Resolution 234 - Vacating Certain Parts of Street on Either Side of CourthouseA 11 - 7��SOLUTION VACAmr-rTG TA10SY, T'UO CERTAD-7 CEREM11"S OR T-WRMC; OF STREMS ON T-H- -EASTL A111-1) ITEST SIDE 07 THF� ("OTIR -j0T*SJE, 3.� I j GROTT DF) IN T-101, � Y4 THE CIT"T OF, XA1,ISP'ETL B-FV�PFIANl RUGINH A31-11) 2771"ITTH STRERT-9. -------------------------------------- -L Fr7 F I L s, jil IT RESM-X"ED BY THE CITY C0',JJ1,TC11, OF M117 CI- 0 -UTI PTILL: W.iereas it is -r-rcessary in. order to properly -p It ar the S 411 gro,and �. the 1�Yalf blocks or, th east and west sides of the Court Ho,use grounds in the City of Kalispell, uhich llalf blocks were np,etofore deeded b"i tho, Kalispel To,,mnsite Company to 'he Ci'7 of 14 T 41 Kalispell on condition t?YriA the swfie be, 7;sed for pal -king p=poses t'hat 47"he Por-t Lons of streets between the said Court House groimds and the s-Ld '-aalf blocks be vacated in order to carry out '11he adopt ed park plans for said grol�nds. BF, IT PURTU-M TZE301VY-1,11), that s�p,-jjj streets running north and so-,.,Ith along the east and west sJdes of taid Court Hmise grounds between Bight-h cand Ninth Streets he vacated, and the sa-,m are hereby vacated, there beinE no nerson , companies, associa- tions or cor-porat ions o-,,-mling or holding any property along said Streets vacated by this resolution other than the City of Kalispell and the Count-,), of Flathead- a,-Yl the sa�id Countv of Flathead ��-Ive consented to the vacating, of said streets. Passed and approved 11"ais 4t-h- da.,7 of Dilay, Lgog. At t est: H. A. Kendal 1 City Clerk B-. Jones-L- May Or The rpsolut -was -aad % A 'Rji',,9OTj-UT 107 VACATUTG THIOIP, TWO CqMAUF 53TRER-1,11,13 OR P-kT�TS OF M, ' L '�P I - 0" T-HE 71AIST A!"M 7-ro,'V SIDE 07" THE COT7RT '401ME G"RiOUND S I H T-HF, CITY 07 KAI 1SP--MLJ3-PTW_P 7T PICHT A37D '"INT111 STRNETS: BE IT PFS(,)L 7r) -13Y TIN ('1TV C011INCIT, OP� `47,, CITY OP 'KATTSPPLTTj, V�v�--?-eas it is 'necpssar-y in o rd P r to properly park t"he I grounds in, the 'half olocks on the east a�nld west sides of the Court Hou,se gr.omf s i-n "I"he rity of Kai ispell., which -'rialf 'blocks were he-etlofore deeded by Mrie Kalispell Towrnsite Company to th-,e Cit- of -posp L Kalispell oy, comitition I h��t tl,�e seuqe be used for r,�-Lrking ru� 'S; t-�--at �,"he porl" ions, of streets betwe,�n t-he said Colirt Hwlse gro-�-An-da r to c4rry t 'he ado:�4-,qd 4 said half blocks be w?.cated in orde oil park -plans "or said g'-rwinds. BF IT -PIURT-HRM that said Streets rimning north am! 'Holit"i �-]Llonr� the east west s itles of Coi-trt. Hovise r�yoznds bet'aeezl eiCfht and ninth storeet's Ve vacated, and -11-hp sz��mre- are 'Iale�'-reby vacated, �he-e bein,7, "A no pe,sons, com--�ajjies, assool tions or cor- Pora t ions own ing no r lhold ing any prore rty alomr said' st ree't a vacated by r;:� s olut ion othe r +"e-.,an -11-hq 0 ity of-Kal ispell . and the, County of Flathead; and the said rount'77 of 741,-.�thead have consented t o "-T�P wucati-nE of streets. 0-,,,i nlot j.on of Alde�r7rwm Childs, seconded by Alderman Beinv- sdid Resol-ution was �--tdopted b7 th-(' "'ollowing vote: : Beinz, Childs Ch��st!:�r, Hand, Shaffroluhi, Aye. -No IToes. It was moved bir Ald erman Chflds and Secoded b7,- Aldermar. Hand that the C,1111y- Clerk be ai.fthorized to employ a, stenogrw)"Jeer at a sala�ry to exceed Thirllv--five Dollars (�7�5.00) a month� I Mo t i r _r" m carr�ed. n nir It was -ioved by Aldermt�n Bienz, s,-�POnded by Ha.-W tha,t the City Clerk, be diradted 14'o adveirl-'ise for bids for garbage collector for the season. IIII o t i -o n c a r r -1'e d . Vqp-e�lzpor, the -�'ollo-vvinZ ordinance was read :