That it is the intention of said City Council to create
a new Special improvement District to be known an Special Im-
provement District No. 47 for thn purpose of constructing cement
sidewalks on oath side of the Avenue therein, the boun6aries of
which said Special Improvement District are to be as follows,
to -wit: -
Beginning at the South line of the Great Northern Rail-
way CorTant's right-of-way where the same intersects the center
line of the alley between Fifth Avenue East and WoodlawnAvenue;
thenceSOUth through the center of alle7 to the center of Second
Streeti thence west alorE the center line of Sedond Street to
a point where the same intersects the center line of alley between
Fourth and Fifth Avenue East; thence hbrth along the center line
of said alley to the south line of said Railway Co's right-of-
wayi thence east along the said south line of said right-o0way
to the plice of beginning. Said District to include the west hlf
of Blocks 191 and 192 and the east half of Blocks 40 and 41
of the original townsite of Kalispell,Montana.
Said Special Improvement Dist-ict Vein above describdd
to be improved as follows: By constucting-cement sidewalks
five feet in widthon said Fifth Avenue East within the above We
scribed lindts according to the specifications for cement side-
walks as set forth QS�cton 2 of Article II of Chapter XII of
the Revised Ordinances of 1699, as amended by Owdinance No. 197
passed and apprared July 20th, 1908.
The approximate cost of said improvements is the sum of
$1500.00 and the some sbail be paid by special assessments upon
all of the assessable property within said Special Improvement
District, exclusive of streets, allnys and public planes, and
eacWpddce or parcel of land within said district shallpay that
proportion of cost of said improvements as the area thereof -
bears to the area of the entire district exclusive of streets,
alleys and public places.
Be it further resolved that notice be published in the,
Kalispell Journal for at least one issue for the fnll tite re-
quired by It w therefor, 5AA Kalispell journal being a newspaper
of general cirdplation in said City of XalispeI15 Montana, giviQ
notice of the intention on the part of said Wy Conncii
to make said L-,,aprovei��ente notifying all owners or aEpvts Qf "he
rrnrert7 wMin shid Special Improvement District No. 47, to be
affected or benefitted thereby, that said City Council of the
City of Kalispell will meet on thp 7th Q7 of June, 1909, at
8 o'clock P.A., in the Council Chambers at the City Mill Kalis-
pell, Montaaa, to consider any objections to the final establish-
ment of said Special Improvement District, which said objections
must be written and filed with the City Clerk on or Q fore said
It is further ordered by the City Council that all
assessments levied against said property within said Special Im-
provement District No. 47, shall be paid in eight equal install-
ments or payments, the first of which shall be paid in the year
1909, and all deferred payments to bear i0erest at the rate of
six per cent. per annum, payable annually, on all ansunts re-
maining unpaid.
Passed ana approved this 25th day of May, ID09.
H. A. Kendall
CRy Clerk.
�-, 3- -,�
P MV7 � J,
.� , 71, 17 TT -1'� 19, T PZ 1 C T T, .0 . 4 7
BE I11i )RES41,117-177FID -T-� IOTFEK rT"--,' Ci)-!-" �`T-
IT Trr-Y ()I'
Is, -P F, L L,
That it is, n t e -n -io n of s a id C i t:' � Coi-ncil to create
a -�e w, Special Izqprove-t�ymt District to b4�� known as Snecial Im
prove,-,,ent District 7To. 47 for t'-kie -iirp o -, e df' c i -s tru�,t inv cemont
sidevialks on each side of t'�P- AveTme therpin, the bounda�ries of
wludh said S-recial I'm-provenent -District are to be as follows,
to -w it:
Beg i-nn ing, at th Soi-i th line of 'the rr-,-reat ',Tort -he rn Pailww
Comparj�,,' s right -of -,,,my 1�ihere� the m,,Ie intersects ""he cen+V-,-r 1 ine
of �, ll�qy be-'t�,.-,ieen Pift-h. Avemp East and WoodlTiun Av-�nkie ; t)h�ence
so-,,,t'a t."-iroligh the cen`kl-ler of alley to the center of Seco-�f-- Str,-,et;
thee-ne west alonc the center line of 7,Pcond 17treet to a point
where the sane irt ersects thp center line of all-��y between Fourt'h,
ano. -17ifth Avenue Rast, ; t-hence Tylorth alo-g +111- cen'e- line
allP,�,- to t"le S011t"'l li3l-� Of Said Pail-,-iay Co's riEht-of-vmy; thend,
east Along 1"he -! said south line of said ri��-ht o-C �,��ray to
place of beCImning. Said District 'Go include 411-he west lhalf of
Blocks 191 and 192 and the -�ast half of Blork 40 a-nd 41 of the
oridnal townsite of Kallsplljr,ontana.
Said Special Inmrove-mlent District he-ein above described
to be imrroved as follo�vs: By cons tr,,tct lng ce�ment sidlewalks five
feet in wid.1-1h on said -��ifth Aveniie East t-n(� ��,bove de-
- ro t'-- specific ations 'or ceimen+
acc-�ordinr 4
c r ib, e d 1 1 J,
a s s e t f o rt h i n I e c t i o *n 2 o11' /,.rticle 11 of Cbta-cte-r XII of the
Revised 0-dinances of 1699, as amended bv Ordil� nce 7,7,o. 197
ed and approved Jiil-,;,,- 20th, 10, 08
The approxi.,!iat�e colst of said 1=.rovements is the sinm of "'I
$1500.00 and the same shall be paid by special asse sm-ien".1.3 UP=
ail of tli- assds�3d) le pro-perty -1-irt'.hin said Special
District, exclisive- of st;,-reets, alleys an -id public places, and ei�,c]h.
-o iece or - a rc,�,-! of -I a, nd -,v i t' sa id (3 is t rict sba I I -o a Y t !,A T)r a -
portion o� cost of said as t?he area threof bears to
the an -a of t-he entire district P-xclizsive of streets, all-ys and
publ i c T)7L.a c P s
Be it further resolved that notice be published in the
Ka lispell Journal for at least one issue for the full time re-
quired by law therefor, said Kalispell journal being a nwspaper
of general circulation in said City of Kalispell, Montana, givinc,
notice of the intention on the part of sair! Cit, Coiincil to make s
said improvements notifyinE all owners or aEents of the property
within sail Special Improvement District No. 47, to he affected
or benefitted thereby, that said City Council of the C07 of Kal-
ispell will meet on the 7th 6av of June, 1909 at 8 o'clock P.A.
in the Coqncil chambers at the C07 ThIl, KalispelljHontaha, to
consider any objections to the final establishement of said
Special Improverent of said Special Inprovenent District, which
said objections must be written and fiWd with the C07 Clerk
on or before said Cate.
It is further ordered by the City CounQil t4at all assess
ments levied against said propert7 within sAid Special Improvement
District No. 47 shall be paid in' OEM eqnal installments or
paymed; s, the finst of which slall be raid in the 7ear 1909, and
all deferred payments to boar interest at the rate of six jer
cent. per annum, payable annually, on all amounts remainigg un-
OnOotlonlof&ldqrman�BeinA and seconded by Alderman
Shaffroth that said resolution be passed, Said motion was
curr-ed by the following vote: Buckingham,Beinz, Child,Hand arnd
Shaffroth, Aye. No Aces.