Be it ResolveA by the City Council of the City of Kalispell:
Atat it is the intention of said city council to create a new
Special Improvement District to be known as.Special Improvement
District No. 24, for thy: purpose of proving the avenues therein,
to establish ades, curbs and construct grass plats, sow grass,
seeds and plant trees thRrain and to grade the avenues QereiE the
boupdaries of which said Special Improvement District are to be as
follows to -wit:
Beginning at a point where a line drawn through the enter of
Fifth Street would intersect a line drawn through the cuter of the
alley between Main Street aLd First Avenue West and from thence ansoutherly line through the center of the alley to a
in the center of Ninth street and from thence running in a westerly
dire9tion throveh the center of Ninth Street to a, paint where a line
so,dr;wi would intersect a line dr,,:avn throi*h the center l of the all
betyeep First and Second avenues West and from thence in a norther-
ly qirection through the center of the said alley to a point in ,the
center of fifth Street and from thence to the plakce of beginning.
Said special kGrovement District herein above described to be
i-mproved as fy1pjsf Ay establishing a grade, ulon First Amenue
West within the linits above described) constructing curbs within
said bound4rips on both sides of s�id First Avenue West graveling,
grading and.boulevarding the same, sowing glass seeds and planting
trees inthhe grass plats, oradingy ,up t%e center Of said Avenue
between said chrbs which said curbs shall be twenty feet from the
property lVes; bringing the Av6n=e to grade and placing, gravel
thereon, gQ01 it a roundid and smooth appearance and surface
and also by establishing and putting in crossings wherever the same
may be, TWO OR grass plats shall be arranged as follows: next to
the plat 7 1/2'feet in widthl'then a walk five feet in width and
between walk aid curb there shall be a.gryswpl. at 7 Q feet in
The approximate cost of said improvements is the sum of
and the same shall be paid by srecial assessments upon 411 _707?_`the
assessable property within said Special Improvem6nt Districti exclu-
sive 6r streets, alleys rid public places, andeagh piece or §arcel
of land within said district shall pay that proportion of the cast
of said improvements as the area thereof the area of the
entire district, exclusive of streets, alleys and publA places.
Be it further resolved that notice be published in the
Kalispell Journal for at least one issue for the full time required:
by law therefor, said Kalispell Wrnal being a newspaper of general
circulation In said City otAalispell, Montana, giving notice of the
intention on the Bart of sold City Quncil to make said improvements
notifying 411 owners or q0 ents of the property within said Special
InVrovement District No. 2s4, to be afflAyd or benqf Jed :tom reby,
*hat said City Council of the City.of Kalispell will meet on the
21st day of May 1908 at 8 o'clock P. N. in the Council chambers at
the City Hall, Kalispell, Montanal to consider any objections to
the final establishment of said Special Improvement DiStrict which
said objection s must be written and filed with the City Clerk
on or before said date,
It is further ordered by the City Council, that all -assessments
levied asainst said property within said Special Improvement Districat
No, 24 shall be paid in thxee equal installments or payments, the
first of which shall be paid in the year :1908, and all deferred
payments to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum,
payable annually.
Passed and arproved this l2th day of May s 1908.
City Clerk,
May o