01-21-16 Site Development Review Committee MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Lower Level Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Keith Haskins, Senior Civil Engineer Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director
Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner Wade Rademacher, Police Captain
Tom Tabler, Senior Civil Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman
Kathy Nelson, Recording Secretary
GUESTS: James Freyholtz (Montana Department of Transportation); Mark Johnson (w/Oral
Surgery); and Susan Nicely (w/Oral Surgery).
Canvas Church — They have submitted an $180,000 bond for paving the second lift and for striping.
Public Works is still waiting for their as -constructed drawings before signing off on their C of O.
Beehive Homes — They sent an e-mail showing the costs for their unfinished work. Sorensen noted
that he wants the bond to include the pending stone work on the front of the building. Their bond
should also include landscaping. Haskins will forward their e-mail to Sorensen and Fincher.
Spring Prairie Phase IV — overall site development plan. Their engineer has plans revised based on
the original layout per Tabler. They would like our sign -off before moving forward. Freyholtz stated
that they are finished with their traffic signal review but are still waiting for information regarding the
luminaires. MDT will also be issuing an Encroachment Permit for landscaping along the highway.
We are waiting for Fincher's approval on all of the landscaping, including in the ROW. This will be
on the agenda for next week.
Kalispell Oral Surgery —180 Timberwolf, new clinic. Fincher had some final comments that he was
working out with Public Works. Nicely stated the landscape architect just e-mailed the final changes.
MDT wants some changes to the structure. This is passed through Site Review with conditions
regarding the MDT changes and Parks approval. Johnson will check in with Parker to see the status
of the building approval.
Immanuel Lutheran —185 Crestline; Phase 113 expansion. Haskins is ready to approve this project
contingent on a couple of items, but he is waiting for some final plans that show the addendums. We
are waiting for Fincher's approval on all of the landscaping. Public Works and Zoning will sign off on
this. Sorensen will get Fire and Parks sign -off later today. Haskins noted he will be asking for a bond
on the street lights for this section because they want to leave those until Phase I and 2. Nygren
discussed the next phase regarding bulb -outs, sidewalks, and boulevards with the committee. We will
need more details on the timeframe for this.
Re -Zone of Property — The Planning Board will be creating a B-3 zone for the core area, limiting
industrial uses, zero setbacks, increased height, and allowing multi -family. Sorensen noted that it
would be a lot like the present B-4 zone. Nygren was noting that once this zone is added, that they
will be changing some of the property north of Moose's on the corner of Hwy 2 and 93 for a half
block. He was informing Freyholtz of this change because of the property owned there by MDT.
Freyholtz did not think this would be a problem.
Willow Creek Subdivision — off Foy's Lake Road near the roundabout area. Bruce Wederspill is
looking at this subdivision for possible purchase and development. This subdivision has a lot of
conditions to be met, so we will need to meet with him.
Appleway Area — Jentz stated that a builder came in to discuss possible areas to put in some multi-
family four-plexes.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.
cc: Police
City Manager
City Clerk
City Airport
Comm. Dev.
Public Works