Resolution 233 - SID 51341 , A- T Z 7,'1 9 0 71, 11 T 10 1 T T 0 - k,,q T A 13 _T, TS H .9 P R C I A L I H-P R 0 V: F_ ZEIT TTI D T ST7 R I C T IN 0 . 5 1 . RE 1T.' 'T!�,SOLTED BY TIP] 6��ITY C017,7CIL OF TTP:II CITY OF KALISPELL: e 4 + �_ TI'at it is th 4. "'31tion of th�e Cit17 Coi.-mcil to create a Speci�J DmDrovenqent District to be k;aown as SDeclal Improveident Dis 14-rict 'No. 51 for t1he puri)ose of cons-t-ructing cemen-15 �U evialks on Second Street, al(­mv t-',ie i,,)ts Te .,-einafter nien-tioned, betwee-an Fift'r. Avenue West and Wood' 'awn -Wh-ichl improve.mend district shall include �vithin itis the lfollo-viin�­ Iots, all wit-hin 'rip oriK�inal townsite of Xalispp.11,1,ontana, to­,iit:- Lots 6 and 7 in �Block 50Y'. Lots I and 12 in Block 51)' Lots 6 and 7 in Block 49, Lots I and 12 in Block 52'�' Lots 6) and 7� in Block 48)Vtotls I and 13 in' Block .53,/L(t. s 1 andi 18 1 Block 54 �-s Jv-�'Iand 24 In Block 55 Lots 12, in Lo's 12 and 15 in Block 46'� L04 Block 45,vlljots 1 and 24 in Block 56 �­Lo ts G and 7 in Block 44, Lot 1 i- ck 57j\/Lots> 5 a -I -id 7 in Block 43,-Lots I and 12 in L -n6 Block 5�3�,BTI_,ots 6) and 7 in':Block 42 ots 1 a k 12' in Block 59, Lots 6 and 7 in Block 43 ' ; 'Lot I it! �look 60,"',and lo-ts I and 12 in Block 193 Addition No. 2 to thp, orieinal tovvnsite of Kalispell, Mon tana I I Said walks to be constructed according 'too the specificat- ions f'or ce-nent. sidevvalks as set forth in Sect ion 2 of Article II of Chapter XII of the Revised O-e-dinances of 1899, as amended by 0--d-IL21ance IT0. 1137, pl-issed anc� approved July 20, 1908, and the vidith of Iivqe shall be as follows: - Along Mots t') and 7 1-n Block 50, 1 ana 12 in Block 51, 6 and 7 in Block 49, 1 -�Lnd 12 in Block 52, 6 ii-nd 7 in Blc)ck 4"), and 6 and 7 in Block 43, 1 and 12 in Block 58',1 6 and 7 iii Block 42, 1 and 12 in Block 59, six feet in width. Along Ig Lots I %nd 12 in Block 53� 1 ana 18 in Block, !-54, 6 and 7 in Block 44, a -rid I in 4 Block 57, ten fee�, T,o_I',.s J_`d� i),-:od 'U� i:,i Block 4 6 , I and 24 in Blo& 55 12 in Block 45, 1 and 24 in Block 56, twelve feet :Ln -,vidth. Alone lot I in Blo(:�k -30, 6 and 7 In Block 41, 1 and 12 in Block 193, f ive I't"et lin width. The a-D-proxi.viate cost of saidl i..rurjrove;iien1%Is is '1-1.h,-,� su�,�i of twenty -cents (264 -per squure foot ivalks six feet dnd less in wid-f5h, and t,;,rp,-.-�tv-four cent-s ( 24 per s.qiu�ur-e foot for vialks more t3han fg;+, Lii width. Th-e cost of said iTinproveraents bepaid by assessD.ients upon �all of the assessable -pro-perty will-hin s;.,.id sp,-cial im-proveydent dis 't-rlict, exclusive of S-11rets, allevs -r,-tzblic places, umd each piece or parcel o land -,vithin s i i i d d i s t r i C s 'r I'a I I - r -3 a 7 the cost of saidi improvements accc)-f-ding T an(! cost, wa I k a b, it t ing on e�,7. c h p s rit. icii I a r 1:� I P, c e or parcal of 1,3,nd and Ir. th-e propo.rtion tlaat the area of h i c c T) �'tr�4Ct X_ or -oarce.1 of 1,3.nd 're P.1-s 4-hp arec� of the �­,ntire d..,. Clusive of streets, alleys an(I public places. Street and alley crossings and 'portions of ,walk not ab-,,ztl,- dng on said above i'tientioned lots but on said Second Street between Fifth Ave3-�ate West anfl 'Joodivwn Av,�=e shalibe naid for by the entine ddstrlct and the cost thereof s1all be apportioned among the lots according to t1le area t,�ie.reof. BF IT 7TIIRT�'�,-,R 'ITMOT, V11D Th-,at notice be publis'lled in the� Kalispell Journal for at, le�-tst o-n,�, issuze Cor -'U--he -full time required by 1xv therefor, sai,! Kalispell joiirnal being a newspaper of gen,,ir- al cir ci Lation in said City of giving notice of the intelition on the 1-1,a.-t Of Said Council to -nake said al - o wn �1-hir id ars or agents of the property wil 4 sa Special In.f.rovement Distrilct No. 51, to be affected or bene-fitted thereby, that said CiT,1Y Colincil of the C jt�T of yalispell will meet on the 25,t"h day o-f 1,aiy, 1909, at 8 o'clock P.-IKI. in the CO,Inc.ii Chazfbers at the Cit- Mall, Kalispell,Montoana, to consider any ob- Jections to the final establishement of said 9pcial IM-Provenent District, whic-q sai�! ' objections 2-rist be written and filed Wil,-h the C ity Cl erk on or bef o re sa-i d dat e. by 4-1 Citj?, 00-tl- ,(, 0 , tha all It L-, f�,,-�rt'-aer ordered !A - assessraents bvied againtt said property within said Special Improvement District 170. 51 shall be paid in eight equal in.stall- 4 (, ',, ments or payments., the JEir st of -wh-41'_ shall bp -oaid in t1le -vear 4. '�e of 1909, and all defe�-r ed pwrr�,-ients to bear interest at -11-he ra six .-e r ce�,-,.,t . -or annum payable anmially. At te s il� : Passed and approved this 4th daer of Mav, 1909. A, Xc-.--k-A' Y Clark. B. Jonles %�. A RT,',SQVjTICj3,A rTO ESTABLISH S-,P_.MCIAT, IMPR(TYF7w-,.T;N`P DI977RICT BE IT PESOIAM BY TIF CITY COTINCIL 07 T'--1F, CITV 0-7 K-Al�'LUSPY,141: That it is the intn-,AJon of the Citir Cmmr,,il to create a Special Improve�-,,,ient4 District to known as Special Improvement fo - 1, District No. 51 r the purpose of constmeting cemend sidewalks or, Second Street, along th,- lots he-einafter mentiloned, between Fifth Avenue West and -Yoodlawn Avemie-, vbich improvement district shall include within it's boundari45,�s the followin- lots, all within thf� origimtl townsite of to -wit; Lots 6 and 7 in Block 50, Lots 1 and 12 in Block 5'1,Lo+.s 6 anki 7 in Block 49, Lots I and 12 in Block 52, Lots 6 and 7 in Block 48, Lots 1 and 12 Iin Block :53, Lots I and IS in Block .54, Lots 12 ard 13 in Block 46, Lc--ts I and 24 in J`,lock 55, Lot 12 in 4 -r i Block 45 , Lots 1 an,,� 5,14 -1 1 Block 56, Lots 6 and `7 In Block 44, Lots 1 in Block 57, Lots 6 a--rad 7 in Block 4,31 Tots I and 121 in Block 58� Lots 6 and 7 in Block 42, Lots 1 andt in Block 519, Lots 6 and 7 in Block 41, Lot 1 in Block 60; an(1 Tots I and 12 in Block 193 1 ' -1 - h, T Kal�spell,1-410-,Aarla. �.dd it Lon ITo. 2 to t- e or ig tnal towns ite of A - Said walks to bp Constr7,zeted according to t'-ae specif- icati'.ons for cement sid-livalks as set -1�orth in Sectimn P, of Article Il of C-hapter X11 of the Revised Ordinar-ces of 1800l as amen-ded by Ordinance No. 197, passed an6 approved Jzily P-o, 1908, and the width of spz-qe shallbe as follows: - Along Lots 6 an6 7 in Block 50, 1 and 12 in Block 51, 6 and 7 in Block 49, 1 ar(i 12 in Block 52, 6 and 7 in Block 48, and 6 and 7 in Block 43, 1 zind 12 in Blo(�k 58, 6 and 7 in Block 42, 1 ard 12 in Block 59, six feet in widtq� A�ong Lots I and 12 Jn Block 513, 1 and 18 in Block 54, 6 and 7 in Block 44, and 1 in Block 57, ten feet in Alon- Lots 12 and 13 in Block 46, 1 and 24 in Block 499 51, 12 in Block 45, 1 and 24 in Block 56, twelve feet in width. Along Lot I in Block 60, 6 and 7 in Block 41, 1 and 12 in Block 193, five feet in width, The approximate cost of sain im-provements is the sum of twenty cents Q0/) per square foot for walks six feet and less in width and twenty-fonr cents (24/) per square foot for =lks more than six fNet in width, Thp cost of saiC bnprovenents siall be paid by special assessments upon all of the assessable p-operty within said special improvement district, exclusive of stre;ts, alleys and pnblic places, and each piece or parcel of laN within said district shall pay the cost of said improvemertd according to t4a area and cost of walk abutting oneach particular piece or parcel of land and in the proportion that th, area of each otece, or parcel of land bears to the area of the 6ntire district exclusive of streets, alle7s and public places. Itreet and allsV crossings and pertdons of walk not abrtt- ing on said above mentioned ld; s but on sail Second Street betweer, Vifth A7n7va West aro Wond3awr Avin"- shpil I- rpiM for bF the Rptire &Ntrict Pr6 th- crrt ti—PH FOU hp apperticr-d ni cre the lots accorinE to tAn area thereof. BE IT PU22HER RESOLVED That notice be published in the Kalispell Jon-vil for at least one iss"a for the fill time reguiree, by law therefor, sQ d Kalispell Journal beinE a newspaper of generaV cirulation in said City of Kalispell,yontana, givinE notice of the intention on the part of saY City Council to make said inrrcve- ments notifying all owners or agents of the prooerty within said Specia ' 1 ImDrovement District NJ 511 to be affected or benefitted thereb ' , that said City Co until of the City of Kalispell Wi7l Meet on the 25th %F of May, 1909, at 8 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers'at the City Eall, Kalispell,Montana, to consider any ob- jections to the final establioNment of said Special District, which saLd objections q at be written ana fined with the City Clerk on or beforesaid date/ It is further ordered by t4a City Council, that all asseasment3 levied aevinst saia property within said Special Im- provement Di5trict No. 51 siallbe paid in eight equal installments or payneyls, th4 first of whiN-, s-�-Lallbf- rii�id Ln the 7nar 1909, and ail deferred payments to bear interest at the rate of six per cent. per ann"n, payable annually, On motLon of Alder"an Bienz secoNed h7 AlderAan Shaffroth said Resolution was passed hy the following� vote: BiickinChaii, Bi��nz Child, Cheater, Aye, No Noss. On petition of propert7 owners req"estiny that the Wewak boWnen 7irst Ave East and 7irst Ave/ West on tie South side of' Second Street be increased in width from ten to twelve feet. A RESOLUTION 17MAUNT 'OF WIDTH OP SIDP�',AIATX ON TEN SOUTH SIDE O:T TECOND STRUT B7,71TEICN, PIRST AVE EAST A7,121) :?11PIT AVR WEST ?ROZ 110 TO J1 PEET. BE IT RESOLVED B7 THE CITV COUNCIL 07 TAR WTV 0? KAWSPUL: That whereas, it Appears to the Council that it is to thn best interest of the p ople resideing upon gecond Stret in said City and that it is to the Last interest to the peopla of the City Oaf Kalisnell tAat the sidewalks on the FortA 2tje of Second Stre et between Pirst Averiil�e Easl" and Pirst AvevNie West be increased from II -en feet to twelvg� fent. BP IT ""JRTHTI� RRSOLV-TDjT'fat' Vie—�tidth of said ,valks above m�entioned be inc-i-t�ased Irarn, t-en to twelve feet on tlia soi,,th s1zde S 9��cnnO Stre-eit between 741-Irst A venize Fast and 7ir-st Avenlio West, .1 .1 That it is -,erf-ssar!� for thQ -n,-�aae, h-�altli and safety of the people in "I"he C it:vr of Kal ispel I t*hat this Resolution f'- ake efffect innmediately , and the. sarue is 11-,ereby orde�red to take effeot diywn id it t P ly On notion. of Alderman Buckin-havi seconde,(I b�r AldenTian Bi(-Yr,7 said Rr�soliztion vva s passed an(,I adopted by t-he fol-Lowil-le, ftte: Bucking'hax�-i, Tje�-inzj Cliild, Ch'iester, H-,:�nd, Shaffrot-h, Alrel ITO 1-Toes. There being no fi,,rt-aer busines, s to coi�,ie b�-fore the Counci! at tnis tirare o-i motion ditly made and seconded the, Couincil adjourned to mneet on t-.�ae "Colloviing Mu'-,'r 10, 1909 �-it 8 01�clock P.1'1. for the t�-ansaction of all -,')-us-4211e.qs that pf-op,�--rly i:�one, before it Read and RP.Proved t'iis 7th c3�.,- of June, 1909. b, Attest: k