
Worovement District are to be as follown to -wit:
lo include. Lot nizibered 18 of Block ri-tinfLered 64 of t1he oricinal
t O�e�nl S i t e 0 f M-11 is.0 e 11 . 43,�'Lon t- an ", and -1Ehe s id ewa lk s i�.but t ing t he r e on -
Said Special Improvement- Dio-trict described -to be
improved as follovis: By constructing cenent side,�,,ralllks on Third St.
i�,nd Second A -venue Fast within the above described lim-its, "ecordinc,
to the speci-fications for cement sidevralks as set -Forth in Sec.2, of
Art.II of Chaptler XII of the 12evised ordinances of 1899, as amended
by Ordinance 1,To.197, pj�Lssed and approved July 20th, 19080
The cost of said improve-ments is the sun of
and the same s1iall be paid by special assess-flients upon all the asses-
sable pro.,*.rtr within said Special ITqprovement Dii�trict, excl-usi-ire
of street-s, alleys and public places, and each pilece or p��rcel o-r
D-.nd within said district shall pei�y that pro -portion of cost of said
i-nprovements as the area thereof beeors to the area of the entire dis-
J- -�.
ict , exclus ive of streets, alleys and public plac es.
BE IT YURTMIER RESOLYM th�it notice be published in the ?:"Iispell
Journal, .-for "t least one issue for the -full time required by JaW
therefor, said Kulis-ell Jol.L-nal being a newspaper of gener�_,l circu-
lation in said ("ity of no"Clice o-Ir' the inte-n-
tion on -41-he part olf said City Cotincil to rrieke said improverients,
notifying all owners or agents of t1he property Within said Special
Improve -meant District 21171o.38 to 'be _�,.ffected or benefitted therelay,
t'halt said City Cotzncii o' -he City of
pell will meet on the 22nd
dkkv of SenVember, 1908, at 8 o'clock in the Coimcil Chanbers at
,.,-ie City Hp'llf K:,�l ispelljllontana, tlo- con��ider any objections to the
fina.1 est,�.blishment of said. Special Inp-_,-ove--_fflnt ol" said S�,
peCial T-,I-
provement District, whi-ch said objections mutst be written and fiinfl:
with the City Clerk on or be. -Pore said date.
me n t- S
It is -fuxth,_:�-r ordered 'bv t"he Cit, Courail that a-11 asses
ievied ag��inst sz�tid proper�y within said gpecial Im.provement District
NO.387 be paid in eight eqqu��l ann,10.1 inst"llments or
the firBt of which sh"'Ll be the year 1908, ;-�tnd all deferred
payments to bear interesto at -.-he rate of 6io per airnium, p�t,-,r,�Cble an-
n 11 ay -
Passed and approved this 30th day of Septerfbar, 1908.
James Harbert,
Ila yo r.
end��Il ,
C ity C 1 er k.