Resolution - SID 36A RESOLTWION TO FSTABLISH S,CIAJL IIRTROTR,11,5�,'NT I)TSTRIC11. 110. 36, BE IT RRSOTWED BY TIM CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OR KA-1,185PELL. That it is the intention of said city council to create a new Special Improvement District to be known Fs special Improvement Districto Fic. 36 for the purpose o f construct -'I--,g cement side -walks L on each side of the Avenue therein, the boundaries of which said special improvement district are to be as follows: Co=encine at the intersection of the center line of the alley between First and Second Avenue East, vii-th Fourth Street; thence south throligh the center of said a1ley to its intersection with the center of Fifth street; thence viest through the center of Fifth street to its intersection with thealley between Main Street. and First Avenue 7ast; thence north through said Alley to his inter- sect -lop, wit'n Fourth Street, thence east through said Polirth street to the place of beginning. Said district to include the West half of Block 77 and the last half of Block 76, of the Original Townsite ofKalospell, Montana. Said Special InproverPent herein above desc.ribed to be improved as follows; by constriAzcting cement sidewalks, five feet in width on Firs' 'd Sa 3L 4 Avenue east within t1rie above described ljlMits according to the spec ifications for cei�ient sidewalks as -set forth in Section 2. of Article II of Chapter XII of the Revised. Ordirlance of 1899, as amended by Ordinance No. 1,97, passed and approved July 20t'h, 1908. The arproximate cost:.: of said iLiaproveents is thesLum of $625.00 and the same shall be paid %, d by Special asse'ssroents upon all of the assessable property within said Special Lfprovement District, excliisive or streets,, alleys and public places, and each piece or parcel of land within said district s3hall pay t"hat prof ortion of cost of said improvements as the area thereof bears to the area of the entire district exclusive of streets, alleys and piiblic places. Be it fur ther resolved that notice be published in the, Kalispell Journal for at, least one issue for the full ti-.iae reqiired by law there -for, said Kal:s spell Journal being a news.-pap-er of gener- al circul<:4.tion in said City of Kalispell Montana, giving notice of the intent ion on the par7r of said City -Council to make said inprov- ment-s zllotitrine all owners or,agents of the rxopert�r within said Special Improverient District N 36, tea 'be affected or benefited thereby. that said City Council of the City of Xalispe112 will meet ol on the 3rd day of iAugus-t, 1908 at 8 o'clock P. M. in the Council Chwribers at the City Hall, Kalispell, MontF�na to cc,­-hsider a.W1 ob- jectlons to be the final establ-1shr,,ient of said Special Improvement of said Special Improvement Distr ict, which said object ions must be 4 wr-in, tteand filed with the Cit-,� Cleon o rk r befoSari d date. Tt is further ordered by the City Council, tr 4, ,�, all assess® ments levied against said property -.,iithin said Special Improve- ment District No. 36 shall be paid in eight equal installmxents or payments, to the first of vil-Lich s-!:all be paid in theyear 1908 f and all deferred payments to be interest at the rate Of Fix per cent T-er amnia m payable annually. 1'Passed anda-1vr.,roved this 20th day, of Jul'y 1908. James Harbert, Mayor Attest: H. A. Kendall, Citv Clerk.