11/18/27 - Warranty Deed - CE Conrad EstateFLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA IRARROTY T'Orm9 KNt17i AIL MY BY 123SEMUTTS-, Tha. C. Z. Conrad ktiate, Inc., ;a "corporation., or- � 34 6mnired and existing, under the lases of the "State of sakptana., in consideration of the nut al Six Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($600.00), the receipt whereof is hereby adt:titted, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, warrant and confirm unto henry Good, of Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana, and to his heirs and assigns, forever, the following described real property, situated in the County of Flathead, State of Montana, to=wit; e The East 1-Five (5) .acres of tiffs Northeast quarter of :Northwest quarter { Eli I# } 1 of .Section Seven (7) in Township rwenty-eight (28) north of -Range Twenty-one (21) 'hest of the Principal Meridie.n in Montana,' 1 POGETHS , with all and singular the terietwents, ioreditxaents, and appurtenances thereto be longing, or in anywise appertaining. A.nd tine said rxlPANTOR hereby covenants that it will forever WAi& i1T and DEPEND all right, title, and interest in and to said premises, and the quiet and peaceable possession thereof, unto the said. GRANUB, his heirs and assi,=ns, afpinel the acts and deeds of said grantor, and all and every person and persons wssomsveyer lawfully claiming or to clai:tt the sa:ee « RK WITYESS WHEMOF, said G A1'TOR has caused ite corporate naxe to be subscribed and its corporate seal to. be affixed, by its; proper officers, thereanto duly aut:horived, on this-l8th day of Noveraber A. u. 1s27. 'attest. 1:y C. D. Conrad {. a« Dickey Prbsidont. SserstarJJ. ;C. K. Conrad ate Inc.} {Corporate Beall 3uu OF mi7xuop sa. County of Flathead On thais 19tn day* of November in the year 1927, before me the undersiSnei, a Notary ?,ablic ,for the State of Mantansa, personally appeared C. D. Conrad, (known to me) to be the ?resident of the corporation tisaatexecuted the vdthin instrument and acknowledged to spa that suoh corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WEREQF, I have heretal.to set my hand and affixed my official seal Oho day and year in this certificate first above written. ,E. J den r , J. yen Itus er Notary -Public) ;state of Montana) Notary blic for the State of Montana. Residing at Kalispell, Montana. My �onmsssion expires Aug;. Ist, 1528 40TE--Acknowledgment shoal"d be inad.e by either- xsre.v dent or secretary. Filed ,for record August Sth, 1923, at 3:50 P. MM,. 1. J. Shaw" county Clerk Asoorder. By Mary Willis, Deluty. Reopt. No. 2474. y4+1�rir,'r:��.J�4 rUMUNTY PUD THIS IMMURE, Made .the 23rd day of July in the year of our Lord, one thousand 'nine hundred and twenty-sielrt between, Hattie Greig, of Los Angeles, California, party of the first part and The City of Kalispell, Montana the party of the second part, WI`<iESS.I tit, Ti:at the said part-- of the first part, for and in co:zsideratior, of the aura of Two thousand and no%100 Dollars lairful money of the United States of A,�erWa, to her in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby ac- knowledged. does by t-hese presents grant, bargain, sell, convey and r o.afirm unto the said, party of the second part, and to 11 successors and assitna forever, all txiose certain .lots i_,.,