*** Airport Property Certificates of Surveytj.. N\ o SEC EivE 990 ZO 599°50'E 1 69. 96' / 3655e' Se ° EAST EIGHTEENTH STREET 976 pans Ste'. \ 60, -- 472 i9 N 89.5 a o I o I - o _ aE I Nla s•q CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION 1, LAURENCE G. BJORNEBY, MAYOR of the CITY of KALISPELL, MONTANA, wn er of flit following described property, do hereby certify that I have causnd to be surveyed, sub- divided and divid.0 into Lot. Blocksand Streets as shown by thin plot and des.ribed in this CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION, .II of the following described tract of land to wit in Flathead County, Montana; A tract of lend located in Section Twenty (20). T.28N., R.21W., P.M.M., F1.theod County, Montano and more particularly described as follows to wit; Beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 20; thence 5.89. 50' E. o distance of 30.0 feat to an it n pin with a bronze cap the true point of beginning; thence S. 89. 50' E. ,long otha North Ii ns of Section 20 a distance of 839.55 feet to a point on the Westerly right-of-way tine of U. S. Highway No. 93 also 11.95 feet N. 89. 50' W. of the Southeast corner of lot 13. Black I, Pont— Addition to KnOspell, thence S. 33° 01' E. along the Westerly right -of- way fins of U. S. H)ahway No. 93 0 distance of 600. 00 fact to a print; there' s. 56. 59'W, a distance o1 15O.OU feat to a point; thence N. 33. 01' W. o distance of 150.00 feat to o point; thence S. 56.59, W. o distance of 250.00 feet to a polo}; thence N. 336 01' W. a distance of 509.39 fear to o Doirt; thence N.00. 10'E. a distance of 119.12 feet; thence N. 89. 50' W. a distance o1 472.25 feet to a point on the Easterly righf-of-way line of South Main Street; thence N.O0°07'W. a distance of 50.00 feet to the true point of beginning and containig 6,171 acres more or Itcs and that said tract is to be known and designated as the AIRPORT ADDITION TO KALISPELL and the lanai Included ,n all Str e9 is at shown an said plat is hereby dedia algid to the use of the Public I....... CITY OF KA LiSPELL, MONTANA ATTEST: r / ' by SS. Cc•L•��_ -P Ct�fJL 4 C Mayor of the ry of Kalispell Cljy' clerk ' STATE OF°MONTA NA) COUNTY OF FLATHEAD)SS 1< On this / day of 11L, 1988,: before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, persona fly appeared Laurence G. 8jorrueby, known to on to be the Mayor of the City of Kalispell, Montana, whose na o)e I. described to this instrument and acknowledged to me that ..an Corporation executed the same. L't�ter[ L.2.f ni:.e c.E Vary Pubjii for the State Of Montana Residing t Kalispell, 0o ipn r�.�r My ..miss on expires ° CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I, the undersigned LLOYD B. MCCLINTICK, Land Surveyor, Montana License No. 756-5 do hereby certify that during the month of October, 1968' under my supervision the the survey of the AIRPORT ADDITION TO KALISPELL, FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA, was mode and platted into Lots, Blacks and Street. a shown on the occom ponying plat and s described in the Certificate of Dedication and the courses and distance. are true and correct to tho best of my information and belief, and that all corners of lets were plainly marked on the ground, that said survey was made in strict conformity with Section 11- 601. Lloy B. MCClintick Rea No. 758-5 STATE OF MONTANA) COUNTY 0 JF4ATH EA I SS. On this day of _o.�c , 1968, before me o Nola" Public in and for the State of Montano, personally appeared Lloyd S. MCClintick, knew to me to be the person who executed the Certificate of Survey and acknnwledged.to me that he executed same. 90° raa. LEGEND p Iron pin 112"X IS" ® Iron pin with cap " "X 18" OSec. corner Press cap DRAWING BY L. S. MCClintick `r^ c y r < " OCTOBER, 1968 Nat.ry Pubic far the State of M tolne Residing of Kalispsll, ntnnaj My commission expires CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER iy4' 1, Lloyd B. Mc Clintiek, City Engineer in and for the City of Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana, do hereby certify, that I h.ve exam Ined he plot of the AIRPORT ADDITION TO KALISPELL and hereby approve same. Dated al Kalispell, Montana, this /Si day of Na yam `e% 1966 M.utmrrzw uol sr Lloyd B. MCClintick City Engineer d oaf Syr __.._. D.14T ... �-. 'Clack _.M CERTIFICATE OF MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN We, the underelgnad being the Mayor and all of the members of the City Council of the City of Kvs lie pelt, Manta A. do hereby certify that we have exominetl the Diof of the AIRPORT ADDITION.PTO, KALISPELL, Montana and the land therein contained i9 owned by the City of Kalispell, Montano and I. within the city limits and we it hereby approve as a plro teed addition to the City of Kalispell, Mon;* to be hereafter known and designated as the AIRPORT ADDITION TO KALISPELL. Said Mayor and Councilmen waives the requi—ent. of setting aside areas for parks and playgrounds as provided for In Section 11-602-9, Montana State Statutes, covering plats f areas I.e. than twenty acres, done by Resolution No. 2712, passed the 4th day of November, 1966, at their regular meating. Doted at Kalispell, Montana, this d /h day of .(/ru m Ll , 1968 ors _ Mayorr � 1 y/ /f 4a" Councilman Councilman Counci I m an Councilman ), ourycilm'C On ,t,,. 1. • 4 ; ° Councilman v 1 r Councilman 1 CERTIFICATE OF CITY ATTORNEY STATE OF MONTANA) COUNTY OF FLATHEAD) SS. 1, Norbert F. Donahue, City Attorney, for the City of Ka li.pell, Montana, do hereby certify that I have ...mined the certificate of a licensed abstractor to the lend described oa this plot of the AIRPORT ADDITION TO KALISPELL, Montano, and the City of Kalispell, Montana, Is thin owner of the tract of land so platted. Dated of Kalispell, Montano, this et f/t day of "G Alevam Per I 1968 r;.a/-n-/! �Ey.. /x City Attorney PLAT OF RESUBDIVISION OF LOTI, BLOCK I, AIRPORT ADDITION TO KALISPELL, SUBDIVISION N173 IN THE N.W.I/4,NW.1/4,OFSECW,T28N,R21W P..M.M. SCALE /": 60' aw,vcvs • c�erifrcarE T LRRRY O. GEE/ PAES/OENr OF THE KAL/SPE44 ELKS .BU/LO/N6 A99aC/gTYON 0/VNE.O OF ljf/d pESCR/6E0 P.fOF�AT qp //E.PEBY CE.PT/FY 'W,*T I NA!/E CALLAFP TO BF .s'L+Ph:YFdJ JY/B'O//'/qd'Q 7" PAACELSj LOT ,OF Bzome// OF THE A/A' A"r'4'wl TO,V TO K.OL/J'PELL. THE OES'QR/PTPoN OF LOTS BGOCK� QFTNE O.p/6.+VAL q/AACRTA.L10/ /O.V TtJ L�AE/ a(iL, ' .pY FOLL O wa. A TR.9CT OF LAND LOCATED /N SECT/ON (20J/TO/L/N.>NIoJ NORTNJ-NAN66 �2'/f L4sFSTj P. KR/ ASN7XfOAG„ COu,ITY A'TONTANA[ ANO MO@E A3fAr/C!A'AALY LMClCQ/61k'O A3' FOLto�3'.' CMNMENCRY6 qT T.VbL NtMmV,/KWAT CtlRNEq OF JAJO c.FECTie7N (EOJj THENCE S. B9.30'E. 30.0' FEET] TN[4UC'E S0.07 i; 'FiETj 9B9^EO'E -e7e. 2S'FEET AWN6' 7JYE' JVU711 L/N6 O/ EAST E SHTEPNTiY WTiPFE'T 7U TNi 7.Y0®' ,MbAV/ IM BE6/NAN.yEj Tf./d V/ GVWT.WU/.a6 .!.'B9•10-E OVV 0"FEET 70 7X'FI WJ'?We4k/L/NE OF TNENCX' .9.35•O/ E 3". Z7'FYET gGONA THE !L/ESTEAYY L/NE OF 1'A/O N/G.VIP/AY j TAK.f/GS Shci^d9.6y ALV•O ! 'Mij >� NCE N YY. 309.39'FEETj TN6VCE N. 0°R7'E" //S./2'FEEr TO THE TRUE Po/Nl Of BdNNN/Nd ro.vrA/.mw¢ R�suDBtACAss-s OF � Te 0 1- OT RNU LO46BR A! a� rIfA4T.V15014e/BacC K / 0.0 A�-5 Lot I RTT ST.' .SAL LL EGF / A.491�C, sH/ARO SEC.pTTARy A P.P / EN / TN�W Y LOT/d � / \ \ STATE OF MONTANA / \ ON TN/.r Q OAY OF /976/ BEiRfgE n A NOTARY P/iBLC /N ANO FOQ THE .TTATE OF /[ IONY'Oj_ __ �_ / Le:+T// / \ LEA'SONALLY ALP6ARE0/ GAARY O GEE/ KNOWN 72T ME TO 6E THE P ES/O-- T OF TA'F .C�ALinigpYL Q•cC' BU/LO/NG AN'OCIAT% N OF KAL>SPEGG MONTA.UA GU tie Al~/S /NYC.C/A6`d 7-1 7.fi.(Y GSPA19�A� 1a � / \ ANO ACKNOLUL ED6E0 72T ME THAT .!'GL^N C'OQPoEA! .✓ E./CYiTEO TyE SAM ' /N wi>NEA9 WSE.PEOF T NAY HERE UN>a SE> MY//AND AND MY N AR/AL SEAL TN6 OAYA BhUO' / X%'7.7iFV ' NO L C F TB OF M TAN7 AH.f%B 6 AT M' LM- MyGYIAJA.L�5A7N F/PES b 17 1 140 0F' CITY COUAIMI- y / \ CERT/FA^AYE TNF MAYRP ANO T.YE C/lY M OF THE C/TY OF KAf.(1`L6YG, FGA HG.gp GbUN>Y MONTAN4 LIp NEAEBY C®XY'LA�Y OUGY EXAM/NEO ANO APiSH9LlO BY TMF C/TY GCIA' +/C/< OFTME C TY OF " r L �T'/..3 \ TR+A> Tit/E ACCNA/F.I.vY/N6 FYA> iYA1 AT /TS AE6CKAR MEET/Ae F6'e ON T.YE;L$�.OAY OFY +yf^J - /9TE. sYE Po NEA'EEY G.P VA CERT/Fy T/VAT /N Ll6U TNFA.'EOL FOR THE RE-.SY/BO/l/M ON OF 7f``NE A R.Rf.Pt AGO/T/OA/ i0 KAL/.S`/i@¢'Gt AV AS Y7 MUCH AS QEmU QEAO'ENT:f FON RINK AS'EfbSEY WEAE MET /N AMOROANf•6'H�/TN <.V/HS' /N FFfb^C'T .9T TNd EAST E/Gh'TEZ71VTN .976 A V 57�EET sE-o6E o:LE - - W \ GYTY OF NAL/ CL/ MONTANA. C/TY OF KAL/Sg7f< A40NTANA. SB9 •SO'E 4T2. PE" - - - - - / -•- .SB9' SO 'E rJ.00 ` -�\ �gT' ,q�B. J 9�- Tr3 o9' {� \ { CER7TJFX'FTE dF C/TY ENG/N� v 1 I j NARY y A;(/L'BEL/ C/ry ENWNEEA' NANO FO"P THE C/TY OF /(:9C/Sfi LL/ FLATHEAD GLY11/T� MONTANA 00 •(�'lFBY GL•AT/FY THAT I. NAI/Er E.1AM/Ne7/ THE PGAT OF fNE A/K.°i (T AOP/T/aV TO A'AL 9.H:LC '<EJ7/BP/v/.Y/O OF LOTS ` BLOCK i ANO NEAEBY A%P,B�ut THE J'AME. OA>EO Ar KAG.tf'i!£LL/ MONTANA T%✓/.1t_CZ..../DAY of Dry LEGEND OSE6'7/0.V cnxll 'mc-, s'e4 'S • h!O/VU/77E/!/T9 FGUNO ^->AT''>' � v 0 \ LOT I \ w J \ w - 00 C� o W 00• 59 - E y6. �n LOT /-.9 0 90 /.41 '0AC" 13�0 \ by GOT 2, 0. S6 i '� 1, 410O 59 AAYEY �,• 'dirt ... EC6. N =;3 ;. APPApYEO FL� ��O .tvevEYo4 .EfG �rAPVEYa.As si�uATYY,P�' g csFOG /Y/ L/ ,E. LYNEELE EE. Nr ES, ON TN/S.�!_ DAY OF U!M �LY 976� EEFpPE M6 T//E.V.A6Y60 A .t/OTA.Py a'BL/C' FGiP T B aP/ATi OF MONTANA P QSONALcy A.�4nsARFp ![ /LC/AA1 E H///EEGE� 7U ME •t'.MWN TO B6 THE "4ER.fUN °✓A��' NA d /S JUBSCAiBEO TC THE JY/TN>N /A/ST.PUME T ANO ACKNe Gr/LCG6E0 Tp .NE' rA'AT HF E� TG T/P'E S'AAIP. /N w MESS l✓H •PFOF I //Al/E N `+C'v TD �7 MY H O A� AFti E M•/' NOTA OL y4 � G�TNE Gi9y qN0 YEAR F/As> ABOYE u/.°'/TT N /\ STATE OF MONtgNA CIXwTYOF F[gJNEAO F/LEp FO.P REQO TN/9 �� �YDF /Fb37R tr uo.'/v3 WE A.0. Survey 1P 77tr;Fiy scot M6W Far:Brufyer CaMPA"ies Tnr-. By: Doyle Enterprises Inc. 285 North Again Kalispell, Montana 5990f Dole* May 9, 1977 Pitons.' 755-49401 -0—POje oF* -5arvey Eneroncln rent` survey man= A tract, of land situated, lying and being in the Dirt Cpgrter N*Mwiwt Quarter (M# Oft) of Section TwentyOW), T--MP TWoOV-light (24).rhiAh. Range TO4MtY-- (21) Vogt. P.14.X., Flathead OINIAtY. Xont&M am more psrtisulazilf described as faU*w*j tot " of the MwAbdivisun Of let 1. A" -1, 11, Subdivision No. 73 In the NWiNW4 of Seatioa 2D, t 28 N, I Al W, P.&MV:M= is on file In the r000rds of Flathead County, Montana. O • % i VEY SEC. 2 0 T. 2 S AL9 R.2 .1K R MnMv Fbth&W Ca Scale: I in. to 30* It Act, Section corner (as noted) V" i jt f/4 corner too note;) Cantor 1/4 corner lot noted) 0/16 corner tag 000041 1 Niles: 1. Charles W. Doylex a, registered LAM SurvAmq ftjfy,�"., V ey Wde i�y me 3,n plat portrays a survo of W that saift-aurVsy. 197 W�F, wnj,.,tt*t thao6mugerit5`found and set are the ch&mtter. and! the pos' tiorisi suoun; therovo has pro rod in conrorw=6 pa 2 and Plat t: And the j[*gUAax1 with, the 141pritang tubdi"i, ti adopted puiLsuant,therato, and w Op, �Mvwww o. .=Aw� W— g. CER-`T11r--/CATE OF SURVEY NW114 & NW1/4 SW1/4 Section 20, T28N R21 W, P.M.,M.' ELA THEAD COUNTY, MON TANA Yetar;.,:t u.,+starve a; ; F VW jar , t.p hi.jhwn,. renterrnr? ' per MRirRidF.t- 4. i r c t 4�Mr etfor _�; �,•'! _..'�.., "^- leth J'hert Wart. 1000 rtgvf--, 4SV c;'�N'' dtlL. 4t: .. `. INA SYrosr 60 M' nFyl...rFaaY - �'i __..._ _.. . _.. ^' Aerneron /hey' 93 h 9rK"etbe v _. Sec t �J - r 3 A _ M1a Sx,;: gar: r.. •\ f ,;� _. � ',. w.00n Lt 1y 4 Resubd ir+m— a Lot 7 8tnrk 1. AzrFart-Rdd%t— =uu IA 1-A �. A port Addn. � 4 f Kid pro A A p N IV O � ylF!;, f--..._�. _ '! •n4. t •.-,�5+ tp�1 A i :i I . Peed Exhfhsf\ omk 507 Pdgc111r Ivt x Rk 507 Fg its r Parcel 1 F gym \ n, rRFPHi n_�_ i 23.333 Acres s. qa. 7� _ r _.._.----i •",o ka`S�kr,9} Rt N#Y ii0ntrtr .nmrr OMENfl fl tNe `.. ` N8.93Ftp'•W �� a -. _ •rF P "'4 :)S ` y� 5 n i PCINT of BEQN&MG r ? PorCelS 3 & 4 POINT or BEGfAwAfc ld 59-5.928„E Parcels I & 2 ,( S17Lt3' IL Fox 407 Parcel 4 I 58959'28 "W 27782 p15.651 Aches - - '`\``�.... Z r `''' h ti60Y9'(NS'W 2T7 r1' - .. 9tlt cs 5adr+ _ n Parcel el 2 p W F;. na cnnfrofl,ng i,efmn corner as dated �� '" q ;& " 29.897 Acres Parcel 3 0 round 5/8' 2um rebar, nv �:op, untess noted (n °�i c5 �k te•-,pk Y m 0 .,'� 9,911 Acres �p cj round Sib" dram steel Pin �,�et P�v'' ..W cm Is Found 1 1,12" dram. atummam cap. no f0 l� S89'S4 `41"W 27744' r' i5e55d'11"W 17661 - Pac In Found fence cnrnar per 'S 5041 �a./W Abro' _ - I S ,o's. r90 q ♦ Found 2 1/2' k -TO" olumrhum monument per CS 5041 A 0 Found 4"r4" _uncrete hrghw.v manumeot `, All R 30t7007•• ' sa y, •,`t� }•}1 `*�tt• © Found 5/8" dtam, reoar wit, 1 1/4` diam ,*Nlow �I. C 22350' a �'_`�S, .0 nt`t plostic- cop marked 'WITH 47405" per CS 1040 .t 12279'm�wravwm`�' O Set 5/8 dam. rebo' with ! 1:s" diorn ,flow •, R 600006•- J ail yr3 y h3g q�u%t ^ai r , plastic ..op marked. "S.Wt TN 4746$" ' a ' t 2ttt4'/ I Basis of Bewirtq: Solar Obserwfion 4V�i\ rn tog -/9g 't5 << a j' \ ` ; SE C;roer I8i0'55" �_._...� __ -...._ ��' �l'e5� t .�teF ii°'' �t •t. \ � ;E7,'!i NWii 4 SMITH_ �}�,i `t,�m R c 75.00' __,�,;,,' _ E p2`�Sf �.1+' % S •�.'`..'f"" SU it E i [� €� L = r07 i4 -_-_ 2g >3333 38 E 2992' G \ i' Sec l9 'Sec 2U 4\ � �+ / J _ ,_ ___ _ \ S32'59"52 f 10533' �,-"`� ! •�1 1131 South Main J r w f i 353 6 t R ro lk .£ 6 PpT 57S+Se-bS ti. —. _ _. _✓,f�} P.(). Box 7323 RhmOV' 4 64566 6?Z:7" - Y C 9ar.°6mnk�i� s t�, _ / nf� arar the wutM1-1 6 = 4956.17" _ 1,31843` t 0sE1iA l Pomel 2 Per Carl. 4f Sur my 122i9 R = 'A .5.00' � 589'4n' T'E ✓` ! nw (,ar ,n t— ,'r. v- Kalispell, MT 59903 t z 65.37` F (406) 257--4323 i rhea€ a of z, CERMCATE OF SURICY NO. 0;?7 1272J CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NW1/4 & NW1/4 SW1/4, Section 20, T28N R21W, P.M.,M FLATHEAD COUNTY. MONTANA That Fart+un , the .k%nr!—�,,;, r ll,p lvnrl:iw<5; 1-'4ur 4 • .-Bari :0..�H'e,:t:3iorr.' Fla lhenn r M•:nt + ! .. i,. ...•lid ds fn .w... i ornrnen.;,ng .Jr ,,. awes: 'a of the Nor Ph n,0-t r'4 ,Pn>-,' .N f ,.lien e.)fJ^+: fhe south fine at soid Jli,)unf part N<+rlh �`?4."'fr' Nest 9. 4' fee' to, tht POINT OF BEOINNIN the poi:'; t emq a -e,i: lhervre : on hrurnq oiong the • utn sa;;. Y,Vuo, . -r 1n 50'4t, IFHest " 116805 feet In the ea;1 Pi iv :yn! awar I,—r *rM:;n fang H.ah Wahen d No. 404, tce _ r aiuho _;,J r' .st-N, right _- - N.ir ltr ii0)91'00, Wes! 131715 fert7,, rr,r' : rthrr,4 N. . sa.a : »Ilion 21?, Iherv:.. cng said , arth».rr 1 f :ecn.no, n. 39' `i0" Eri_'t -8346r'' feel he �i- wEa v+r riahl -.>1 �w,;y tint of J5 H,h y'f 1 to I,!!,; 15. t St l grt >lwny S wth {41 f r .he 1n, of •` ! e J: t o f f Add oioh, the olo! w •cn .1 iP w t t e ^;f . S,P u!!nty (lerk and Recorder `•`%en,.e Wc,g fllr ""on n;d ,at I. North 89"52'b"" Wysl 44'24f; ahwr>! of svid Cof ,ref fo 'ne lhencr,+ al; i,+g !-e we:>!»,'„ and ..•fhwe5'f.- !, .5 of Lot 1 and Cot to of Sad Resubdiv,snn ,if t,:t I, Br.:cr r• n,rperf Addition. South t,i''03'33 West 1�!I I •tor .J:':1 ',: ul it• %=tJ-'S9" f05r 511) 44 relit lu the a„then', - sq,c Lot IA. thence ,fang Ile tt—tneosterrp f ne . :;.rl t_,w!A, .harm 5c'44'46" East 251,2 feet to inr, --t we^lilt: of Lot 2 Block I. Airport Addition 1n ^'. al,rpefi. Pre that ,itit W:th the 17othead Count; i7erA aroi Re•-o•der. tn>.: �c? along taw :,;u Mwe^ter?p fors pF ;aid Lot rh Z,1 09 u`J 4). 4A feet I h nolthwestertr liar C` tn> a ei de b i,••A prig 1] recnrda of Fiuthrac cu r. the ,. ,JiJ 7 i e.�t, nw ;;f ;aid panel, iaufh 5Fi .59 46 ­ West 1.3"I "i, fr`r,1 f the -111 nar.!htrly ,`,)Intl of lhol parcel aesCribed in Roc. _ Faye re,.onl, o! Fiotheaa County. thence along the nor fhweslerry are CJ va,a parcel, South .56'42'49' West 2396; feel to the nvsf westerty corner of said parcel !hence own" fhe th le .Fr, . of said parcel, South .33'14It" Fast 5,59.64 feel tc, tr, •not southerly •:omer of said porcel, to ence along fhe :•,u thews telly It— or sad parch, North 56'4858" Fost 9909 tern, t!,--e Saufh .3SV670 fast 12819 teet to the F J" of Beg rig ] n 3 3 3 4 -rrs of land. alt os shawl rt e'f'l. ,t u e N which ,s herew•(h " .Ind mute , purr ,r i. s legal description. Subfocl to a publ, —ndwap known n3 I,q!h jrpet being 50 !eel In width, 0-1 lying S+. r`ulh c:f )n.t :r�..i , thr .+.,,.,. .,,the,'ty 1111e , t the oboe des•:ri wd ocu c I I Pbrrw Thot p 'v. J r It" r,ho.Ayr • ! ., !rye N>I, Wesf 1.4 ',1 •i P::l+, IG, Townah ip F Nf rh, Ra+luf Plv,l Mero,cn, i.a lheua C:,..un t., Mon ten+:. Rile pair—o—, as;::-r:hed tntraovs : +immPn<in•, of inr +,orrhwelf .,• .�r ,he �,irUtheaSt l,.'9 :,r the Northwest 1 f ,r'd S ' I, % " !A' rbi•n.,e -• ar+q the weve,iy line of ,aid ubgu.•t pat :' t 4P.; 4t' 4 !Pe. I thy. POINT 1>- BEGiNNMIu t u. par er » t 11 II—C i,uth i"0619' cost 1200 'S ilia •he rr, w. .l.%y 1 f h:.f t -err descr'hmi .rs Pi if w D>rumP.nf fc ! 1 r 0 ! hec.i co ty; het >laat sold northwest,". I e r t it. J.r h d'S 1t West lit? )4 feet It" most west 1 .rne, 1 / ,.; ) 'Fan --a a•)ng the S.,Jthwesferll line nt call lac ! - tl" i f,'t to the lla+l Westerly tamer of Ida! p> d — . rt i r..e t t i0:116120, records Of F•rlhr>aR - ty Ili 4' +g h 'hw .ter/. /rne ar sa+C Tract Y. coftl 325. ,o.,t '? d s wrstery r me• a that p,!r'cer desa robed ,. F.arcu,»en, NO rh,the- roun!v, fhence along the .1SW fhweS!eriy line .•r >oi,7 Pare w,o.. South S<:sa'S2" tact '.5. 38 fel! t+> the scull the or the '.uthe.ist 1.4 .Of the Ncrthwest 1.'4 ; r said ',rc t-nn the,-.:e atria.; sets, souaa line of sa,, >6agct : ,. North 694,, C3` Ws: 645.6E• I"( to the ;,,,u!h we:;t :;pry+, If •:qr+ atiqu:,( pat then,`, otung the esf line Lot cord nhguot poi!. Nora r:0'1.I1'S8" East 11?1056 feet to the Point of Begvwmg, inn taming 99?1 4cres nr ;an,;, an' as shownI,t:: ale No which ,-, herewith ;r_ -rated ••. , nvad? ) part o/ Itus "ego/ descrlb!ian. fot;ETHER WrH o roadway .:md ,"'fl »,. banq Jtl feet rn width, and l-,Q nor h,wr.rtrry 'd ;In., rr(f •In, soulheosrerly >ta bounder, one sr the faPln. wulufe.^:'into ?•'r,. r1 4 0l (er!ifi. ate Thot p-Gan of !be $oulhwest 1 •4 of the Northwest 1/4 and the Northwesf 114 of the Sotto 1r4 I 3-b— 20. Township 28 North Range 21 West, Pr,nipol Meridian, Fiathecd ynu„ty, Muhl—, mare particutarty described as follows. COMMENCING al the northeast •-orner of the 'Southwest I/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Seel— 20. T wnshoia 28 North, Range 21 West, thence along the north hne of said oiiquot part. North 894676" HHst 9741 feel 1. the PLPNT OF BEGINNING of the pared being described; thence continuing long the north tine or said aliquot part, North 89'46'16" West 116805 feel to the easterly right -al -way line of Montana Highway No. 404. a deeded state highway described in Bank 564. Page 216-225, records of Flathead County, Montano; thence along said easterly r,gh I -of -way /me of said highway. South OOVf'00" lost 235.06 feet to the northwest catner of that parcel described in Book 466 Page 807. records at Flathead County, Montana, thence along the north and east tines of said porcel, Norlh 89'5928" East 178.13 feet and South 00'0321" West 25000 fret to the northeost comer of that por•:ef described ,n Book 391 Page 47, records of Flathead Caunfy Montano' thence -tang the east pad south lines or said parcel, South OOV3'2t" West 29978 feel and South 895441" West 27744 feet to the obove-sold east ughf-of-woy fine of Montana Highway No. 404. a deeded state highway, thence along sold east right-of-way, line at said Montano Highway No 404. ,South 00101'00" East 65.84 feet and South /403Y8" Cost / 44 feet: Mince .South 83'0441" Fall 178-5 feet to the beginning of a 10000 foot radius curve to the right: thence along said curve through a central angle of 24'47'08" an arc length of 413 6 test; thence Swth 63'1733" East 287.66 feet to the beginning of o 30000 feat rodius curve to the right, thence Wang said �rrye through d central ong/e at 42-41'07" an arc length of 22.350 feet: thence South 10'3676' East n225 feet to the beginning of a 75. OD fart rodius curve to the left, theme ,Hong said curve through a central angle of 7870155" an arc tengtn of 10234 feet ,foal, North 81'1239" East 3,T3.87 feet !o the beginning of q 600,00 foot rodius curve to the right; thence alanq said curve through a cenfrol angle o1 2CZ,9'46- on arc length of 21IJ4 feet: thence ';oath 78:37.55" East 60. 78 iset to the beginning of a 75A0 fact radius curre to the right; thence Wong sad Caws through o cenlrnl angle of 49'S6'17" an arc length of 6.5.37 feel; thence South 28-41.18" East 6255 feet to the east line of the Northwest 7/4 of the Southwest 114 of said Section 20, thence oloag said east tine of said aliquot part, North OOVO't 7" East 41, 76 feet to the southeast earner of the Southwest 114 of the Northwest 114 of said Section. 20; thence along the east line of said aliquot part. North 0001'58" Cost 1170.56 feet; fhence North JJV6 to" West 178. 20 feet fa the Point of 6eginniag, contairvng 29897 Beres of /gad, all as shown as Certificate of Survey No. which rs herewith incorporofed in and made a part of this legal description. SMIECT TO AND 706ETHER WITH o Prieole Rood and Utility Eosemear, being .30 leel is width. the centerline of which is the southerly boundary of the above described Porcei All as shown on the attacheo Certificate of Survey which is herewith incorporoled in and mode o port of this legal desarfpticn. That portion of the Northwest 1,14 of section 20. Township 28 •North. Range 2' West Princ,poi Meridian, Ffotheod County. Montano. mare oarhCulorly described us falio— Commencing of the northwest earner of the Southeast 114 of the Northwest 114 of sold sec lion 20 thence along the easlerty tine of said aliquot port South 00'01'55` West f48.88 feet to the POINT OF BECNNING of the parcel being described. thence South 3306•10" East 1200.75 feet to the norNwe,telly line at that parcel described as rrocr It ,n Onrument No 9202f16120, terords of Flathead G'ovnty, thence thong sad northwesterly fine of said Fact n, North 5655'16" East 439.8.1 feef to the southwesterly right of -way hne of U.S- Highway No. 93; thence along said southwesterly right-cf- ev line, North JJ104'19" West 756807 feet to the southeasferly line at that parcel described In Hook 37d Page 172, records of Flathead County; the,}te along sold southeasterly line of sold parcel. South .56'52'57" West 300.01 feet to the northeasterly line of that parcel described in Book 507, Page !Ili, records of Flathead County, thence along .said northeasterly line of said parcel. South 3375'4.5' East 60J7 feet to the southeasterly line of said porcel: thence Wong said southeosfedy line of said porcel. South 5648S8 Wesf f4p.83 feet. (hence .Sou In 33*067g 0" East -T06,49 feet to the Point of Beginnin, cpntolhing •75. 65l Acres of rand, oN as shown on Certibcole, of Survey No._ which is herewith incorporated and mode a part of this legal description. Reserving therefrom a non-exclusive roadway and utility easement, being JO feet rn width, fymq n,?rlhwesterly of and along the most southeasterly line of the above described Porcei 4 Reserving therefrom a non-exclusive roodway and ubady easement being JO Peet in width, lying southeasterly of and along the most northwestedy /one of the ahore descrbed Parcel 4. QVIER fFR167jLMt i rWe1 rertYv that the purpose of this survey is 1c ,efocote co•nmcn boundune:: i,+etween odio,ning propsrbes, and that no additional pallets are be,ng creored. theref,re, this survey is exempt from reviews n subdi0slale pur suanf 1.i Section 76-3-2t77 (1.1 (c), MCA Porcels I & 2 are forger than PO acres in size ono are therefore exempt front Health Deportment review. parcels 3 el 4 are located tofoby within the h'olispeil G7y-Galen ty Master Plan vireo: and//^^yore the'efor'e exempt from review pursuant to Sectian 7&16.603 Doted wrier STATE OF MONTANA � SS. COUNTY OF FLATHEAD On this -1 day of 1996. before me, the undersigned, n Notary Public for the Slate f Montana, personally appeared the aboveslgned. known to me to be fhe persons whose homes are subscribed to the loregang instrument an,, ocknowteged to me that they executed the some IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and aflrpw_8'%iy Notanof Seat the do), and year first above written. t 24 Note,), Publil for the SW—f j96,%Z- rr ` Residing at- 'T My commission e>:pmes ii(i7z,i`LZ7.t/•,'��:`+,- CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR ,9 R rrnJ- S. R. SMITH MONTANA REGISTRATION NO. 474OS (4S i Y S.. fif,.f�R. J A PRD D: 8 ,l996 i� EXAMt ING LAND SURVEYOR REC. NO. 5VX65 STATE Or MONTANA 55 +T COUNTY OF FLATHEAD ) fl O' ^ FILED ON THE>�DAf OF ,1996 A.D. At O'CLOC1(KM, BY COUNT', CLERK AND RE ,RDER DE TY INSTRUMENT REC. NO. 9629 3OU` TE OF SURVEY N0. 0912 CER TIFI CA TE NW 114, Section 20, FLATHEAD COUNTY, OF SUR VEY -\ Owner City of hol:spei: - ip s \� purpose: .Parcels ?, 3, 5 & f,• Boundary LineFliJusirrr.:• �---I - g\s'•_ p:7rei J Bounaarr Line Aa;ustment T28N R2 f1 W, P. M. , M. / �� ?� \ Porcei 4' Relracemer-t F � +-i 5'7 Gate: .tanuory 25• 1995 MONTANA �5S� -- Neld recrxd distance 9?9 73' } NW Set Car to highway centerht, per MDT R;ghl-ar-WOY plansy?- - .-'- 1D. itC J .' Sec !8 ✓a 45' /!✓-- 854.60' s rata gtrzrt wart. so 9o' nyns_of'uny FS-3(3911Da .",-� S89 52'30 _ - �19'.2t-� N89'S.,TO.W 40240�'�+� �' _�-•,' E 3s2:16' —. � ,�— /- ��""" �°•9 •T'r �^Yt' �`,'.' 4l�' ! S' Uri -1_' 2532 16' ?s 11., 4 �2" -- � ec ' Ha+th tine of the �J.'4 Secf ivn 20 .t _ Sec %0 .. -- ------------ ---Acm NE Corner rC !Q ? \ !"..--.. t N895302'' 390.92' 7 NE1 14 NW1 •-•7 rn.,a o.,gma ao sr_... ! !-'a• Jam I �� SPC ,'i7 m J `` qF'a \ Secti00 20 P06 s Q rn \ a- n; : - \ a h � � •� PareN 21 � ems• =� jb� (efummuw,l l91`4000' Resubciivisierc of 1 i Parcel Block t• Airport -t uc 4.100 acresLot I -A Aio xo'�t i Y I . ya4e � f �. ��- •••._ ��h� �' �� .vim i��\ 14 s '165 t2'fl Mill "(0 N . t i 2h `li % `� f.. a. QxR m' 16'�D'N' ' • � !n 29 r: ~- --_/' v`7 556�5�? �' '_ .�Poe eParcof J Bk 372 Pg T ua3 Parcal ;'a7r\ 41 ; n !teed Exhibit �oOk $07 Pa9p f17 ``20 Parcel 1 Bk 507 Pg TTB GRAPHIC SCALE 2W 6 ,W 2cXi t`+: O :n feet) inrh s 200 T( END T (J Fond cuntrol8ng .rec ban comer as noted O F—od 5/8' d,om ' bur- n,y ,rap :+nlef, n ue.i Found 5i Y' d;an. 5teO pm Voand t 1, d1„m ,Jluln +,ff,1L zJ. rJ un6 to cc cc ner P < . 5141 Lr icy F.�uaa £ 1,1 C 3t ,ru , .un �. rA :enr r SOai 1• ._~ d 4 _.4 ,or - ete 1 5. 8 don ebo 0, 1 1 '4 di. r»r�w pia 1, tp marked 'MIN 474i!'+ 1131 Sou th Main P.O. Box 7323 Kalispell, MT 59903 (406) 257-4323 It �Etl 23. 912 acres ; � � •, � --- �� � �p r� �x`y N89 59 :}8'E 278.i3' r t. - uti zo N � q 5845,9 ZS"W 27T.g2 i �,*, �' $ a �� w 589'5441 W 2"7:, 44' f kt _ )fBA"•4 11"W 2T5 F2 _ Rrx ,.5 50i,1 9 g n x. nw,a, mean. .V tW; 4 a n3ec 20 a w RT 59a P� `! 4 qy 21 a POT sa♦ill 'a (� `.,.'i_.- `"�. ° of E � � r" 9 0 .g\ m '8"• t (�ewt1 ' `- � TJ5�y92,"� all '10 w.\ y;g". u•J1n}55 N89'4616"W 2 55 o �\ 634.54' j IXG bwmOMl lNk.-_, _ 1265. 46 NW W16 corner Sec Wo 20 4.ic ✓ ♦ ` ti / - . .`I I POINT OF BEGINNING s-� 4a ` 1-2- '---' I Parcels 1, 4, 5 & 6P`� )- �s73i f+ Parcel 4 34.418 acres A .y45 1224 2) N89'40'O 3'"W P Parcel 6 `\ 12.527 acres \ Parcel 5 12,230 acres ,k r4 r 0 3 zFo.r daxrx cay mko. `£ i a< ° xyjet �`•. "y 1 tk �ii Y � 'p/%68� '`.rr�,rrs 2szvs en man / 5 �E'g9\6L'Lb I f .`SjO�•�/� CS �8 �CSBS°�Z / 4 NO; 4 S 4 S33 :33 ,38 E 29 9<' -� -•� ' � g C> i t•, (f � � f!'t1T 35Sa6i it F1W JCt Of' S �, r _-._e - /' 672.' s•�er u«nrm -•-""'"... `'.-- 645.66' ;r:',- 2636 86' � -- "� � tneom er or r ser't�or tlreeNN r 4 t SY[t 2n wof Sheet I 2, CERTOCATE OF SURVEY NO. %A,a&3/ 7DvaS75S-/ CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NW 1/4, Section 20, T28N R21 W, P.M.,M. FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA DETAIL Retrocement of centerline of 3rd Avenue East Page Book 604 Pa584 - p P Scale' 1 ' = 200' 'hd Ave East Fwnd s%s' bum ,aRa. ,1G q`'. en d w's 'S 3'54 "F 36 5 B4 f . n $Hl.'Kr •9r. " ^I �1 tier ,L :^ p WI L f•enmdme min-:r.�r,.n aeleaa:..•.d h. rrmn.,•e+.nre �en.nr ^zi G 5t Avo £iyvt _ ,iiou he e f the west , i r. •sew }r�1J"54 '42 E 365 82 1 - f y iW; Aver t '(Re }; a r t. d ;4rce Get Nvoh 604 '7pe L+ii4: Ij i f Pe " n n, 4'0 `h Y par'. i 7,a, 14 pa+han or lbw Northwest 1 of the N,rthwesr 1'4 Und the J ni Se.-ha+rnwrsr.p :F sFIg?fe 1 z M:), NOr(h. Range~21 west F.M,.M. d i'o,- s, Onrono, m,e m lMsrYhM oltermiiN . r^arlrt'Jfa+!y' D .:rMnd as far"!,. 1 measv�ii f+a+ne< i i ktain :treat Bfy»nmg a( the suvfRPOS? •:anr of the Northwest I/4 al fne - l� North-Cr T, 4 of said Section 2D lhM a along. the s+.Wtn !me at i tl50353'S9"E 36600 lord oliquat port North $9.4676" WISP 126646 feet to the l (Hold record distance? easledy nphf-of-way fine at Montana Highway No '04. Nerro bn) surd euslerty nghl Lot -way line North 00'0100" Wear ( 1317 IS 1-1 to me eorthal, vine at. ea'd SeCt- 20: thence w 119 .said •mil+leriy linc of .rota section, SWth 8952'3G' Eosf ,., A34. 50 1eft to the sonl7h weshr(y n0h -Of=way in, at U.S. Zhivny NO 93 thence ol000 Sad a Ibweeterfv ri,N:f-nf-Lora• 1 Are -aauth 5,11)4'19" East 59 7.5. feet 1d fRe .northerly fine of LOT 1 of In' Rlt.bdi-i ro Of Lot I B111F I, Airport AOVbab v there plot 0 wn"n is an record with the ,'hatheod County i.trk ona ^ R-1der; thenre Wang the northerly line a( sorC LOf 1. NaN r 6952'30 West 402,40 feet to the northwest corner of Sod Lot W 1; thence along the wastedy ontl sWthw re,1y Ines of Lot I and m, Le•r to at sod Resoodnnsron of Lot I Brack 1, 41rport Addition. ' 50utb 00O3'39" West 120. 13 feet -4 South 3307'39' East 51044 fee( to the most sohtherly Camr of Said Lot JA, henee ^p i Inn' the SO (hepst,ly 1- of said Lot 1A. North 564446" Fast 25122 feet to the mast westerly ran, a(.of 2. Block1. `IIIt111 A'p if Aadil to Kolespelf, the plot of which is On raco,d fn the P-thead Covnty Clerk one Recar•7w. thence `I roans 2 '/2' anon alongh s R 1 e Sr Vt WPst,l 1M Y ( f a`4 ' Y o said Lot 2 SW h 3. 7D9 Cast i dross Cop wlfn puncR mas 1499a fee/b the r2 Peg 712, ride of that parch t described m BWk J71 Pogo 177. records of flamroa -• ^ - W Covnty, thence Wong said bath westerly fine of said pace'. 3rd Ave West Sour' S65946 West 15025 (oat to the most .northerly cane, Of that parcel described in Book 507 Page 116, 1e d5 of FfotheOd County, thence "long the nathwestedy line of said Parcel, SWN 5642'49' West 93957 feet to the most westerly cd(ner of sold pacts. !hence along the southwesterly fire of. - sad pace+. South .13-14'IT" fall 55984, feel to the most southerly come of sad pacel; thence long the SaulheasteHy line of sad porch. North 56'48'58" East 23997 feet to the most eosterly Carver PI said pace/; thence g41. the nafheoslrly fine of said porcet, North 3375 4$' West 6OJ7 feet to the mast southerly h y corner of (hot parcdescribed I800, J72 Page 172, records of Flathead County, thence, .1-9 the mytheosten, line of said Pe, 4,, North 56$ 257 Eosf 31,09 feet: thence SOON 3302'23" East 20885 feet thenre SW?h 6707'05' West 9251 feet th-e South 3706'01" East 33.99 feet to the Point of 9"n-nq, contavrv,9 23 td Acres 01 lard. Of?0s shown an Catihcafe of Sony No _L_. whah is herewith rota panted 41 oad mode' o port of this legal description. 51rb)ect to a public raadw'ay kna- as lath Street, being 50 feet in width. and lying scull of ona along the most natherfy line Of the obo. described P.-I I, Reserwng thnefrcM a hart-esclasive easement fa utility plaoemen f, repo,(, and maintenance, being 30 feet in width; lying southeasterly of -it along the most sWNreoslely line of the obo.-named pace/ descred in S.Ok 372, Page ?71, records #" €P� ( of Flatneod Corium,, Montano �1. rr�r t d 1 -=ii RE?Ve` '�'S{;rS€fG 1131 South Main P.O. Box 7323 Kalispell, MT 59903 (406) 25 7- 4323 lion i,I the Northeast I,'4 .:!. the Northwest 1,•4 a a fne N.vth-0 1,-I at the N_n III.-t'l14 al SC[f+an sV. Township :8 N-th. Rare 21 We", PM,M, Flotneod ('writs M..x+tOnO, merit ponccalady. desorrh"w, s r il, w- commencing -r 'he III -It caner of Ne NJ Lheblt 1, r4 at (be Northwest 1,4 0l said 5'cr- 20, !boot olaig !h. a'h.bl 1rs of said Sec Oon X. North 89'52'JO" West '566.90 et to (he nartheostrly rghf-of-wq• hot of U.S.Highway No 95. Ihen.e along sold noriheostedy, right-of-way line. South �3J04'19" fast 71, 70 feet to the paint of Beginning of ere pace, bemq descrbed- !hence canto-g ahrng -d norfheatref" light -Of -way tine. SWO, 3304'19• fast 5S0 27 feet 1. the batheestedy right-ol-wuy line of Liar Poo k 5t... I, thence anng said nnrihwesfeir' right al -way his 'said Lion ,are Streit, North 63.12 02- Ea.( 281,20 feet to the southwesteRy nght-of-way line of Thad Avenue East. said awn[ being an a i392. 50 foot radios Curve concave s:wthwesterry, hoi09 a radial beormg of 5oufh 727YU6" Mast: thence nalhwPJ[rIV along the cur and slang the South v"'r•gnf- Of-way line of Thua Avenue Eabt through 0 •W 1M1 angle at 1974' ' oa o c des?once ai 47? 62 feet to the sauthery rvgh f-or-way line Of Eight-M Street £ sl' thence .1-9 ,ad m 1t fly Yore of said Eighteenth Street East North 89'52'JD' West .19092 het to the point of Beginning, [onfomirg 4.r res of fond, oil as sh wn wn Certificate Of Survey N0.which here.o. -pasted and mOde a port of this logo/ description That tion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 and (he Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 20, Townshp 28 Narth, Range 21 West, PM,M.. Flathead C-bty Mwntono, more p.'Ne.lody descrbed as (draws• Commencing at the northeast caner of the Nottheest .1/4 of the Northwest 114 of sad Sactian 20; thence oiM9 the narthedy to*. of said Station 20, North 8952'30 west 1556. 90 feet to the norfhe wy right-of-way litre of US Highway 93; thence Wang sold-nawtheostwly right-of-way rile, Sash JJV4'19" East .. 60748 feet to the Feint of 8egerning of the pw•tel being described; - thence continuing .fang saw natheastMy tight -of - way fne, South- JJOn t9'.East 77J56 feet to the southwesterly right-of-way, liege of Third A-, Eosf, said point being a 290100 foot radius cur. censor! natheastedy, howng .o rodiW beanq of North 7223'55' Eosf thence ncvthwesterfy along the curse odd along (he southwestorly right-of--wOr fine of Third A-- Cost, through o central Angle of 03'4705, a1 ac distabce of !9190 feet; thence confnpnq atom said southwesterly rigfrt-'bf-way /ne, Nor(h- 13'4900 M6Itt. 691.90 feetto the beglnnirg of It 139250 foot roddus ndrve to the left; thence along the cur. [hrovQfl 0 control an9te Of 0009'SO", on - OTC distolce of 3.98.feel to the "b(OP10sterly right -al -way fne of Linn Pork Street -?hence afo.9 said .0it, stedy right-af-way line of said Lion Pak Street South 6372'0Y. W.st 255.2g ( t to the PoiH of 8e9niong, oanlanng 2 0 Abr o(!ood, bit bJ shown art CartiNaale Of Sur.) No. j0_-_� which a herewith ncapaafad and made a pat of this l.qof desaiptlan.. rhyn,- crly Can KOGspeft POr ri T- C�I>Ui1C1G/r Line 4,1 L,_^fu r 'ITI SF :, �rner Nf r 4 Nii'7.. .._..._ . u,. _.'04.14' - ___.� _ ---G B!-• 4,04 ;re,, 5,"4� R t serer b01 l'c-'rzte't�rnr .'anl .4tvnue East �. 'ha s Tl+a1 aav7ian of the SovNwesr '%a at the Nafn west %, a of Sec fmn 20 fawnshp 26 North, Ronne 2f West. PM,M Flotheod Court Marlon mae pahr,.ody described as lallpws: 8eg-eq of too :Iorfhe f C at the 5-11T. st l:'4 of Phr h'arfhwest 114 of .said Section 20: fnenCe along the Or her', bar, 01 I- ahln,W part, North 89'4676" West 1265. 46 Met to the easterly nght-of-wai line of waltano Highway No. 404. thence at-" sofa easterly rlghf-of-way bre. South 000100" Eosf 235.06 'feet to the natheny line of that porcet described +n 9a.• 466 Page ITO , maids of FlaNeoa County, mince aianq sari o�tY.trly One of Sa'd purcei. North 89'59'28" fast 278 t.3 leet ea the no,"-stedy corn, Of said pone( lhexe o.aq the nsred, Irne of said panel. South 0019371• West 2,5000 feet h> the narN<OsI'd' Comer of that parcel described in Book J91 Page 4, recMds of flathead County, thence. along the easterly hnr -,a porch South 0005 1' West 29978 f .t ro Ne 5-en este'IV e:<iner of Sold p i Item,! blplq the >a1h•w'. Irne of said parcel. '>Wth 89'S441` West 2'744 feet to tte msleav right-of-wuy One or Monona H;ghwoy top 404 the ce three cawrses along cord caster(' right-, 1 U fhw '+Wln 0001'00' East 6581 fart. 5o. fh 140 r8 Eosr 164. 90 lei: ta South (160229" East JOFw ..f6 feet to the sth fne a' the Vthwest 1+4 of the Northwest I/. of E. a .e.t.a, 20; thence :tang said sW1' line a' saki O,hquat oar. SOu to 8941"03" L-f 1224. 20 feet to the southeast cane of said uiYluaf car thence .fang fie east line. of sand ahguat part, N 1h JO'0''.58" £a:.t b379 44 .l to the Paint of Beginning, f ng 344"$ s of land, .. 5 shown an Certrlrcafe 11 y No _fflp which a hearth ern, ,xpaafed anal made , oat of Nis legal descrltion ThoP P. flan •Jl the Saulit p t 7, d v! fF< North-t! 7,/4 al $ettnln 20. Township 28 ,North. R.W I?? west, PM,M. Fathead C-aty. Montana, mae particun!(v desdSed as 6-41 w L3egmnng of the northwest co,- of the.5authesst 114 at the Northwest 1/4 of sold Section, 20; thence SoOlh 3259't0" fast 152545 leer to the norrhwe ledy line of that p-el described rn 0. u. ent NO 9202116/20 recMds of Fatheeo taun(y: thence u!un .said oelfhwested lire S ' h 'S ' S'7 " West 17 7 F g V W7 _63• 6 ,, 9. R fee (O the mast w st<Of caner of said porch. thwbce along the nulhwestrly one of said pa N govfh 3.3 J3'J8• fast 1992 feel to the most westerty caia a! that porcet described tit 1lal-on, Na 9202116120, r O'ds Of Flotnead Count}; lfrence .'_q the sedth-Wly fine of said parcel, 5Wth 3259'52' East 29 95 feet to the most westerly corny a( Not paw el described in 0-0-0 No 8502216220, records of Flathead County, In— along the sWPAwestedy line of said parch. 5oufh J259'S2' East 7533 feet to the south line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1,14 of said Secsiaa "0; thence aPori said south fire of sold Miqvot pat North a'-wo3 West 64566 feet to the southwest 'a- of said 01;9-t pal; • thence oiong the west ona of mid aliquot pal North 0007'58" Cost 1J1944 fee? to the Point of Beginnny. 4onfofnirg, 2J0 Acres of load, a7 as shown M Certdicpte of 5bv y No 1 % O orb Oh is herewr[h vlc/1dPd and made o part of this legal descrp tiers TOOETHFR'WtTH a ratrdway and utility easement, being 30 feet in width, and lymq northwesterly of and along the southwesterly boundary, line of th following desmib- Parcef 6 al CrfiArble of Sar.y ff.i40 r t potion of the Northwest, r/4 of Section 20, Townshp 28 North, Rouge 21 thirst, P.K, flathead County, Montana,more paticvloriy described 0s !.tows BO -09 of (he nalhwest comer Of the Southeast 1/4 a( the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 20, Phone.' South 32,500" East 1325 45 feel to the northwesterly Me of that pager described in Document No., 92021t6120 records of Flathead Count)r, thence a(Ong said nathwestedy lino of said porch. North 5655'16" East J6L 14 feel to the SWthwesPMy right-of-way line of - US Ho,rey NO, 93,' (hmrce along sold s-th-terty, right-of-way IMe..Nath 3304Y9 Wrst 1568.07 feet fo the sautheosterfy line of that pacer described In 800 372 Page 172. re cads of Flathead CWnty, (hence along said swtheostedy fine of said pacer, South' 563257" West 266.92 feet; IpM a South 3J02'2J" East 2a8.85 fe.P; then- South 5707'OS" West 92.Si feel, thence South 370601" East JJ.99 feet to the Ponl of 8egnnng, aoaloinm9 ?2527 c::��-- of lard, all. as shown m Catai-Ie of Sbrsey No. j 4,- lrhkh Is herentith ncwporotad and mode a pat of this fagot jnb,,ptipr! R< ar?q therefrram 0 non-eickrsise eosomeat tar u11711y plaeemant, repay^; add mentenobee. being JO feet F'1 width. ling northwesterly. of and along the most sacrtheOJtedy Inc of the aDoee described Poabei 6 Reservnq thoe ligtn a non-esceysiye easerbMt for utility p+acemenf, report. ontl mdTllt4 16. beng.JO feet n width: lying sWfheosMely of anal otong the most northwesterly fne of the above desalbe4f parcel 6. 1 (We) certify that the purpose of this survey Is to reloca:< ,;ammon be-abbes oetweeo odlomiaq proposes and that n addt! l .1-Is are being creotedl Naelnr<, th;5 sb vy it en,pt ha„ renew as c ,uaarrisrna pursuenI to serhoo 76 -207 it) (a). MCA. r (We) P"the certify toot the Purpose Of ftio 5U, ey to o parcel where Qrit.t;M la t7e5 11 am be -ad, wn U l egawibq wet, a sewega drspas i 7 be -led (Kalispell C' y A. C t ay; therelare, parser 5 ;s e-rop( from +e.ew by the Me tea Cepa 'menr at t+eM7h and Cnmronmeata! Sciences --art TO 5e1fia 16 t6 61,_. Parcels 2. 3 & 6 ore located totally within the KMI.ye7 City-C-ty Most- Plan area: Ift-f re elempt norm rewew p,vs o" ra Sec tn'n 16 of; 603 Dotal �y .1995 _'V•^�_-_. Own Uwn, STATE OF MONTANA } MINTY OF FIATH��EAO On thq^yn^voy of.�( .cam 1995" f rZq T'" K.�he wfd 'nod, a Notary Pu.ic for the Stare of Mp fa a pejyygal}�1 y. �"g known to me to be the persons wh Se OliTe:4'ifGT,4',S 6+/a'i'pg Ig rrshOrn-t and acknowkged to - that IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I hove btreugto::s.-w >ty d1 1.6.0 ;Pis 14alo,lot Seot the day and year first obavOs wr' are ani.,X „}��}t X, y/ 4 Residing at My eammission- A'� •t CERTIFICATE OF $I2VY0 AT 6 S. R. SfriITH MONTANA REGISfRArON` 6�;4-lAOS APP NEO' 1 '.1995 `r_•ql "!'1!{!, E. MINING GANG RYEYOR ' EG, NO S%�rSS i STATEOFMONTANA ) 55. COUNTY OF F(ATH J - n %LED �.DAT'i99 A "AOct,P.111(�.h gq/{ . rN4tt err REC. NO `&3V SL�V . Sheet -2 of Z CERT/FCATE OF 'SURVEY NO, 12140