08/21/28 - Deed Record No 201 - BJ McIntireDee l��&ord LEI C�. ..G4.7.L3 Flathead County, t;�1q:Montana WAli3�AN`TS D��iS;q # r 'imlS iMENTURE, Made the,'T' e4ty f ifs t day of Aupus t in the year of our Lord _ cme tbonsarid nine hundred and �� i� �r �ity}�1 between B. T. ticl tt.? t a.. a s it-t t1 Yria� the isart a# the first part, and the{ i:tgr td NO is ro1.1, a,i?7t`-a'14. the parr �' of the second pert. WITNESSETH. That the said part of the first pAM forand in consideration of the sum of tine and ro f iop Th3�r Alts, Iawfulmoney of:thc C7nfted Statas of f4snerica, DO dim ut hand paid by ttte aazit-part "fir of theaatond part, tlze'retaipt vrizereaf is hereby acknotvtedgrd, do be by them -presenis"granC bargain, oU., convey and confirat tinCo. the said pa t. .of the second part; ai d to its heirs and gu3 "forever all th at '"certain ,_�Iot Or ar parcel czf.land, sxtoate 1ping and-lbg in tkse County of, Flathead an3 Stake of vianCania_ . andq paxtetu%atly d'scxibgd a7u�; tu•t1rzC: ` y �+ ,y }p� i ieQ rtt:tkiaa�dt +m i:? ,kt i` of be {strtllia' t �iiartsr- ;1Ji`91�R'd''� 'a�. mot, i��T �'t��9� i'a�t�� �GV �. C5)J ' L 't E Of �+ange a�le�t;t j S,ne _�svI), €�ibst S3� 1.£�A"ic3�,�.i: i� fr Togather with all "and stngw lar"Che to»eazz'nis, betedatament:and appurtenances tizareunto belonging or sti anywise appertaining. and Liza sevtxsion.azid reversaans xentaind'r or xamaz}idera rsn#�sssres rand profits thereof, and also all tie' cetat' rig*, title lntexest - hom6s t vl1Srdi� i" Pt% =on, claim nd demand Wba':SaLwKr ?&'Well 36law aB in CSIUxCj': af L`110 Saltl, "thenppurtenanml , axr y of'etre arse part. of, in or xn the said- premises And every part and pazcek tbexsof, with ' T041AV AND TO I301T7 ali'and.sittgtilarthe abovrmtndoned and described premises. tpgether with the appuetenances, unto the said part of the second"part, and to 'its, hears and assigns forever. And the eaid part y eltsr parr. and Elie , heirs, da hereby caaenant that tlilep milt forever. Wazxin# Defend in and � 12 right, title and "inteirest and to tine said premises, and th' quiet and �aaccable a posse eon tYzeiacsF, nitro clae said put q of tkae'ser4nd isatr. Its he,rs.and'zsei9" mjoinst the'acts" and ziea is of. th'said party y of the arst part. ,,on all n� every^ person or persons u«lzamsoever, lawfully clxtmtng or to claim thC'S'ti n1N. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The said part y of the first part ba a hereunto set,his: hand and seal 'the -day -and year before written. Signed, ;Scaled and Delivered iu presents nF I3. y . Uclnt ire (Seal) K Scala s »...... ------- STATE OF SviU1VTAN#�, l County of FMthead. on this `t"t entvf i.rsg t day; o£ "mus t in the year one thousand nine hundred"and tvie, 4y -e z� t1L, before me, as Swam a Notary public for the Stire aforesaid. petsodally.a peared b.�J�. ;4aI!I0.rdz a SI ltl .win �e known to'uie: pttr 31 to.be person whose name is subscribed to the,within,instrumenu and `gxeciitad dcknowledged to'ma that t`i6 the �me, 1N:Wi'TI-PSSVHEREt7R I }lave iureunto set my based aad affixed my Notaeial Seal, the; day anil year, ferat` bavr wri#un. l" (A. " tvdfs8 / Notary Nblic for the Stite of Ivioritana, resldin8 at (atotari l Seal) Cclumbia- Falls 71,or,t,ara,. ( tr�ta; f 'i t ) My Commission expires, 114y h`, 1 c t 19 l ) Filed for Retard. at the request of this day of at ,1:16 o'clock 1, M. tr u> J. alt€»1V CounfYReaordec By 2Lry Willis Deputy. Reception No. "� ��# t