05/04/87 - Airport Board Terminating Airport LeaseKalispell City Airport Association
Drawer 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903
May 4. 1987 f elkmi
Honorable Ed Kennedy, Mayor
City of Kalispell
City Hall
Kalispell, Montana 59901
Re: Kalispell Airport Association Lease
Dear Sir:
The Board of Directors of Kalispell Airport Association has concluded
that there is no way the Association can perform its intended role with
the City Airport under the current arrangement. The concept upon which
that role was undertaken was a cooperative effort by the airport users
and the City to maintain the airport without it being a burden on the City
personnel or its funds.
For more than two years, we have requested assistance in the form of
lease modifications, expressions of support from the City officials, and
the ability to implement alternative operating methods. The fact that
the Association acquired its position subject to earlier commitments to
two fixed base operators who feel entitled to disregard the efforts of
the Association is a problem neither the City or the Association can ignore.
The inability of the City to let us complete a negotiated sale of the real
property that was intended to cover the City's advance has not been .
resolved, which hasn't helped.
The net effect has been that we have been unable to generate the necessary
cooperation or income to do what we need to do, and there doesn't seem
to be any reasonable prospect of a solution to the problems.
It is our considered opinion that the best interests of everyone concerned
will be served by termination of the existing lease between the City and
the Association and this letter is notice to you that we elect to so do,
under the provisions of the lease, and do not intend to take any further
action with regard to operations or maintenance of the airport. The City
is in possession of Association funds and we hereby authorize the City
to use those funds for airport purposes or assign them to any successor
that undertakes the role we have attempted to fulfill.
Kalispell City Airport Association
Drawer 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903
Page 2
May 4. 1987
Honorable Ed Kennedy, Mayor
City of Kalispell
We regret that the matter has not worked out as intended and wish you
the best of luck in coping with the problems.
Vice President
Secretary -Treasurer
cc: Strand Aviation
Stockhill Aviation
Elton Noyes
Davar Gardner
Allen Potts
Jay Billmayer
Mountain West Helicopters
May 1, 1987
Honorable Ed Kennedy, Mayor
City of Kalispell
City Hall
Kalispell, MT 59901
Re: Kalispell Airport Association Lease
Dear Sir:
The Board of Directors of Kalispell Airport Association has concluded
that there is no way the Association can perform its intended role with the
City Airport under the current arrangement. The concept upon which that role
was undertaken was a cooperative effort by the airport users and the City to
maintain the airport without it being a burden on the City personnel or its
For more than two years, we have requested assistance in the form of
lease modifications, expressions of support from the City officials, and the
ability to implement alternative operating methods. The fact that the
Association acquired its position subject to earlier commitments to two fixed
base operators who feel entitled to disregard the efforts of the Association
is a problem neither the City or the Association can ignore.
The inability of the City to let us complete a negotiated sale of the
real property that was intended to cover the City's advance has not been
resolved, which hasn't helped.
The net effect has been that we have been unable to generate the
necessary cooperation or income to do what we need to do, and there doesn't
seem to be any reasonable prospect of a solution to the problems.
It is our considered opinion that the best interests of everyone
concerned will be served by termination of the existing lease between the City
and the Association and this letter is notice to you that we elect to so do,
under the provisions of the lease, and do not intend to take any further
action with regard to operation or maintenance of the airport. The City is in
possession of Association funds and we hereby authorize the City to use those
funds for airport purposes or assign them to any successor that undertakes the
role we have attempted to fulfill.
We regret that the matter has not worked out as intended and wish you the
best of luck in coping with the problems.
Vice President
Secretary -Treasurer