DECMEBER 81,2015
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and
Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board
members present were: Chad Graham, Charles Pcsola, Matt
Regier, Rory Young, Steve Lorch, and Karlene Osorio-Khor.
Doug Kauffinan was absent. Jarod Nygren represented the
Kalispell Planning Department.
Regier moved and Lorch seconded a motion to approve the
minutes of the October 13, 2015 meeting of the Kalispell City
Planning Board and Zoning Commission.
The motion passed unanimously on a vote by acclamation.
Silvermont Properties LP, is requesting preliminary plat approval
for Phase 2 of Silverbrook Estates Development. Phase 2 was
previously preliminary platted in March 2009; however the
preliminary plat for Phase 2 will be expiring in March, 2016,
necessitating the need for re -approval. Phase 2 includes
approximately 167 acres which constitutes the remaining acreage
north of the 325 acre Silverbrook Estates Development. The major
subdivision would create 197 single-family lots, 90 townhouse lots
and 18 commercial lots. Phase 2 lies at the southwest corner of the
intersection of Highway 93 North and Church Drive.
Jarod Nygren, representing the Kalispell Planning Department
reviewed Staff Report KPP15-04 for the board.
Nygren noted Silverbrook Estates Phase 2 is part of the 325 acre
PUD known as Silverbrook Estates. Phase 1 and Phase IA
received final plat approval in 2008 & 2009, and Phase 2 was
previously platted in March 2009. However the preliminary plat
of Phase 2 will expire in March of 2016, and has exhausted its
ability to be extended. The owner has now submitted a new
preliminary plat for Phase 2. The application submitted is the same
as submitted in 2009, and includes 167 acres, with 197 single-
family lots, 90 townhouse lots and 18 commercial lots (13 for
building and 5 for parking).
Kalispell City Planning Board
Minutes of the meeting of October 13, 2015
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Nygren reviewed the surrounding zoning and land uses for the
board. The Growth Policy map designates the site as being within
three different land use categories, neighborhood commercial;
high density residential; and suburban residential. The land use
designations were put in place to match the proposed uses when
the property was annexed into the City and therefore comply with
the land uses and policies contained in the growth policy.
Nygren reviewed the preliminary plat of Silverbrook Phase 2 and
said there have been a few changes, noted in the conditions of
approval, which includes a future connection to the tract of land to
the west and a park connecting the townhouse use to the
commercial use along the highway. He also reviewed the phasing
plan for the remainder of the subdivision.
Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and
Zoning Commission adopt staff report KPP15-04 as findings of
fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that Phase 2 of
Silverbrook Estates be approved subject to the 46 conditions listed
in the staff report.
BOARD DISCUSSION Osorio-Khor asked for clarification on the location of the, park area
that is proposed in the commercial part of the subdivision. Nygren
said additional parkland is required that would provide a
connection into the commercial area to the north of the townhouse
area. Nygren explained further.
Graham asked about condition #12 regarding the private irrigation
water mains placed within the 10 foot utility easement and
Howard Mann explained there is a well house in the northeast
section that irrigates the entire subdivision and the main lines ran
down Silverbrook Drive. This condition is addressing the
irrigation of the trees along the boulevard strips, which are in the
city right-of-way but our maintained by the HOA.
Graham noted the conditions address the waiver of protest for an
SID for Church Drive and he asked if Church Drive is a city street.
Nygren determined that Church Drive is owned by the developer
and the southern half would be dedicated to the city and that the
City Attorney thought it was appropriate to leave that condition in
the staff report.
Graham said Condition #34 requires that a note be placed on the
final plat that states `Be aware that an existing arena and race
track are located to the north of the subdivision. Noise generated
by the arena and race track may be heard from your property."
Graham asked whether this is something the city should be
addressing? Nygren said the note on the plat would notify
potential owners of the noise that could be generated. Graham said
these are seasonal activities and when the developer is trying to
Kalispell City Planning Board
Minutes of the meeting of October H, 2015
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market these properties in the winter how would a potential buyer
gauge how much noise would be generated. Osorio-Khor added
perhaps the placement of the note on the plat would protect the
developers because we live in such a litigious society someone
could buy the house then say that they were not told about the
noise issue. Nygren noted it is on the plat for informational
purposes and is not a requirement, as is the note for the
agricultural purposes.
Graham mentioned a quotation mark was missing on condition
#29 and Nygren said it belongs at the end of the condition, after
the word doors."
Lorch asked for clarification on condition#6 that requires a zone
change for lots 33 — 40 from R-4 to R-2 and he asked if this is a
change from the original submittal for Phase 2. Nygren said those
lots were originally planned as townhouse lots and the developer
wanted the option to make them single-family to mesh with the
rest of the development in this phase. Nygren added this change
along with the additional park requirement noted previously were
considered minor and were approved by the site review
Graham asked if condition #29, which is the recommendation of
incorporating acoustical architectural measures for houses facing
the highway, was part of the original submittal of this phase and
Nygren said yes, it was a recommendation by MDT. Graham
asked if the intent is to recommend these measures and Nygren
said no, it is a condition and would be required, however if the
board feels the change of the word should to shall is warranted, it
can be amended. Graham said he doesn't think it should be a
condition but decided on by the developer or owner before
PUBLIC HEARING I President Graham opened the public hearing.
Howard Mann stated that they would prefer condition #29 be a
recommendation not a requirement, but up to the individual
homeowner who builds on those lots.
Graham asked Mr. Mann about condition #34 that mentions the
noise from the arena and race track and if the developers wanted
this condition to inform potential buyers. Marvin Galts said in
reference to condition #34 he sees it as a notification to the
purchaser so at least if it is there they have been made aware of it.
Graham asked if Mr. Galts would see that as a benefit to them and
Galts said yes.
Osorio-Khor asked if there was an additional road added to the
west and Mann said no, this is the original PUD and preliminary
Kalispell City Planning Board
Minutes of the meeting of October 13, 2015
plat. Nygren said there is a provision for a connecting frontage
road to the west if that tract were to be developed, recommended
by the Public Works Department. Nygren said the easement would
be dedicated to the city and there could be a potential for a loss of
two lots if the connector is required in the final design.
MOTION Regier moved and Young seconded a motion to adopt staff report
KPP15-04 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City
Council that Phase 2 of Silverbrook Estates be approved subject to
the 46 conditions listed in the staff report.
BOARD DISCUSSION Young informed the board that notes on the final plat are no longer
being accepted by the County Clerk & Recorder and they may find
that they cannot record the plat with the notes included. Young
said they can, however, be included as conditions of approval in
the staff report. Young agreed that the notes protect the developer
to a certain extent.
Graham questioned the need for the note under condition #29 if it
is just a suggestion and Young said this is a pass through
suggestion from NOT that there should be some soundproofing on
the walls that face the highway. He added it would then be up to
the developer to decide whether they pass that on to the lot
owners. Young said even if it was changed to shall there probably
isn't an ordinance that would require it.
Pesola asked if there is another mechanism in which the MDT
recommendation could be passed on, without including it as a note
or into the conditions. Nygren suggested adding those items into
the covenants.
Lorch said he hadn't heard that the County Clerk & Recorder is
resisting the placing of notes on the plats because there isn't a
clean way to pass this information onto the potential buyers and be
sure the conditions stay with the plat.
Eric Mulcahy, Sands Surveying said two sessions ago the
Legislature changed the rules for how surveyors and engineers
prepare and file flats. It came about because every county in the
state was doing it differently and some were essentially putting a
book on the face of the plat. The surveyors said what they are
certifying and putting on the plats is essentially the description of
the piece of property where the boundaries are being amended, not
certifying that the roofing materials on a house are fire resistant,
for example. Mulcahy said the compromise would be that an
addendum would be attached to the back of the plat, a separate
sheet, that would then get filed. Mulcahy added Flathead County
has not yet changed what can be on the plats.
Mann noted condition #29 was recommended by MDT before
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saw the extent of the berms and pathways along the highway
which has alleviated a majority of the highway noise. Mann
doesn't feel there is even an issue anymore.
Lorch moved and Osorio-Khor seconded a motion to amend
condition #29 to read, " The following note shall be placed on the
final plat: Builders of homes on Lots 357-363 of Block 31 and lots
305 and 334 of Block 29 should consider incorporating ......."
(The remainder of the condition wording would not be changed).
Lorch noted that would allow them to be standing out on their site
and determine whether the amount of noise would warrant using
the measures.
Young agreed with the change.
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Graham asked if condition #22, which requires Silverbrook
Estates to add the 9 recommendations from MT Fish, Wildlife and
Parks regarding minimizing wildlife attractants such as garbage,
fruit trees and bird feeders, is also part of the original plat. Nygren
said yes. Graham noted he didn't think the city should dictate to
the HOA what should be included in their covenants.
Discussion was held regarding the existing covenants for the
subdivision and whether or not these suggestions are currently in
place for the first phases of the subdivision. Osorio-Khor did not
think the recommendations were onerous.
Graham moved and Pesola seconded a motion to delete Condition
Pesola suggested these recommendations could be posted on a
public bulletin board in their open space and there are other ways
the community can be made aware of them. He also has a hard
time requiring that the covenants be changed to add them. Lorch
said they won't have to change their covenants if this was an
original condition of Phase 2. Mann said they already comply
with these recommendations in Silverbrook, as far as he is aware.
Young noted that the city's regulations state that the planning staff
is required to consult with any entity that they feel appropriate.
The planning board, in making the decision, should consider the
effects on the natural environment and on wildlife and wildlife
habitat. Young said that is what we are mandated to do and if MT
Fish, Wildlife and Parks, as a governing agency, have suggested
that this is what is imputed he would say an appropriate place for
these recommendations would be in the covenants. Nygren noted
they could also amend the covenants for the first phases, if they
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are not already included, so it would cover the entire subdivision.
Osorio-Khor agreed that Young has made a sound point, although
she understands Graham's point -of -view. In this case she said she
would not be in support of the motion to delete condition #22. She
added the developer should receive copies of any letters received
from any government entity that pertains to their subdivision.
Mann noted they are in the process of reviewing their CCR's and
they could incorporate the recommendations when they receive a
copy of the letter from MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks with the 9
recommendations listed.
Lorch said the recommendations could be added to the CCR's or
on the final plat or as an addendum that would be attached to the
final plat; however he agrees that the CCR's is the appropriate
Regier said there are things in the CCR's that fall under the city's
jurisdiction such as signage or height but paint color and
birdfeeders are not within the city's jurisdiction.
Further discussion was held.
ROLL CALL I The motion failed on a roll call vote of 3 in favor and 3 opposed.
MOTION — DELETE Graham moved and Pesola seconded a motion to delete Condition
CONDITION #32 932, which states: "The following note shall be placed on the final
plat: Property owner(s) shall waive their right to protest the
creation of a special improvement district for sanitary sewer
upgrades which will serve the subdivision."
BOARD DISCUSSION Graham said this condition was removed from a previous
subdivision — Beehive Homes — because the city collects impact
fees that are used to pay for the west side interceptor. The city
council was clear in there discussion that if the fees were
insufficient through impact fee collection the cost would fall back
on rates. Further discussion was held.
Young stated he felt removing condition #32 should be a decision
by the city council and not a board recommendation. Young added
if the city council removes this condition the council should
instruct the planning staff not to include conditions such as this in
the future.
Osorio-Khor agreed this should be a council decision.
Pesola stated he doesn't like waivers either and thought it would
not be difficult to contact citizens in the future if upgrades needed
to be made. Young suggested that if the EPA changed the rules
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and you have a waiver it gets applied equally to everyone, and the
property owners would be aware that it is a possibility in the
Graham agreed this should be a decision made by the city council.
Lorch suggested that the board perhaps obtain additional
information on waivers to better understand the issues.
The motion failed on a roll call vote of 2 in favor and 4 opposed.
The original motion, as amended, passed unanimously on a roll
call vote.
Owl Corporation is requesting a preliminary plat approval for a 3-
lot major subdivision of 4.082 acres within West View Estates.
The land use of the three lots has not been determined at this time.
Owl Corporation is requesting to utilize all municipal public
services including water, sewer, police and fire services. The
subject property to be subdivided is located along an unnamed
street, approximately 130 feet west of Taelor Road and north of
Old Reserve Drive.
Jarod Nygren, representing the Kalispell Planning Department
reviewed staff report KPP15-03 for the board.
Staff noted some corrections to the staff report conditions of
approval which included changing the language from "prior to
building permit issuance" to "prior to final plat" on Page 6 and
moving and renumbering some of the conditions.
Nygren reviewed the proposed subdivision location and the zoning
of the subdivision and the surrounding area. The growth policy
designates the property as high density residential which
anticipates condominiums, apartments and low intensity
commercial land uses. The preliminary plat is consistent with the
subdivision regulations, the zoning and growth policy.
Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and
Zoning Commission adopt staff report KPP 15-03 as findings of
fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the
preliminary plat of Owl View Subdivision be approved subject to
the 17 conditions as amended.
Young noted the board has reviewed this property before and
Nygren said in 2013 there was a zone change submitted for this
property which resulted in the current RA-2 and R-3 zoning which
was less intensive than their requested RA-3 and R-5 zoning.
Lorch noted the board also reviewed the Owl View Townhomes in
this area, where infrastructure is currently being built.
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Eric Mulcahy, Sands Surveying, 2 ViIlage Loop, Kalispell
reviewed the staff report and indicated the developer is
comfortable with the recommended conditions, with the noted
amendments. Mulcahy noted the owner Mark Owens, owner of the
Owl View property is also present, should the board have any
Lorch moved and Young seconded a motion to adopt staff report
KPP15-03 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City
Council that the preliminary plat of Owl View Subdivision be
approved subject to the 17 conditions listed in the staff report, as
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Nygren updated the board on the casinos text amendment approval
by city council. He said the outcome is that casinos are permitted
only in the B-5 zones, with the 600 foot minimum spacing
Nygren noted currently the only agenda item scheduled for the
January meeting which is a request for a conditional use permit to
operate the "Assist Center" which would be a transitional facility
for people leaving the hospital but not quite yet ready to go home.
The center would be located at 1280 Burns Way.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 p.m.
No work session was held.
The next regular planning board meeting is scheduled for January
12, 2016 beginning at 7:00 p.m. and located in the Kalispell City
Council Chambers, 201 1 "Avenue East, Kalispell.
APPROVED as submitted/corrected: { I 1 a 116
Michelle Anderson
Recording Secretary
Kalispell City Planning Board
Minutes of the meeting of October 13, 2015
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